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Some Siege Equipment

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That island seems really cool. Scale it up as much as you can and we will have a mini Italy wink_o.gif

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I'll see how big i can make the island and Rome may be on the way wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

@sander model sent wink_o.gif

I thought id post some pics of all the buildings done so far.



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Looks great. Cant wait to play roman tounge2.gif


BTW; Dude... You gotta make archers... Otherwise, you would miss a big thing. IMO...


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Outstanding job so far Stu, can't wait to raid a couple of Roman outposts smile_o.gif

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thx all,

Quote[/b] ]J W Posted on Feb. 04 2006,21:28


BTW; Dude... You gotta make archers... Otherwise, you would miss a big thing. IMO...

There'll be archers and horse archers aswell. smile_o.gif

I've been working on romes Aqueduct system wink_o.gif I've been working on some other buildings for rome but i'll keep them hush hush for now. wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif



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Looks damn fine! But have you been able to make lagless (or light lag) melee battles with them?

Though all we need is a chariot and we can have nice races in that Circus biggrin_o.gif

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I remember those, they could be quite useful in the progression of stu's units, especially by adding a bowman into the ranks.

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@Dynamite_cow,   I've not had the chance to test out battles with them yet, i've just now managed to got one of the units in game but not fully working yet. smile_o.gif

As for the chariot i've almost got it working but still alot to be done before a betas ready.  biggrin_o.gif

@tsalagikola,  I've be playing around with thos since they where released and having alot of run with them, biggrin_o.gif  I've actually used parts of the model for my Germanic Archer.

Update: The Germanic Archer biggrin_o.gif most of the model is made up of parts of the Bis man heres a list of the parts i used and bits i made.

Bis man parts, i just modified them some.





The parts i made are,

Upper Torso,


and i did the textures the main Torso texture was from some anatomy site i modified it alot tho. biggrin_o.gif I spent most of the time trying to get the damned named selections right crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif some of them still needs fixing.



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Make the arms bigger, I want a bigger arms!!!!

Nice work, look forward to playing with this stuff.

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thx, smile_o.gif

I may make the arms from scratch and the named selections for the shoulders needs fixing.  I've also still more details to add to the model such as fur cape his bow and such and i don't know if i'll give him a helmet or long hair.

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Here's some ideas for Germanic barbarians. It would be more realistic if they had long hair too, since cutting it wasn't a priority for them. Fur clothes and such are probably also what they commonly wore.

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Ok so I was a little bored, so I made some of my own Germanic type barbarian guys. Took the body textures from some RTW stuff...haven't gotten the random heads to work yet, or anything special really. But they still look pretty cool...I just don't know yet how to make spears or axes functional similar to the Napoleonic War mod, with those animations, because the default OFP stroke gun thing looks terrible.

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Agreed, these fellows do look pretty cool. Good job on adding the long hair, I hope you continue working on these as well.

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btw you dont need to make and bow and arrow addon, someone made one for ofp and it works really well, actually shoots an arrow....

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Great Stuff !  notworthy.gif  Again it´s amazing what´s possible in OFP.

When I first saw the siege-weapons I thought: "Well, this with OFP ? Where destroyed buildings look like crap ?"

But then... look at this one (if you haven´t seen it yet):

Destroyable Interactive Buildings


(in the english news of OFP.info)

If you could combine this thing with your buildings and siege weapons , it would be really great.

Keep up your Work !  thumbs-up.gif

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They look great, if you need a sword or axe model for them i've got some if you want them.

Setting up the fighting styles for the infantry is going to prove difficult if your like me and have very limited scripting skills tho i managed to understand the way philcommando did his Barbarians but it'll prove a challenge for me to try and improve upon them but i'm up for a challenge biggrin_o.gif the way the archer is setup dosn't realy need much improving upon accept maybe when the bows not in use

you can put it on your back like you do with guns.

@Dr.Pepper, thxs You'll beabile to Destroy the walls and gates like that but i'm not sure about adding it to all the buildings yet depends how long it'll take to set it all up, maybe once i've released the first part of the mod i'll add it to all the buildings for and update or something wink_o.gif

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little update on some more buildings and things for the barbarians and also a picture of the type of look i'm trying to achieve. I know its a picture of the viking times but it'd be basically the same design of buildings haven't found much pictures of Germanic buildings i've mostly based the other buildings from RTW.

Heres the picture of the Viking Village

and here's some picture's of new buildings and objects smile_o.gif





I'm also going to start work on some Germanic rune stone's and such.

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Well, I can say that you are well on your way of giving off that same exact atmosphere as that picture showed. The building models and textures look great, as do the smaller objects such as the bowls and baskets full of food. A very nice touch.

I am glad to hear that you will be working on the rune stones next, cannot wait to see more screens stu notworthy.gif

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Yay! Vikings!


Out of interest, will we be seeing viking player models as well? Because I know a bit about Vikings if you need some help xmas_o.gif

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I wouldn't mind seeing a viking ship full of vengeful raiders smile_o.gif

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