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SA-80 or not SA-80

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Jan. 17 2002,17:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I don't know, I'm not even sure that know what that is.<span id='postcolor'>

It's the highly controversial british rifle. Roughly Å90m (or is it Å80m) has been spent over the years bringing it up to code.

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it's not the problem , personnaly , if there's one in-game , i'll play with it , but the thing that disgust me is how some britanic people want to transform ofp in a england vs world(they don't want only their rifle , but their mbt , aircafts , helicopters etc ...... instead of the original ones) game and how they ask it , some people are fanatic and don't have any respect for the bis's work

bis isn't obligated to give us a sa80 but if they give it to us , there's no problem

personnaly , i'm not against but it won't add anything to the gameplay

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Well they gave us the Steyr and the G36 and those other weapons so they could add an SA-80.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ran @ Jan. 17 2002,17:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">it's not the problem , personnaly , if there's one in-game , i'll play with it , but the thing that disgust me is how some britanic people want to transform ofp in a england vs world(they don't want only their rifle , but their mbt , aircafts , helicopters etc ...... instead of the original ones) game and how they ask it , some people are fanatic and don't have any respect for the bis's work

bis isn't obligated to give us a sa80 but if they give it to us , there's no problem

personnaly , i'm not against but it won't add anything to the gameplay<span id='postcolor'>

No we don't want to make it Britain against the world. It's just annoying that every game that comes out is America against the world(or more commonly America against Russia). I'd like to see British units as well as the existing ones.

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Well i think Britain war experience is much longer than the Americans....so they (developer) should appreciate Britain by making SA-80 in future addon.......or HK G3!



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i believe ran is correct if you give'em a inch they would wana take to a mile next. isntead of european hardware why not Chinese stuff? that would be cool. or a AC-130 Specture and some of that Heavy duty Russian Artillery would be nice (but aint gona happen) sad.gif

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There is a lot of negetive press about the SA80 in Britian.

Its not a bad rifle, ive used it and like it alot.

The press always make things seem much worse.they make it sound like the rifle falls apart in your hands and doesnt fire and jams every time.

Remember when they said that british troops on exercise in the gulf(around sept 2001) had to wear green DPM.

They were wearing lightwieghts which are just as good as desert DPM. They said troops had to sleep in tents in Kosovo.

These tents were better than houses, they had heating, electricity..etc.

So dont believe everything you read.

SA80 would be great in OFP along with a landrover,LSW and GPMG biggrin.gif

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Yep, I say stick the SA-80 in there. Its not like its going to screw up game balance or anything anyway.

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I've never understood what the huge brewhaha is about the sa-80 and the Brits wanting some of their kit in the game. And I've never seen any threads where they want to replace any of the American kit with theirs, they just want to add to the game. There's nothing wrong with a little patriotism and belief that one's own countries kit is better than another, just look here at us Canadians. All of them seem to want to say that the C7 rifle tops the M16 all the time.

So I say add the SA-80 and the Chieftien, and the pinkies and gimpies, etc. It would all add to the game, never taking away from it.


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Bring it in, personally I'd like to see more kit then just the 'Standard" equipt. Standard being items from the US. The SA-80 is a good weapon and as for weapon systems I'd like to see a Challenger, Chieftan and Warrior just to mention a few. As for aircraft a proper Harrier would be a welcome change.

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Glad to see there are a lot of people out there with half a mind left. I don't know where these loonies get the idea that anyone wants to replace the existing kit. Also I think some chinese gear would be cool I just don't know of any so I haven't suggested any. Any sugestions?

Come on put in the next update you know you want to.

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ok ,i've made a mistake , i don't say that you want to replace the existing materials , but you ant to add TOO many things , because if you want to add all you kits , after i'd like to have all my french material

but bis has other things to do than to answer to the desires of a minority because we aren't all english

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Baaaah who you calling a minority, Britain is the 3rd largest gaming market in the world smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Jan. 18 2002,19:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Baaaah who you calling a minority, Britain is the 3rd largest gaming market in the world smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I couldnt have put it better myself biggrin.gif

Who are the top 2 then??

I think it could be Japan and........USA???

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yes , but the two before you have the majority smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ex-RoNiN @ Jan. 18 2002,22:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">US and Germany, in fact.<span id='postcolor'>

Is that for PCs, because Japanese homes are small they dont have much room for PCs.

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No it's for all formats, and I was under the impression the top 2 are USA and Japan........

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in or out eitherway not that bothered on that point the british Army actually call it a 5.56 well they did when I left!! not a bad bit of kit but not the best either!!!

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the m16 isnt the best piece of kit either but they included it, and we are not a minority we are a country of 50 million or thereabouts, and codemasters is English and im surprised that they havent asked for any British kit

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