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FOR WH40K fan

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Hoke-Pvt @ Feb. 17 2006,20:37)]Would you be able to send me the sound you already have? I have been giving a fair bit of thought to the sound of the bolt round...and I might be able to knock something up...(something with a deep pop as the round leaves, followed by a woosh/roar as the rocket propellant kicks in and the flight of the bolt fading out....) this is inspired from the novel "space marine" where the author describes the sound of distand bolter fire

[email protected] on msn

Also, what sort of sound did you have in mind? more impact sound or semi-explosive? I have a sound that is a mix of explosive AND impact

Tahnks for the helping hand, but I fear that would create for some players heavy lag when bolters would be fired in burst mode.

The sound used to play the flying sound of zuni rockets and explosive sound at impact, but Spad for exemple still have terrible lag with SM units.

On the other side, Assault cannon firing bursts of tracer 10 rounds don't create such lag on his PC.

The eldars already use a special flying sound that did not help Spad's computer huh.gif

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hy guys I have the crimson fist and legion of the damned testures skins made..when I'll have free time I'll add Captain Cortez so you guys we'll have another chapter to work on eh??

keep it up

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well we are working hard to finish the first release and the crimson fist or space wolves could be in the next with the black templar

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Out of interest, could you script in a custom chapter? So, that you could swap a few textures around and add in some insigna to create your own chapter for missions (say, you would be able to choose 10 different coloured textures for shoulder pads, kneepads, helmet, etc.)

I think it would add a bit more scope for mission editors and fans wink_o.gif

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i have an idea concernig sounds for the weapons

dawn of war is currently the most accuret warhammer game based on the warhammer univers why dont you use the sound files for the weapons from that? it would save time and it would sound cool also for close combat i know this has nealy been sorted but is it possible to use the animations from DOW and implement them for the AI cause most players will try there best not to get to close to the enimey i just thoght this is something you could try it would make it alot better (its fantasic already) and look really cool as well. and i was reading some of the old stuff at ofpscfi and archangel metioned custom stuff for gettin in and out of dropships (eg thunderhawks) that AI uses as well is this still going to be out in well enogh of my rant hope this idea helps in any way

rock and roll

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I tried but the sound format used is unknown to me confused_o.gif

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use a recorder with the option (record what you hear) wink_o.gif

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The sound is probabley in wav or ogg format, encoded in a .sga file wink_o.gif

I don't remember but it's not a format I can read. And I have no more DOW in my PC.

The Hidden texture selection could have been interesting but I fear it would be something monstruous managable only by the newest computers. The game would have to manage hundreds of texture pieces, multiplied by the number of needed LODs, if I'm right. However this problem is far beyond my current skills.

Where are the Scythes of the Emperor ? icon_rolleyes.gif

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well some news, tau stuff progressing well, all icon are done

new optic are add for the terminator

campaign are on the way and first map is almost complete

imperial object pack start

eldar object pack almost done (but not in first release)

imperial unit are progressing

old cadian are lighly redone

cadian guard with new armor texture


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have watched the progress.

perhaps someone will make CTI and COOP missions for this mod.

This would sure be fun.With all that stuff,i would be busy for weeks. biggrin_o.gif

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all mission maker are welcome we have a campaign maker but if some people want make CTF or other multi mission they are welcome

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but SP mission?

if yes and if you are interrested contact me by pm

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hey guys just been playing the FDF mod and they have a very good close quters systems (the batons biggrin_o.gif) get into contact with FDF they can help with close combat (i try me best to help) i luv you guys inlove.gif lol

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Tau Hunter Cadre  xmas_o.gif




Run Forest,.... RUN !!!! rofl.gif

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Have the "getting prone" function disabled from also from the regular troops? (if i understand correctly they have been disabled at least from the termies?) it's just that i don't see anyone being prone in the pics

sorry for the english.. i'm from finland you know wink_o.gif

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For the shooting, the positions were not disabled. I only used static animations thumbs-up.gif

Those animations won't be available in-game.

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how about the space marines? they have all the default ofp animations? wow_o.gif

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That has to be the coolest thing yet for OFP. I mean thats even cooler than... than... never mind. It's the coolest thing ever. I love the kneel stance on thoes guys.

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