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Sabot or High Explosive?

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What about HESH? Is there any addon that uses HESH rounds?

Probably hard to replicate the real impact of HESH rounds. Wich means; It can be done crazy_o.gifwink_o.gif

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HESH or high explosive squash head, is just a high explosive round that destroys a tank using a stream of molten metal sooo... combine the visual effects of a HE round with the APFSDS damage values and voila instant HESH (thats how i'd do it) smile_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

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That's how a HEAT shell works.

HESH works by having the head of the round and the plastic explosive inside, flatten out against the surface of whatever it hits before exploding (the fuse has a short delay on it to allow this). It's designed to create a shock-wave that causes pieces of the inner hull of the vehicle to break off and spray about, causing damage over a large volume inside the vehicle. It's not designed to penetrate armour per-sé, but can do depending on how little there is.

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like most of the anti armour rounds, its designed to destroy those who are operating it, not the vehicle itself (as much)

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That's how a HEAT shell works.

HESH works by having the head of the round and the plastic explosive inside, flatten out against the surface of whatever it hits before exploding (the fuse has a short delay on it to allow this). It's designed to create a shock-wave that causes pieces of the inner hull of the vehicle to break off and spray about, causing damage over a large volume inside the vehicle. It's not designed to penetrate armour per-sé, but can do depending on how little there is.

You mean that if hit by a HESH round, you'll get your head chopped of by the steelwalls protecting you?

Evolution and inventions are... wierd  crazy_o.gif

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It will be a mess inside a tank after you get hit with something like that.... I think your better of as infantry...

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Heh, sniper here.

Long from the heat of battle biggrin_o.gif

How many different tank-ammo-types is there for OPF btw?

Are they all replicated correctly?

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That's how a HEAT shell works.

You mean that if hit by a HESH round, you'll get your head chopped of by the steelwalls protecting you?

Evolution and inventions are... wierd crazy_o.gif

More like perforated by thousands of jagged, supersonic fragments.

To guard against this 'spalling' as it is called, the newer M113 variants are outfitted with a kevlar layer on the interior walls to help contain the fragments of the interior walls. I'd imagine that most if not all methods of piercing armour (shaped/hollow charge, squashed head, kinetic penetrator) all cause some spalling when they impact armour.

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