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ALL options in jets

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probably already mentioned but now an old topic, and I woulden't want to defy my warning to not bring up old topics so here we are read or don't read.

well when I got ofp It seemed like the original jets kinda sucked were limited if you use a mouse instead of a joystick and back then did not support force feedback joysticks, now I've got some good jet addons with moving huds(heads up display) and I was hoping in ofp2 they would make EVERYTHING about the jets a total simulation like a game I have called "F/A-18 Korea" in this game you can turn on the radar and watch it, change the range settings on the radar from air to ground and by distance too. when you use a missle like mavrick you could actually view the mavrick nose cam in cockpit on left display screen and then you could lock it onto a building or tank and fire it, the HARM and WAlleye had unique and cool targeting systems that I wish ofp had.

abilitie to jettison bombs or missles for emergency balencing situations. plus this game had very good instuctive videos right in game to teach you how to do stuff. almost reminds me of americas army where you take the medic quiz but I would hate that as a manditory thing, should be voluntary.

anyways the game "F/A-18 korea" made by graphic simulations corporation. you should look into very realistic. but you should also be able to call tower and ground to request landing or taxi instructions. having aircraft carriers I'm sure ofp2 will have you need to look into this game. only problem is this game is so old that it only uses voodoo5 graphics cards so if anything newer and it won't work. I've not seen this game played with good graphics but it was fun

anyways thanks for reading my post. and if you're one of those people that gets mad whenever I post anything just please take a deep breath don't read my post and just forget about my post. don't send me pvt messages, don't reply to this topic whinning or giving me unneeded crap. and please don't lock this post. I'd like to hear feedback from +positive people, if you hate my idea, just forget about it and move on with your forum browsing. I know for a fact not everyone will agree. but you don't gotta tell me.

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probably already mentioned but now an old topic, and I woulden't want to defy my warning to not bring up old topics so here we are read or don't read.

wtf does that mean ??

maybe this ?

i was warned not to do this but i am anyway so if you warned me about it dont read this ??

go play lock on mordern air combat or something !

agreed planes in ofp are a bit cranky and maybe could do with a few more features but as was stated in the other topic like this a while ago you cant simulate every aspect of everything in one game

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I agree that all the vehicle parts could be simulated better but it shouldn't be as complicated as a real sim which normally only covers one type of vehicle. The main focus should be kept on the infantry part of the game and once it's as good as it gets they can focus on other things.

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There has to be a reason why there are SINGLE simulators for planes, tanks, ships and such. Maybe it´s too costly and time consuming to simulate every unit accurately ?

Scenario: All vehicles simulated top-notch

Hardware: Go buy a Cluster

Price: About 40 - 100 million euro

Time of developement: About 20 years

Playable: hardly, unless you join the appropriate unit IRL


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Not to mention that if you get the jets simulated then people are going to want helicopters and tanks simulated and things of that nature.

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anyways thanks for reading my post. and if you're one of those people that gets mad whenever I post anything just please take a deep breath don't read my post and just forget about my post. don't send me pvt messages, don't reply to this topic whinning or giving me unneeded crap. and please don't lock this post. I'd like to hear feedback from +positive people, if you hate my idea, just forget about it and move on with your forum browsing. I know for a fact not everyone will agree. but you don't gotta tell me.

lol i must have missed that first time round.

basically you dont want people to reply unless they're agreeing with you..?

you dont want to discuss your idea ?

a discussion being a friendly civilised argument.where people have different thoughts on a subject and listen to each other points of view and talk about them.

i dont think theres any point in simulating everything to that extent in one game..each role in the game needs to easily accessable to everyone.

theres alot needs upgrading about planes but having it fully simulate everything about them would kill the fun i think..

like in lock on the keyboard is mapped about 3 times over for all the controls

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I'd like there to be a more realistic depiction of aircraft controls/features in the Next Great Game, but I'm realistic. In the time it takes for you to screw around with the radar, set the autopilot, set the weapons computer, you'll have already flown over a good portion, if not all, of the detailed, object-laden island. The fps would go beserk if you've got all these little features. Flight-Sims get away with it because the engine is designed for air-time, with hardly any ground contact (or attacking low-res objects) with plenty of time to set yourself and the aircraft up for the mission at hand. It would be nice, but not very practical.

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Quote[/b] ]harley 3 1185 Posted on Nov. 11 2005,22:15


I'd like there to be a more realistic depiction of aircraft controls/features in the Next Great Game, but I'm realistic. In the time it takes for you to screw around with the radar, set the autopilot, set the weapons computer, you'll have already flown over a good portion, if not all, of the detailed, object-laden island. The fps would go beserk if you've got all these little features. Flight-Sims get away with it because the engine is designed for air-time, with hardly any ground contact (or attacking low-res objects) with plenty of time to set yourself and the aircraft up for the mission at hand. It would be nice, but not very practical.

i think u should read my friends idea of viewdistance, i dont know if its possible but it would save fps. like different settings for different units. the last one.



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But it would be nice to have improvements on all the vehicles realism.especially armour on specific points. aircraft should have flare chaff ecm etc. maybe at least a basic general radar. nothing too amazing but it would be a nice improvement. and maybe those miror things soldiers get for looking round corners biggrin_o.gif

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Instead of having BIS trying to make a hybrid Infantry/Tank/Flight/ whatever else Sim, it might be an idea to work along with other Sim builders to define a joint interface where games of different companies can play together. E.g. OFP with LoMac, whistle.gif

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It would be nice if the cp\g's had infra red low light views on the screen instead of just a normal screen with targeting boxes overlayed

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Well, in my opinion jets are just an addition, not much bigger or more realistic than in bf2...

Sad but true.

Sure, I want jets done as realistic as they can be (taking into consideration above mentioned...), but flying jet is a bit too dynamic for ofp right now I think...

helos, tanks, cars, even naval warfare - ok, but jets are to fast imo.

In rl noone flies on altitudes that are quite common in ofpish type of flying (bf comes to mind), besides ofp islands are too small to simulate air warfare.

just my 2 cents

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A system similar to Dangerous Waters would be good, where you have stations that behave like the real thing but have a simplified interface. This way you can use realistic tactics and strategies without having to go through hundreds of pages of manuals for each platform. Though even that level of avionics and similar systems for tanks, ships, etc. would mean alot of work.

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This way you can use realistic tactics and strategies without having to go through hundreds of pages of manuals for each platform. Though even that level of avionics and similar systems for tanks, ships, etc. would mean alot of work.

Good.. My sole argument for not having "ALL options in jets"

Look at the Lock on Modern Air Combat key-setup page, then add the switches/dials/buttons they didn't allow you to use..

- Ben

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