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VME Release !

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can you use AI support features in Ffureuro mod,

and if you can how

I get model entry errors when i use it with the above mods


love the textures on the us soldiers ties in nicely with laser LWF seals, excellent job

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I don't know what cause sound problem,all sound work well in my 3 PC(test in 3 PC already),is that format of sound file really not work on everybody's PC?

even my tester said nearly everything Ok but there maybe still some small bug exist,any question can be post here and let me see what's shoulb be fixed in next version.

this PLA MOD2.0 have it own config.bin you can try to replay BIS campagin with new AI and some new effect

even though you can still play it with another MODs it's worked even in ECP but I don't know what will happen later smile_o.gif

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Figures!! Just one day after I uninstall OFP in prep for a fresh install of the OS, VME comes out!!!!!! banghead.gif Blast my poor judgement.... crazy_o.gif

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Just downloaded it.  Will try it out.  Over at militaryphotos.net, there's a thread about women in the military from your country or something to that effect.  Check out this camo from China.  Looks great and very unique.


GD Mast

What camo?  huh.gif

What soldier?  huh.gif

All I see is one cute Chinese woman  huh.gif


wonder wat the guy on the left is looking at? The Man next to him or the women. Also the guy in the back dosnt like his picture taken

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love this stuff smile_o.gif but got some huh.gif? for ya tony do i have to have the last VME full pack for this to work right? Also iv just dl the new 2.0 and well im missing some of the VME units like the TZBDE special forces units i only got 2 of them in the read me its says like 4?? plz help me out here wink_o.gif

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this 2.0 is full pack don't need 1.22 support and for some reasons(change texture)so use 2.0 single is better

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i dont have much problem, just one that after some 20min testing units with editor i got booted back to desktop(about 4~5 squad around and did some little assult mission to see how AI works and off it went)

btw i got problem when trying to log into samren's BBS and website.............IP problem? confused_o.gif

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ok thx but im missing the TZBDA rexon force units i only got 2 when there should be four? Also im missing some other units like in the for the stelth unit is there only post to be one because he is just and weapon?

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I'm wondering why the airborne city camo scout group uses the 81 weapons while the other airborne city camo group uses the 95 weapons?

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also on the PLA SF i only got an comander in there nothing els its just an comander with no weapon or any thing all in brown? wtf im missing all the goods here?huh.gifsad_o.gif

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i dont have much problem, just one that after some 20min testing units with editor i got booted back to desktop(about 4~5 squad around and did some little assult mission to see how AI works and off it went)

btw i got problem when trying to log into samren's BBS and website.............IP problem? confused_o.gif

Yeah I got a CTD back to desktop also after about 15 minutes of play. The scripting is improved though as I don't lag as much using several squads on each side, but when I started, the menu screen was stuck for awhile after I recieved a message that I was missing some island. I recommend that VME beta testers always beta test in a seperate mod folder with only what will be released in a pack. That avoids alot of problems of missing stuff.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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commander is for call all support

and one kind of AB soldier use QBZ81-1 is like readlly thing

somebody report that using VME-USA-Army will cause CTD problem,I don't know why,try avoid to use them first.

we use VME addons only in it's folder so we haven't see missing units problem

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commander is for call all support

and one kind of AB soldier use QBZ81-1 is like readlly thing

somebody report that using VME-USA-Army will cause CTD problem,I don't know why,try avoid to use them first.

we use VME addons  only in it's folder so we haven't see missing units problem

well the PLA SF how many units are in there, i only have that comander in brown with no weapons in there? Im talking about the east side of the PLA not west or the othere i dont have all the units that are in the read me file im missing a lot here maybe put up an fresh like on here or check it plz. I dl it from OFP.info so plz put up an fresh like here or check the mod for this because im missing units. sad_o.gif

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I have an strange sound problem with the VME mod.

Assault rifles sounds like tank guns, tank guns have an strange sound too. huh.gif

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I just downloaded the pack. It's great, but I am missing the PLA_DF15

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Is anyone getting LOD bugs on the some of helicopters and the planes?

The ground vehicles are all great BTW.

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the helos recently added to the pack namely the y9 and the y9 attack choppers ( i thin) i get massive lag when i use them

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I have a CTD after playing  this mod 10 or 15 min. I've tried several missions for the same result some times with a blue screen but windows crash report can't tell me what's wrong.

Spec: P4 3.0

1024 DDR

9700 pro 128Mo

SB live 9000

All drivers are up to date

The little i've seen, this mod is great and AI new script is a new challenge to fight.

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try not use any unit from VME-USA-Army

my tester said only that may cause CTD problem

and try play BIS mission with PLA MOD it replace AI and effect with what I used in PLA units,no CTD problem while play BIS mission with PLA MOD,so the problem should not be addons

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great pack.

i also get the CTD often but while i play its damn good.

nice work. smile_o.gif

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first off do not run anoy other mod with PLA mod.

Need more detail information for the guys to find the bug, like

Island name

Units east, west, res armored ect ect ect

What were you doing when it CTDed like did game ctd looking at a unit, or when a certain unit was destroyed?>

Makes it a lot easier to track down the bug guys?

Try to recreate the problem give details, saying it ctd is not going to help, giving systems specs, isn't enough..

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calling in reinforcments as vme_usa platoon leader (CH47D(WEST) from VME_USA_Support) makes my game crash after the CH47D dropped the ammo-box. it looks like a problem with the paratroopers.

I recieve an error message (can not see it) have to press return key and then I am back on my desktop.

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the CTD problem seems to be with VME_USA_army unit and some of the VME unit which based on BIS unit

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