Jackal326 1182 Posted November 9, 2005 I agree with AOCbravo2004, keep them both. Looking very good, and the imminent release sounds cool. I see you're learning fast in that instead of giving an exact date, you're giving a vague answer, which is something it took me a long time to learn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt_Eversmann 1 Posted November 9, 2005 lol ye... ok I make it that way so everyone is good with it then... but I need help with the config!1!! on the sgtev_assault and sgt_sniper the setobjecttexture thingy is working well...but on all the other units NOT! <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//blueprint of the Config by Andersgrim //edited by SGT Eversmann #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define WeaponNoSlot 0 #define WeaponSlotPrimary 1 #define WeaponSlotSecondary 16 #define WeaponSlotItem 256 #define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096 #define WeaponHardMounted 65536 class CfgPatches { class SGTev_Swatguy_addon { units[] = { "SgtEv_assault", "SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_OD", "SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_WL", "SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_gr", "SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_cc", "SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_dmp", "SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_bl", "Sgt_Assault_Mp_b", "Sgt_Assault_Mp_od", "Sgt_Assault_Mp_wl", "Sgt_Assault_Mp_gr", "Sgt_Assault_Mp_cc", "Sgt_Assault_Mp_dmp", "Sgt_Assault_Mp_bl", "SgtEv_Sniper", "SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_OD", "SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_WL", "SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_gr", "SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_cc", "SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_dmp", "SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_bl", "SgtEv_SWAT_wth", "SgtEv_SWAT_wth_bl", "SgtEv_SWAT_wth_od", "SgtEv_SWAT_wth_wl", "SgtEv_SWAT_wth_gr", "SgtEv_SWAT_wth_cc", "SgtEv_SWAT_wth_dmp", "SgtEv_SWAT_neo" }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.75; requiredaddons[]= {"BIS_Resistance","custom_head_textures"}; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default {}; class Head: Default {}; class Man: Default {}; class SgtEv_Sniper: man { sections[]= { "Swatpatch", "Swatpatch1", "head injury","body injury", "l arm injury","r arm injury","p arm injury", "l leg injury","r leg injury","p leg injury", "medic", "hlava", "krk", "zasleh", "Backpack", "Backpackst", "Backpacksub", "rightu", "leftu", "legpouchst", "blegpouch1", "blegpouch2", "plegpouch1", "plegpouch2", "cap1", "cap2", "canteen1", "canteen2", "mgun1", "mgun2", "mpouch1", "mpouch2", "knife in", "knife", "knifestrap", "camelbak", "camelcap", "handle", "helmet_on", "helmet_on_screws", "helmet_on_st1", "helmet_on_st2", "headset", "goggles_on", "goggles_st_on", "goggles_st_on_g", "helmet_off", "helmet_off_strap", "helmet_off_g", "helmet_off_goggles", "gas pouch 1", "gas pouch 2", "gaskmask", "gas strap", "gas canister", "gas glass 1", "gas glass 2", "gas res", "helmet_on_in", "roll", "shemagh", "patch", "clan", "clan_sign" }; }; class Sgtev_assault: Man { sections[]= { "Swatpatch", "Swatpatch1", "head injury","body injury", "l arm injury","r arm injury","p arm injury", "l leg injury","r leg injury","p leg injury", "medic", "hlava", "krk", "zasleh", "Backpack", "Backpackst", "Backpacksub", "rightu", "leftu", "legpouchst", "blegpouch1", "blegpouch2", "plegpouch1", "plegpouch2", "cap1", "cap2", "canteen1", "canteen2", "mgun1", "mgun2", "mpouch1", "mpouch2", "knife in", "knife", "knifestrap", "camelbak", "camelcap", "handle", "helmet_on", "helmet_on_screws", "helmet_on_st1", "helmet_on_st2", "headset", "goggles_on", "goggles_st_on", "goggles_st_on_g", "helmet_off", "helmet_off_strap", "helmet_off_g", "helmet_off_goggles", "gas pouch 1", "gas pouch 2", "gaskmask", "gas strap", "gas canister", "gas glass 1", "gas glass 2", "gas res", "helmet_on_in", "roll", "shemagh", "patch", "clan", "clan_sign" }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_OD: sgtev_assault{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_WL: sgtev_assault{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_gr: sgtev_assault{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_cc: sgtev_assault{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_dmp: sgtev_assault{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_bl: sgtev_assault{}; class Sgt_Assault_Mp_b: sgtev_assault{}; class Sgt_Assault_Mp_od: sgtev_assault{}; class Sgt_Assault_Mp_wl: sgtev_assault{}; class Sgt_Assault_Mp_gr: sgtev_assault{}; class Sgt_Assault_Mp_cc: sgtev_assault{}; class Sgt_Assault_Mp_dmp: sgtev_assault{}; class Sgt_Assault_Mp_bl: sgtev_assault{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_OD: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_WL: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_gr: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_cc: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_dmp: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_bl: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_bl: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_od: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_wl: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_gr: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_cc: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_dmp: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SgtEv_SWAT_neo: SgtEv_Sniper{}; class SGTev_SWATP: sgtev_assault {}; class SGTev_SWATS: SGTev_SWATP {}; }; class CfgTexturetoMaterial { class Glass { textures[]= { "SGTev_SWAT\t\G_glass.paa", "SGTev_SWAT\t\G_glass2.paa", "SGTev_SWAT\hyk\G_glass.paa", }; material="#SpecularGlass"; }; class Metal { textures[]= { "SGTev_SWAT\t\b_tc2000_s.paa", "SgtEv_SWAT\t\tc2000_d.paa", "SGTev_SWAT\t\screw.paa", "SGTev_SWAT\hyk\ess.paa", "SGTev_SWAT\t\Headset.paa", "SGTev_SWAT\hyk\helm_nv.paa", }; material="#Metal"; }; class GunMetal { textures[]= { "SGTev_SWAT\t\glock_body.paa", }; material="#RifleMetal"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land:AllVehicles{}; class Man:Land{}; class Soldier:Man{}; class SoldierWB:Soldier{}; class SoldierWSniper:SoldierWB{}; //----------------------------------------------------------------- class SgtEv_assault: SoldierWB { model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\b\sgtev_assault"; displayName = "SWAT Officer Blue"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.7; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M4","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; animated = 1; class Animations { class goggles { type = "rotation"; animPeriod = 0.5; selection = "googles"; axis = "axgoggles"; angle0 = 0; angle1 = -0.62; }; }; class UserActions { class Raisegoggles { displayName = "Raise Goggles"; position = "axgoggles"; radius = 1.0; condition = "this animationPhase {goggles} >= 0.5 && this == player"; statement = "this animate [{goggles}, 0]"; }; class Lowergoggles { displayName = "Lower Goggles"; position = "axgoggles"; radius = 1.0; condition = "this animationPhase {goggles} < 0.5 && this animationPhase {ngoggles} < 0.1 && this animationPhase {Helmet} == 0 && this == player"; statement = "this animate [{goggles}, 1]"; }; }; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; wounds[]={}; }; class SgtEv_Assault_Mp_b: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer Blue2"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\b\sgt_assault_mp"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_MP5_Tactical","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_OD: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer OD"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\od\sgt_assault_od"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M4","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_Assault_Mp_od: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer OD2"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\od\sgt_assault_mp_od"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_MP5_Tactical","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_WL: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer Woodland"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\wl\sgt_assault_wl"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M4","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_Assault_Mp_wl: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer Woodland2"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\wl\sgt_assault_mp_wl"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_MP5_Tactical","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_gr: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer Grey Camo"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\gr\sgt_assault_gr"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M4","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_Assault_Mp_gr: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer Grey Camo2"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\gr\sgt_assault_mp_gr"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_MP5_Tactical","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_cc: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer Urban Camo"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\cc\sgt_assault_cc"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M4","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_Assault_Mp_cc: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer Urban Camo2"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\cc\sgt_assault_mp_cc"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_MP5_Tactical","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_dmp: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer des Marpat"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\dmp\sgt_assault_dmp"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M4","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_Assault_Mp_dmp: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer des MARPAT2"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\dmp\sgt_assault_mp_dmp"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_MP5_Tactical","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Assault_bl: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer Black"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\bl\sgt_assault_bl"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M4","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_M4_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_Assault_Mp_bl: SgtEv_assault { displayName = "SWAT Officer Black2"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\bl\sgt_assault_mp_bl"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_MP5_Tactical","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_MP5_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_Sniper: SoldierWB { displayName = "SWAT Sniper Blue"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\b\sgtev_sniper"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M24","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Officer Blue no gear"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\b\sgt_assault_wth"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_OD: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Sniper OD"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\OD\sgt_sniper_OD"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M24","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_gr: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Sniper Grey Camo"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\gr\sgt_sniper_gr"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M24","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_WL: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Sniper Woodland"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\wl\sgt_sniper_wl"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M24","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_cc: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Sniper Urban Camo"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\cc\sgt_sniper_cc"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M24","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_dmp: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Sniper des Marpat"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\dmp\sgt_sniper_dmp"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M24","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_bl: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Officer Black no gear"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\bl\sgt_assault_wth_bl"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_Sniper_bl: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Sniper Black"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\bl\sgt_sniper_bl"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_M24","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_M24_mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_neo: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Officer Negotiatior"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\b\sgt_assault_neo"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_wl: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Officer Woodland no gear"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\wl\sgt_assault_wth_wl"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_cc: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Officer Urban Camo no gear"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\cc\sgt_assault_wth_cc"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_od: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Officer OD no gear"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\od\sgt_assault_wth_od"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_dmp: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Officer des Marpat no gear"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\dmp\sgt_assault_wth_dmp"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_gr: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Officer Grey no gear"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\gr\sgt_assault_wth_gr"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; moves = "CfgMovesMC"; scope = 2; side = 1; cost = 40000; nameSound = "man"; sensitivity = 1.25; accuracy = 2.500000; nightVision = 1; camouflage = 0.25; armor = 5; armorStructural = 2.0; armorHead = 0.1; armorBody = 5.5; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Swatpatch","Swatpatch1"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","SJB_TOS_Infinity"}; magazines[] = {"SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag","SJB_TOS_Infinity_Mag"}; wounds[] = {}; class EventHandlers { Init = "_this exec ""\facestex\randface.sqs"""; }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PSYCHOSIM 0 Posted November 10, 2005 yeah, keep both textures! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted November 10, 2005 …but I need help with the config!1!! on the sgtev_assault and sgt_sniper the setobjecttexture thingy is working well...but on all the other units NOT! <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_gr: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Officer Grey no gear"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\gr\sgt_assault_wth_gr"; You still haven’t changed the model name to be the same as the class names.  I told you about this  last week :P For setobjecttexture to work you need to have the model name the same as the classname: It works on sgtev_assault because the classname is the same as the model name. Quote[/b] ]class SgtEv_assault: SoldierWB{ model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\b\sgtev_assault"; displayName = "SWAT Officer Blue"; vehicleClass = "Civil Forces"; You have different model names than the class: Quote[/b] ] class SgtEv_SWAT_wth_gr: SgtEv_Sniper { displayName = "SWAT Officer Grey no gear"; model = "\Sgtev_SWAT\t\gr\sgt_assault_wth_gr"; Go through the config and rename all the models to the same as the classnames and it should work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt_Eversmann 1 Posted November 10, 2005 aye ok will do! Thanks m8 I haven't seen that I've just seen to many numbers and letters last night Thanks! Will do! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hardrock 1 Posted November 10, 2005 For setobjecttexture to work you need to have the model name the same as the classname:It works on sgtev_assault because the classname is the same as the model name. Bullshit. The CfgModels classname has to be the same as the .p3d name, but not so the CfgVehicles class. You're problem, Sgt. Eversman, is that you keep switching between tags. Either you use Sgt_ or SgtEv_, both of them will often make you troubles in the future. So choose Ctrl+H (= Search & Replace in most applications) and replace either 'Sgt_' by 'SgtEv_', or 'SgtEv_' by 'Sgt_'. Then it might work. Short summary, and keep concentrating on that If the model is called abc_xyz.p3d, you have to create a CfgModels class named 'class abc_xyz', where you define the sections. Then, in your CfgVehicles class (which can be named anyway) type <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">model="\Addon_path\abc_xyz"; And please keep checking your config yourself for that, because you did exact the same the errors, that I corrected you yesterday, again today. Check for exactly the things I posted above, and don't expect others to do it for you all the time. Good luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt_Eversmann 1 Posted November 10, 2005 heh---lalala...thanks hardrock so trying to get that shit working myself!!! Ok now I have SgtEv everywhere...no more Sgt. still some bugs on the units... so .. ye...^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted November 10, 2005 For setobjecttexture to work you need to have the model name the same as the classname:It works on sgtev_assault because the classname is the same as the model name. Bullshit. The CfgModels classname has to be the same as the .p3d name, but not so the CfgVehicles class. You're problem, Sgt. Eversman, is that you keep switching between tags. Ok so im half right and half wrong theres no need to be pissy about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AOCbravo2004 0 Posted November 10, 2005 heh---lalala...thanks hardrock so trying to get that shit working myself!!! Ok now I have SgtEv everywhere...no more Sgt. still some bugs on the units... so .. ye...^^ [mg]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b271/SgtEversman/swathk416.jpg[/img] Is that one of Jackal's new HK M4's??? I ask because of the ironsight behind the Aimpoint and the new flip up front iron sight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PSYCHOSIM 0 Posted November 10, 2005 Looking great.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hardrock 1 Posted November 10, 2005 Ok so im half right and half wrong theres no need to be pissy about it. Damn, don't be touchy, this is a forum and no reality show. Want some grass in your peace pipe? Quote[/b] ]still some bugs on the units... Bugs are like .... well, bugs! They're everywhere and you never get rid of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt_Eversmann 1 Posted November 10, 2005 woho calm down ye I know..bugs...noonelikes them but everyone have them! Jackal...do you have ICQ or MSN ? Greets Eversmann... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted November 10, 2005 Jackal326 AT Hotmail.com Didn't type it with a @ to prevent automated scripts and crap detecting the e-mail on the site and then getting lots of spam and such. I'm online quite a lot of the time so you can probably catch me sometime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panzergrenadier3 39 Posted November 11, 2005 What do you think about this camo: over 100 But with black gear and helmet (your units). And maybe there is a place for a unit with a gasmasc for attacks with cs gas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt_Eversmann 1 Posted November 13, 2005 I'Ve said already that I won't do units with gasmask...but that camo...dunno maybe in a later version. this weapons based on Jackal326 Weapons will be included. (with permission of Jackal of course! ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hornet85 0 Posted November 13, 2005 M4 tactical with fixed stock? taht isent realy the usal thing right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt_Eversmann 1 Posted November 13, 2005 no normally not...but I have SWAT 3 and there was an extra CD with the SWAT Tactic guide...and an Officer had an M4 Tactical with that fixed stock. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PSYCHOSIM 0 Posted November 13, 2005 Great looking weapons! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-SWAT- 1 Posted November 19, 2005 Hi, SgtEversman Are there any new infos for us? Can´t await to play with these units. Do you know when they are ready for release? Greetings SWAT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunderbird 0 Posted November 19, 2005 Great short AK-47. keep up the nice work. Regards TB84 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elite SEAL 0 Posted November 19, 2005 Definitely liking both the HK 416 and the Tactical Carbine. Are these the only weapons that Jackals made that your going to use? ie: what about his M1911A1, and MP5's? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt_Eversmann 1 Posted November 20, 2005 sorry for late response real life is taking over it uhm ye will equip them with berettas and 1911 colts...the ones from sjb pack. maybe I make some more not so common versions of rifles in the future but now promisses. Ye the last few steps to finish an addon are the most difficult one cause you get sick of fixing all that small crap. But I think you will get them around next week...I mean after 25th Nov. Sorry about that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt_Eversmann 1 Posted November 20, 2005 Hi Guys, a mate sent me 2 textures of a SWAT Vest. I tried the whole afternoon applying the properly to the SWAT Units but no succes...the textures look crap! So I wanted to ask if there is an Texture artist out there who could help me! I know I ask again but this time I really don'T get it to work!!! otherwise I will release the SWAT Units with the normal Vest textures. Greets Eversmann Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PSYCHOSIM 0 Posted November 22, 2005 So has Jackel given you a selection of weapons to use in your pack, They look great, I certainly hope he has.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt_Eversmann 1 Posted November 23, 2005 he has ask him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites