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Digitalae Stargate Addons

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Great News, I have just finished making the Stargate Daedalus class ship model, that should be in-game this week.

I have also released a newer version of the Puddle Jumper from Atlantis.

You can find it here along with screen shots of the Daedalus, more will be released this week and I might release the Hatak too (if I can fix the weapons) no promises though smile_o.gif


Please note that these are early versions and I will improve them in the future, I am also not trying to compete with anyone else, I simply like stargate and want to release some addons, for fun only. These are not supported by MGM or any other company.

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I just took a peek at your gallery. Looks good! Looking forward to more news. Good luck with your projects. smile_o.gif

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could you give a little explaination of what these addons do. I am not sure what they are ...

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you can go on stargate existing topic to see what addons are already released or will be released wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

here stargate's website (addons ofp)



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Sorry about the broken link, I've just checked it and it is working now.

The Addon contains a readme file and the dae_jumper1.pbo

The Puddle Jumper is a ship from the Stargate Atlantis & SG-1 TV series, this is an early version which only has basic functions & textures, so it doesn't represent the final version, it also doesn't have all the cool features the TV show version has, yet.

I've released this just to show that I haven't stopped working and to try and get some support and help with the addons.

Heres what I've made so far (that I can remember):




X303 - BC303 (Prometheus)

X304 - BC304 (Daedalus)

X302 - F302


Staff Weapon


Ribbon (hand device)

Alkesh (Goa'uld Bomber)

Atlantis Drone Chair (outpost) + Drones

Staff Cannon (static version)

and some other....

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I agree, great work on the jumper digitalae.  

I have had great difficulty flying different sci-fi ships into the gate, but your ship looks like it'll work just fine.

The space ships out there use scripts to hover and fly, makes flying into the gate very hard.  But I will test gate travel with this and see how it works.

Thanks for making it, a digitalae and walmis team up would be cool smile_o.gif  Just thinking out loud('whistle.gif'wink_o.gif

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just had a look at this thread and wow you have done alot but one qustion tho

the starships how are thay going to work cause they are quite large, will they be static objects with loads of gunz and your able to walk around in them? just wondering thats all it all looks promising

one more thing ....

you have progrees report and scrreneis of this monsters ingame?

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Hopefully none of the addons will be just static, unless they are things like gun implacements (but these will be operable too), the cruiser and capital class ships are flyable (such as the daedalus and Hatak ships), so far though I am having problems with the Geo lods as they can't be too big, which is why ships can fly through my other larger ships. Someone suggested that I use loads of small Geo's to fix this, but I'm not sure how yet.

I don't think the ships will allow you to walk around them while in flight, another limit to OFP, but while they are landed I might add some areas to walk around in, I would prefer to keep them as vehicles instead of static locations to walk around in though. Vehicles like the Jumper will allow you to walk around the rear section and I am adding things like the Hatak 'Pel'tak' (bridge).

I'll be adding some screen of the ships ingame this week (just added some new images before too).

I am also planning to start work on Atlantis's City (this will be static and built onto a map), Wraith Hive & Cruisers along with the dart which is allready underway and the SG-1 Ori Battle Cruiser and Asgaurd ships.

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I got to test it today dude , nice work smile_o.gif Even works as a troop carrier. And the handling / stability is perfect. I know the sound is beta but It's still funny to hear it fly overhead biggrin_o.gif Hope the finished version will have mobile dhd script.

Can't wait for more!

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I've also tested the Jumper, and it looks good so far.

Just some constructive criticism:

The handling when flying at low speed is good, no problems flying through the gates, but at higher speed it looks quite strange flying like a helicopter.

Perhaps you know this Airwolf-Addon:


It features a quite good Boost-Script, perhaps you could use that on the Jumper...

And perhaps you could make it a bit faster...

Well, so far. Looking forward to new version.

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hey i know this is off topic but if anny one watched the last episode of sg1 season 9 you will see that well i dont want to spoil things but the ori ship are HUGE thay barley fit thro the supergat how in the hell you going to make them to scale h'tak vessels look like pins copared to them

thoght that need metioning wink_o.gif

you know you could be the first person to make flyeble starships i cant wait to recrate the battle for antartica

(i have made a misshion but its 302's vs a-wings and y-wings cause noone has relased any gould ships)

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Hi all, well more good news;

The X304 (daedalus Class) is in-game and I've added some in-game shots of it along with a Hatak and Alkesh, to my website.


I have seen all the latest episodes of SG-1 and Atlantis so I've got some screens caps of the Ori ships, they are huge especially when you see a Hatak fly over, which the Ori ship is about 5-6 times larger. I'm going to try and add that ship in, but I don't think OFP will handle a ship that large, but all I can do is try. I'm not going to make a super gate though, not much point since it has to be in space and this would have to be slightly larger than the Ori ships. I also thought about making the Ori satelite and having it either stionary of the ground or as a very slow moving vehicle.

Atlantis S3 Spoiler ahead!

If you think the Ori ship battle is big, season 3 of Atlantis has a Ancient Replicator controlled Atlantis City, which apparently flys to Atlantis to attack it (city vs City style). The city is about 10 x bigger than the Ori ships, so if I do model the city it won't be moving and will comprise of many small models joined together.

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Yes the X304 has a forward railgun on it at the moment and is also able to fire missiles, I'm currently looking in to using scripts to add multiple railguns along the ship to give the same fire archs as the series has. The main problem is getting the missiles to fire like on the show, the missiles launch upwards then fly to the target from across the top of the ship. I'm going to see if I can use the same launching technique as the Scud launchers in OFP.

I'm also working on a shield for the X304 and the Hatak.

From what I can tell from some screen caps of a Hatak and the X304, the Hatak is slightly bigger, however the models I have at the moment are still a little too small, so they will be resized before the final release.

I am currently looking for help to complete these models, so if you have a lot of experiance in scripting & configing or even texturing please drop me an E-Mail.

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good job on the fully playble starships

right to the point if you need any help with sqripts ask the god of it all philcommando he made multible turrents possible if he's not to busy he may help with the ships.

for the missles have you placed them facing up? it may seem a stupid quistion but if you change sum valuse that could make it track faster it may work (dont ask me to doit i cant mod or config im just an ideas bloke)

hope this helps

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um its been two weeks now and no one has used this forum any one still working on this shame if its dead was really looking forward to this

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Don't worry I haven't stopped working on the Addons, I've been back in work after taking some time off so I haven't had much time to post any news, but I have still been working.

Currently I'm working on finishing off the Jumper and Daedalus, the Daedalus bridge is in development along with the mess hall and the engine room.

The Hatak and Alkesh have also been improved and I will start working on their bridges tomorrow.

I will try and upload some new shots of the models by the end of the weekend.

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Well as promised a small update today.

Here is the picture of the Daedalus Bridge WIP, doesn't look like much right now because I had to start it again (first one didn't look right to me and this will have much more detail). Good news is that the hard part is done so the rest should be done much faster now, and I've also started on one (hint) of the Hatak Bridges.

Hopefully much more news this week or on the weekend.


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