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Special characters??

Chaplain Lemartes p3d and textures finished !!

I am going to add to the model purity seal all over and i'll send the pbo to my team mates that will post for you the pics...Just wait.. he has a totally new helmet !!

But unfortunately he is on foot...following the codex rules he can goes at foot aswell..so it's OK!!

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excellent work folgore, lemartes is a good choice.

special charactere are the space marine characters lke marneus calgar for the ultra, ragnar for the space wolves, lysander for the imperial fist, commander dante for the blood angel etc...

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Sorry for the little picture I am quite new in uploading them and showing on the forum...Anyway the special chracters are useless. Because we should find a solution to the close combat...I was thinking to add a max range and make the "Bullet" a 2d texture like a part of the body equipped with the weapon on a 2d texture that hit the target like mazinga and hokuto no ken japan style (it reminds me soo much Lemartes )eh eh...don't know if it could be done...

If we find a good solution we could add also the tyranids ..I think that the range could but like a pistol and the speed of the Bullet/texture in alpha channel changes if the chracter is good in ccombat

For example

The genestealers are ingame and uses Pcwarrior pbo.we should use and animation like that and just add a max range and a textured bullet of the chracter that hit ... Why Philcommando don't help us ???Pleaseeeee

i hope you understand me.. my english is not so high grade

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yes i inderstand you speak like me smile_o.gif

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Right gonna bring up a few discrepansies now :P (Im not going to be harsh, just advice smile_o.gif)

1: Fix the lighting on your vehicles, as nice as they look, the lighting errors bring them down a notch

2: your SM drop pod is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to big it should be this big (note, the drop pod in pic shown IS from forgeworld smile_o.gif)





hope these help get the right size smile_o.gif


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maybe you will be interrested in helping us wildo for modelling or finalizing O2 model welcome.gif

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excellent !!

folgore an apothecary pleaaaaaaaaaaase

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Spad I know that you like so much the apothecary but in the tabletob itself i own 7 different armies most of them are lealist chapters and I can admit that i don't have any in them.

i have one sanguinary priest in my BA honour guard but i am considering the idea of elimante him from the army because he is expensive in points .

They could work like doctors in ofp but certainly they aren't so important at the mom. I prefer working on HQ choice and complete the sgt for all the chapters we have exceptly for Black templars because their sgt are all in the Sword Berthren squad

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yep but apothecary is the doctor of the space marine so we must have one, we can use the same model for each chapter.

but it is your choice and i accept it.

well space marine pack going well and i hope to finish it soon

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agree with spad smile_o.gif all apothecaries have the same colour (white) the only difference is the Chapter Badge yay.gif

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OFP isn't WH40K Table top game. Some rules can't be applied to OFP, except maybe with tons of scripts which will only allow players to use a few number of troops, and without the help of a ultra-modern gigantic PC... whistle.gif

The apothicary is already configurated since a long time, only waiting for Folgore's texturing skills to complete the unit.

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Well guys I didn't say that I won't make one but that they aren't either an Hq choice so please understand that it's obvious that i concern my efforts to finish the most common units and then I am going to make also the secondary one like the techmarines and the apothecary..hope you agree with me that this is not a priority.

I perfectly know that this isn't the tabletop gaming style because ofp is totally different but I cannot see the point of a death company marines without a leader to lead them...and even if they are a close combat devoted ..and ours aren't like I wish.

Anyway NOT all the apothecary are the same for example sanguniary priest are apothecary totally different from the others Corbulo is an example and HE is NOT all white but red..

Space wolves do not have them but the chaplain called wolf priest uses a sort of potions to help the injured marines...

The next one will be Space wolves and their Chaplain/priest like Ulrick..

Spqr send me back the cpp with the corrections please

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i love the space wolves

okay i am agree with you now for your model choice

but don't forget that for every chapter you make texture, i have to make some for the vehicle crazy_o.gif

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okay boys, help wanted

we are looking for a good mission maker and campaign maker

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predator and rhino dark angel are done

icon by yarbi wink_o.gif


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to be continued biggrin_o.gif

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Perhaps a little more detail could be added to the Steel Legion uniforms like wrinkles for the jackets?

Like in this pic...

They just look a bit "plain" in comparison to the other units in the screens so far.

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with the tau fire warriors the dont look like they stand right

if u get what i mean

but otherwise it is a f@#king exellent mod

Australia Rules

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