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FsJ 1939-42 ofp mod released !

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The Basic Pack needs the Upminder ww2 weapons pack to work ! [ Link ]


i'm glad to inform u about a new mod just release to public !

It's called "Fallschirmjäger 1939-1942" and 'talk' about the German ww2 Parachutistes from 1939 to 1942 (After 1943 u can play with the awesome Inv44 units wink_o.gif ).

We've release the first Basic pack. The Basic Pack, as the name implies, forms the basis for most other FsJ 1939-42 addons. Included are different infantry units, vehicles (an Abwurfbehälter, a DFS 230 Lastensegler) as well as shared textures, weapons (a Flammenwerfer 35, a Panzerbüchse / Granatbüchse 39..) and config files.

Moreover, this Basic pack it's fully compatible with Liberation mod folder.

-> Mod website

-> Gallery

-> Credits



§ DFS 230 Lastensegler (a glider, european camo)

- Animated doors

- Animated canopie

- New driver and cargo anims

§ Abwurfbehälter (an ammo carrier - movable and static versions)

§ 4 Parachutes

Static objects:

§ DFS 230 Lastensegler (a downed glider, european camo)

§ Landminen markierung

§ Torn Fu b1 (a radio - movable and static versions)


§ 34 Fallschirmjäger soldiers (17 w camo + 17 w battle dress) - textures by Folgore, hacked by AtStWalker


§ a C96 Mauser "Broomhandle" pistol

§ a Mp40 (3d model by Upminder, textures by Kingtiger)

§ a K98 and K98 sniper (3d model by Michael)

§ a Mg34 (3d model by Upminder, textures by Kingtiger)

§ an usable FlammenWerfer 35 (+ oiltank)

§ a Granatbüchse 39

§ a Panzerbüchse 39

§ an handgrenades set (Ehg39, Sthg24, GebLad)

§ a Satchel charges set (Hohlladung, Sprengstofftasche, Tellermine M35)


§ 2 tutorials about the FmW35 flamethrower and the Parachutes

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The Basic Pack needs the Upminder ww2 weapons pack to work ! [ Link ]

Moreover my friend Klavan and me, we've make a demo mission !

- Description: "FallschirmJäger ! U're the elite of the Third Reich ! You will come trained to land behind the enemy lines with our assault glider DFS 230 and to take, from the Abwurfbehälter, the SturmPioniere weapons !"

- Language: EN, ITA, GER

U can get it Here the mission


Some screenshots: (-> Here u can see all the galleries inlove.gif)

A downed DFS230 lastensegler (a glider)


The Grenadebüchse 39 (a grenadelauncher type 39)


The Panzerbüchse 39 (an antitank rifle type 39)


The Abwurfbehälter (a parachutable canister)


The Funker


At thumbs-up.gif

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Tha link works for me.


Finally you have released it!

Great job as usual! thumbs-up.gif


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now we can do another point of view of the invasion of France and the Crete campaing, thanks!!!

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wink_o.gif Greaaaat Work!

I'm proud to made a mission in Crete with these fantastic addons. :P

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Nice mod  wink_o.gif

Found acouple of bugs though:

-C96s iron sights are too low. Bullet hits above the crosshair.

-The K98 scoped is impossible to aim. The sights just look upwards.

-In the demo mission with the parachuting supplycrate, a 'downed chute' follows it along the ground.

-The flame thrower has no mag in the gear selection.

-The movable ammo crate thing vibrates and moves when you get out of it.

Other than that its looking good. I especially like the glider with its destroyed model  thumbs-up.gif

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First of all, i need to say that you did damn good job. At least it's possible to make missions with Fmj [imagine fmj actions in russia behind enemy lines) smile_o.gif.

But there is one anoying thing:guns & ironsights (those Pzbr39 are awfull :<)... [i think you could use weapons from Villas WW2 pack and if he will allow, edit them a bit. Now i'm useing weapons from Lib and FML Weaponary pack].

Strange thing is that you still used ww2 Up pack in Lib config, i thought that i will see here soldiers with lib ones weapons.

Waiting for next version wink_o.gif

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@ Greg147:

Thanks for ur positive critics smile_o.gif

Ok i can fix the bugs founded on c96 and k98 weapons.

1) About "the "downed chute" follows it along the ground".. yes i know this is a know bug.. erm.. how i can explain the cause crazy_o.gif i've modified the points on bottom of the crate's chute to follow the ground line... damn sorry for the bad english confused_o.gif maybe a screenshot taken in oxygen could be useful to understand the cause of this bug, ok ? smile_o.gif


2) "the flame thrower has no mag in the gear selection": i'm sorry i don't know the cause of this problem confused_o.gif i've used mav/wwiiec flamthrower script

3) -The movable ammo crate thing vibrates and moves when you get out of it: perhaps it's caused by the tiny size of the canister help.gif

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Hi Reyhard !

thanks smile_o.gif why the guns and ironsights are all anoyng thing ? huh.gif i've used real photos of iron sights (except the one of the pzb39..). I'm not a great weapons "blacksmith", i'm high (maybe) skilled on vehicles confused_o.gif .. if a fan has a 3d model made by himself of the mp40 and/or mg34 i'll be glad to texturer them with the textures made by Kingtiger thumbs-up.gif

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Hmm, i guess you saw a Liberation or Invasion 44 sights, i just don't like when i see black and white textures and flat weapons in fpp. Some isues that anoys me have allready reported but some not. For example ironsight of Mp40, it would look much better when it will be only black. And as i said before, maybe in lib config you would use liberation mod weapons? Another thing is that Mg34 fire only in burst mode.

Ahh, and i found some pink textures on your glider and would be good to fix it smile_o.gif (i don't know how to texture so if it's not your fault don't blame me).

Anyway, great job AtStWalker.

Mirror from OFPC PL

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can anybody post a pic of them frying a AI with the Flame thrower ?


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