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retexture Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier 2

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i have retexture the carrier again

they are 2 roadways pbo's , TAKR_n.pbo and TAKR_hwos.pbo

TAKR_n.pbo is first part of the ship and TAKR_hwos.pbo is back part of the ship

bugs :the same bugs from the old carrier

you are free  to use or change the texture and need a good addonmaker to finished the carrier

picture's are inside the rar file

a fix version , new door TEX and you dont seen no more water inside the carrier from the backside

here is the link:


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Cheers Eddy,

I think Gnat, tided up the LOD's in one version. Is it just a case of overwriting the p3d's (keeping your new roadway LOD's), to use his LOD's with your textures?

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i have put a fix version of the carrier , link is in the first post .

new hangars doors texture and you see no more water in the backside of the carrier

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Does this new version have Gnat's fixed up LOD's?

Oh also I would recommend that on the demo mission you replace the BIS Su-25 Frogfoot with another aircraft as the landing gear automatically goes up when you land or take off with it.

I still need to try it with Footmunch's Su-27 to see if it works ok with that.

Also is anyone working on an actual KA-27 helicopter addon? That would be awesome if someone made one for OFP as it is one of the most widely used helicopters in the Russian Navy.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Oh also I would recommend that on the demo mission you replace the BIS Su-25 Frogfoot with another aircraft...

Surely that would mean more addons and more hassle for the mission user? Thats not what you want now is it wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]...as the landing gear automatically goes up when you land or take off with it.

This is caused by the roadway lod being higher than "ground level" on the map. It only seems to affect some aircraft, which would suggest that its something to do with the complexity of the memory.

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Well its that or have newbie players delete this great addon because they think that the ship is messed up and useless because they crash when they land on it and explode when they try to take off.

So I think the trade-off of using a 3rd party addon is worth it especially if it has a nice convenient URL link to the download in a readme file.

When I get home today I'll try experimenting with different aircraft to see if I can find a Su-27 or some type of Russian Naval aircraft that works correctly. Hopefully Footmunch's SU-27 works as I know that on his US Navy aircraft he made sure that they work aboard the US aircraft carrier addons.

I hope BIS resolves some of these issues in ArmA.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Guest RKSL-Rock
When I get home today I'll try experimenting with different aircraft to see if I can find a Su-27 or some type of Russian Naval aircraft that works correctly.  Hopefully Footmunch's SU-27 works as I know that on his US Navy aircraft he made sure that they work aboard the US aircraft carrier addons.

I hope BIS resolves some of these issues in ArmA.

It wont - unfortunately after extensive testing a while ago in conjunction with CBFASI we came to the conclusion that only aircraft with a fixed gear would work.

To get any other aircraft working you need to use the work around used for Hudson & Pennywise's F-18 and the FLK Sea Harrier.

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i use the SU-27 from spetsnaz mod , very nice plane and a good airbrake for landing on the carrier

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yeah, spetsnaz mod made that Su-27 work very well with Kuznetsov smile_o.gif

about that airbrake, try to land that Su-27 completely depending on that airbrake from 1st persons view...

somehow, when i play with 1st person view, that airbrake just don't seems to work, but when i try it in 3rd person view it works... strange thing, but when i almost everytime am practicing to take-off, fly and land with 1st person view from/on Kuznetsov it matters a lot(besides in this way it's more difficult! and i like it! there isn't any problem that people could solve or live with it)

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What would be really cool would be if someone took that old Yak-41 VTOL aircraft addon (classed as a helicopter) and converted it to a real VTOL plane using the Falkland Mod's Harrier or perhaps a modified version of that script. I know its not a great plane, but still it was and I believe still is used to a limited extent. That and a working KA-27 Helix would help to give this addon teeth. Other possibilities include adding a Surface to Ground missile capability like the real thing. My own mod has done this with our Eilat class destroyer and the system works well.

The CoC Tomahawk sytem would be used also but that one takes a long time to initiate and fire. But still its an option for realistic precise strikes on land targets.

At any rate thanks for the info on the Spetsnaz Mod's Su-27.

I will start using that.

Also there is an old KA-26 addon unfortunately in Hungarian textures, but still, if you are willing to overlook that, at least it is close to the KA-27's design. It can be downloaded here:


At the very least the KA-26 will make a good placeholder for mission makers until someone makes a working KA-27. Vit was updating an ancient beta one he had, but sadly he never released it.


Hopefully soon we'll have a fully functional Kuznetsov aircraft carrier with its actual aircraft all fully working and ready for OFP combat. Until then hopefully the Spetsnaz Mod's SU-27 and that KA-26 will provide a start for mission makers to start working on missions using this great carrier addon.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Quote[/b] ]Does this new version have Gnat's fixed up LOD's?

No, it has all kind of objects stashed away in the LOD's.

Quote[/b] ]Hopefully soon we'll have a fully functional Kuznetsov aircraft carrier with its actual aircraft all fully working and ready for OFP combat.  Until then hopefully the Spetsnaz Mod's SU-27 and that KA-26 will provide a start for mission makers to start working on missions using this great carrier addon.

I have a large collection of small addons, that convert most of the available aircraft (those that need converting), into carrier compatable ones. At least for the AI. Only you would have to use it with the ATC addons installed (no need to run it).

Once the LOD issues has been sorted out, I will add rough and ready support for the Kuznetsov, to allow the AI to land and take off. But it will be a while longer, before there is a realistic working aircraft carrier avialable.

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Nice work Eddy biggrin_o.gif

> Another Beta nearing ready for release <

- One PBO file (smaller)

- Only one object needs to be placed in editor

- Multiple pieces built and rotated automaticily

- No more holes in the deck

- No more crashing (for undercarriage compliant planes)

- Arrestor hook script

- Launch scripts

- ATC enabled

- Oh .... and working elevators smile_o.gif





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hey! awesome! that lift works, cool! now it will need hangar, so i don't know you will make it or no... but if you will, it'll be the first released aircraft carrier with working lifts and hangar in ofp!

P.S. i see still lightning needs to be fixed...

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Great to hear that, Gnat. Any chance that you fix those remaining deck lighting errors that can be seen on your pics?

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Nice one thumbs-up.gif

I did wonder about those Radar dishes. Kind of trivial compared with what you have done so far, but if you can find the time to animate them? It would be a nice finishing touch.


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looking great , Gnat

look out U.S.NAVY , the RUSSIAN NAVY IS COMING smile_o.gif

keep up the good work

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UNN, you shouldn't used that phrase, now will debates will come, but not from me, because i know who is best :P rofl.gif

Hold on [APS]Gnat and eddyD, pdfs and videos are coming! those videos are awesome, i didn't knew i can get them...

you will see there Kuznetsov, it's aircraft, hangar, lifts, radars, cabin inside smile_o.gif just awesome stuff...

just wait...

I wonder if ramboofp is still making new Kuznetsov's model after he lost it after HDD problems... confused_o.gif

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when people would want to get Su-33 3D Max model from me...

sadly, no one is interested  sad_o.gif

how 3d model looks

P.S. i'm still holding that model in HDD, maybe someone... but only maybe confused_o.gif

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hmm , think i have that video of kuznetsov , were that SU-39 jumping reround over the deck and come back for landing again .

by that landing he break hes right wheel . is that the one you are talking about Gedis

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not Su-39! it's Su-25UTG and only this mod is used for russian carriers...

yup, same video and 3 more :P

i'm still searching for more... wink_o.gif

P.S. just wait when i'll have all collection, then i'll PM both to you eddyD and Gnat as well...

a bit off topic, but this shows what Su-30MKM can do (similar to Su-33, except Su-33 is naval fighter)


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Quote[/b] ]UNN, you shouldn't used that phrase, now will debates will come, but not from me, because i know who is best :P

Well, you have lost me completly. But there is nothing wrong with informed debates, even when you do...err know who is best huh.gif

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Wow, nice vid... it seems to be much more agile than the Su-27SKM I saw in Paris, and that thing was quite agile too... But I think your title should be changed to "Databank" or something like that instead of "Member", Gedis... wink_o.gif

Nice carrier, haven't tested this yet though (I have a mission waiting though - the old test mission, with RHS Inf, SFM Su-27 etc. - gonna be sweet).

Now, we just need an U-2G for the US carriers... tounge2.gif

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