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Monkey Lib Front

Insurgency Mod For HL2

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Thanks for the info. So the marines dont have any CQB ordnance besides their sidearm? Well except maybe the M4?

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Wow...hard to believe thats the source engine.

As a huge hl2/source engine fan and mod player, this one is at the top of my list. It looks so impressive for the source engine. I can't wait.

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Wow...hard to believe thats the source engine.

As a huge hl2/source engine fan and mod player, this one is at the top of my list. It looks so impressive for the source engine. I can't wait.

Indeed usually Source + open spaces = death :P

Looking like one of the most impressive mods I've seen yet.

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If the gameplay can keep up with the awesomeness of the graphics - and the info about the mod points into that direction - this will OWN.

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sorry but to me this looks like a shooter! pistols.gif

okay, realistic ballistics goodnight.gif

large maps icon_rolleyes.gif (suuure)

But in the end this will turn out to be a game in which BOTH sides play like suicide maniacs (respawn) and firefights will be short range only. Nothing to do with realism (in my eyes)... the entire effect of suprise is gone, you can always guess where the enemy will confront you (like in any shooter). And again the entire city is empty.

In OFP you can go on a patrol and never be sure when the enemy might cross your way (or do it at all). And the thing that makes OFP so realistic: It can be unfair! It might be that the convoy is hit by enemy fire and noone survives! But in this game "balance" is crucial for game fun!

Yesterday I have seen a footage of a tank crew hiding inside their Abrams because they are attacked by sniper fire and cannot locate him . They guess his position in a tower several hundred meter away. But they are not sure, cause the fire could come from any house in the village nearby. That is the tension I demand from a "realistic" game and only OFP is capable to do it? Looking at these screens I think I would always be able to know from where the sniper shoots at me. I know the ladders, I know the windows.. etc.

So if this game is so realistic, then where is a realistic attack on a convoy scenario (and not the silly scene I seen on the screenshot)?

And what is the bullshit about weapon caches? If I am an insurgent and I am going to risk my life I will make sure I bring enough ammo!

Realistic amount of grenades? well does that realy make a difference?

Respawn = Backup? are you serious? can you still create a realistic situation in your mind? I cant! Do you mind dying if you can respawn within seconds? if you die in OFP (coop) you are might be out for 1 hour or more, so you are indeed a bit more carefull!

So your feedback on this game is pretty astonishing to me. This is the same stuff like CSS or americas Army (look at the damn Screenshots will ya! ).

Everyone is always on alert, short range fire fights, unrealistic athmospherics and situations due to engine limitations.

CSS is fun to play and at least it doesnt claim to be something it is not, realistic. So the most self contradicting people here are those that make fun of CSS and praise this mod instead. Same shit, different cover!

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Albert...while I agree with much of what you say I can't help but think.....dude...didn't take your happy pills this morning? biggrin_o.gif

He is right about the features that make all of those military games with ''realistic features'' so unrealistic though wink_o.gif

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sorry but to me this looks like a shooter!   pistols.gif

okay, realistic ballistics  goodnight.gif

large maps  icon_rolleyes.gif (suuure)

But in the end this will turn out to be a game in which BOTH sides play like suicide maniacs (respawn) and firefights will be short range only. Nothing to do with realism (in my eyes)... the entire effect of suprise is gone, you can always guess where the enemy will confront you (like in any shooter). And again the entire city is empty.

In OFP you can go on a patrol and never be sure when the enemy might cross your way (or do it at all). And the thing that makes OFP so realistic: It can be unfair! It might be that the convoy is hit by enemy fire and noone survives! But in this game "balance" is crucial for game fun!

Yesterday I have seen a footage of a tank crew hiding inside their Abrams because they are attacked by sniper fire and cannot locate him . They guess his position in a tower several hundred meter away. But they are not sure, cause the fire could come from any house in the village nearby. That is the tension I demand from a "realistic" game and only OFP is capable to do it? Looking at these screens I think I would always be able to know from where the sniper shoots at me. I know the ladders, I know the windows.. etc.

So if this game is so realistic, then where is a realistic attack on a convoy scenario (and not the silly scene I seen on the screenshot)?

And what is the bullshit about weapon caches? If I am an insurgent and I am going to risk my life I will make sure I bring enough ammo!

Realistic amount of grenades? well does that realy make a difference?

Respawn = Backup? are you serious? can you still create a realistic situation in your mind? I cant! Do you mind dying if you can respawn within seconds? if you die in OFP (coop) you are might be out for 1 hour or more, so you are indeed a bit more carefull!

So your feedback on this game is pretty astonishing to me. This is the same stuff like CSS or americas Army (look at the damn Screenshots will ya! ).

Everyone is always on alert, short range fire fights, unrealistic athmospherics and situations due to engine limitations.

CSS is fun to play and at least it doesnt claim to be something it is not, realistic. So the most self contradicting people here are those that make fun of CSS and praise this mod instead. Same shit, different cover!

Your entitled to your opinion even though you've never played it.

I'm not going to try to convince you that or talk rationally to you because you seem to be fairly fanatical about your hatred(?) for anything other than OFP when it comes to first person games.

But weapon caches in iraq are realistic and the insurgency do use weapon caches to resupply themselves, the team have many military advisors and a few of them have actually been to iraq.

To anyone else I've been testing this and it doesn't play anything like CS, but again ignorance rears it's ugly head again in that you've judged the entire gameplay from a few screenshots which where taken 1 month into beta testing  icon_rolleyes.gif, this mod has never claimed to be OFP.

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It'll be defined by its players - much like OFP. If you want to play tactical, then you can do so. If you want your CS hat on - you could probably do that [although lack of provision for it in the way of no crosshair will put that lot off hopefully].

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Albert...while I agree with much of what you say I can't help but think.....dude...didn't take your happy pills this morning? biggrin_o.gif

I dont know why I always sound like that biggrin_o.gif . I read it again and I must (unfortunately) agree with you. Sounds a bit frustrated though.. but people who played OFP with me and heard my voice over teamspeak can (hopefully) agree, that I am a rather sunny person.

@Monkey Lib Front

-I did not say weapon caches are unrealistic. But the context in which they function in this games rather sounds irrational

-Military advisors are always a great help, but they cant change the engine! You move forward in a squad, after playing three hours you know the map and all potential strategies. You see something moving, you know it must be the enemy, you shoot, he is dead. All you have to make sure is to cover all sides and know the map. But that is already important in CSS, only that you can take more hit-points. So no great achievement. The streets are empty, the enemy is always nearby.. you know his weapon capabilities (since they are always the same).

I am not a hardcore OFPler. In even enjoy playing CSS regularly (and I play a lot) as well as any other shooters. And I was already several times attacked for having admitted that. And I claim having played the majority of the most popular ones. I even admit playing childish games like WOW once in a while. But from my experience there is no such thing as realism in such a shooter because the necessary Factors can not be guaranteed because they contradict game fun and balancing. But a realistic game works without game fun and balancing. But I promise you I will try it out, and post my comment here once again, and I have no problem admiting mistakes. But I am already sure about one thing, map-routine destroys realism! And no game unlike OFP was ever capable to surprise you with different environments over and over again!

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The question is, what can this mod give me, that OFP can't?

What type of "freedom of choice, what I want to do" has this game/mod?

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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perhaps its just me, but many of you seem to blaze past the point that it's a free mod, aimed to extend the life of HL2 - these guys are working their nuts off, as do the flashpoint moders, for no reward...

im no fan of WW2 or Finnish military, but i still downloaded the FDF mod... surely the old saying that goes around the addon boards applys here? If you dont like it, simple dont download it, and leave those who do like it to discuss and enjoy?

I agree it wont be anything like ofp, it will suffer some trademarks of CS on the map familiarity front, but im excited to - because its something new for a game i havnt played in a while, and it looks damn good - its obvious how much time and effort has been put into this.


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So many nay-sayers. Even if its not 100 gazillion percent realistic, couldn't you still play it because it may be...dare I say...fun?

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I'll play it. I haven't played anything Source related in 6 months, but I just updated Steam in anticipation of this. At least it's free.

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So many nay-sayers. Even if its not 100 gazillion percent realistic, couldn't you still play it because it may be...dare I say...fun?

Asking: "Is this more like a Battlefield Style Ego-Shooter", is not saying someone will not play it or that it is bad.

This is OFP forum, so here are people playing ofp for a long time for some reason.

For me, I do not own HL2 and never played it. But if this mod is something special, there is a chance that I am going to buy HL2 for this.

I did the same with Red Orchestra and UT2004.

Never played UT but RO is something very special, so I will buy the full version RO: Ostfront 41-45, when it's released.


At the moment it looks more like a shooter, but I will be happy if it is more.

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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So many nay-sayers. Even if its not 100 gazillion percent realistic, couldn't you still play it because it may be...dare I say...fun?

I'm with ya there eb!

That's why I've been playing a lot more CS:S and DoD:S in my spare time as well as OFP. Realistic? No. Nice mature community? Hell no (although there are exceptions) but Fun? Yes.

I think it's important to not be so snobby. We know OFP is good but that shouldn't stop us from having fun.

The only exception to this rule is when someone clearly takes a backward step in realism such as the Rainbow6 franchise. Then they deserve what they get in these forums biggrin_o.gif

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That's why I've been playing a lot more CS:S and DoD:S in my spare time as well as OFP. Realistic? No. Nice mature community? Hell no (although there are exceptions) but Fun? Yes.

the one and only reason i play - its frustrating putting up with all the 12 year olds who shout n00b etc, but for a 20minute frag fest when you're a little bored, nothing beats it smile_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Damn that's nice! xmas_o.gif

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