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the past years have seen many barriers and limitations of this game broken.... from dxdll to itweas's ninjas to CoC arty...

anybody have an idea as to what other barriers we can break?... pistols.gif

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I dont know if it is possible. But it would be nice to be able to see, fight, and swim underwater. Most maps have lots of water. Which is just unused space for the most part.

I would love to command a submarine or a SEAL team in the seas of OFP.

Thermal imaging, and other goodies like that would be nice as well.

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i wouldn't mind having tunnels

but i know for a fact its impossible

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i think someone was working on a tunnel system, i dont think its 100% impossible


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i think someone was working on a tunnel system, i dont think its 100% impossible


Yea that must be a above ground tunnel. OFP can't do things like that with just the terrian the cells are to big to even do that smile_o.gif.

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hopefully in Arma....but I woundnt get ya hopes up.

Most likey OFP2 wink_o.gif

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the ability to have more than 1 gunner, on a standard vehicle, and to be able to walk around on moving objects w/out clipping through.

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Tunnels are possible

You just make the object sunk into the ground, map a ground texture to it. tada tounge2.gif

The underwater is harder, but if you raise all the terrain up. Then make a huge flat object (repeated to get aorund the max object size), then using setpos/dir stuff, you can simulate them floating in water..

Basicly like having the subs flying about, but under a water texture, with some well made 3D objects (Like a sphere with water textures, and drop-created bubbles etc)

The clipping problems are nearly impossible to fix, without rewriting the engine code etc..

Multiple gunners is possible, and has been done (Check other threads, someone made a working M2 turrent on a M1A1, worked really well till you touched water with it, but thats not to hard to fix.

Basicly, you just make the gun object in the same location (model-wise) as where it would appear on the "parent" model (The tank), bit of config stuff, bit of scripting, and doing that you can have as many gunner positions as you want (If your commander, you can order each gunner to aim at something different, which would be cool tounge2.gif)

Any other limitations? smile_o.gif

- Ben

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Well I'd like the scripting to be easier...

Its not that hard to do, but still crazy_o.gif All those commands and stuff (that I can't even get to work 95% of the time) crazy_o.gif

I mean, some sort of drop down menu, or something would really help.

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what about harriers and other vtol aircraft.

it would be cool for it to take off like a chopper, but then you are able to change its movement to like a plane.

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I think you can see quiet good, how our Train (AEF-Train) is fighting with these limitations. Stupid AI, difficult scripting, speedproblems and so on...

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yeah, but great work of Scripting K@voven thumbs-up.gif

I think most problem are because of the totally fucked up physic engine in ofp... huh.gif

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what about harriers and other vtol aircraft.

it would be cool for it to take off like a chopper, but then you are able to change its movement to like a plane.

You missed the Falklands Harrier a while back? You couldn't change your direction once in the air but you could take off VTOL style.

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We're close to getting working flashlights on guns, and no we didn't get their yet, I mean actual lights on the weapon models themselves. BIS even attempted it if you look at the classname Man in the commented config, they have an inactive Class Reflectors that were meant for lights on guns but I guess not even they could get it to work... sad_o.gif

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tunnels...Stargate schript? goodnight.gif

That could work, but if you fall out it's screwy

It's easier just to model them to into an indent in the ground

Same thing applies for buildings, it's not that difficult, hardest part is positioning in in WRPTool/Edit, but it's very possible

The falklands VTOL worked pretty well, but not in MP, it only worked on the server sad_o.gif

But the full Falklands mod should have fully working VTOL, along with fully destructable buildings biggrin_o.gif

- Ben

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Well i dont think well need to wait much longer intill most..if not all of the limitation on this game will be broken when Armed Assualt comes out! That said i feel kinda sad that theres all these mods still in development that have put loads of hard work into braking limits only for Armed Assualt to come out and have all there hard work for nothing since itll be already there in Armed Assualt any way and when they port there mod over and release it the 'wow' factors gone confused_o.gif dont get me wrong thou not complaining about ArAs! tounge2.gif

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ArmA wont be a total fix-all for OFP limitations. Besides, the stuff will still work like it's supposed to, and it'll be great that a brand-new game will already have 4 years worth of addons/mods made for it (yes, that makes sense tounge2.gif)

I see what you mean, though, but anything that I find impressive for OFP will still be as impressive in ArmA.. For example, I doubt the soldiers in ArmA will be able to run up walls tounge2.gif

A side stickynote : I wodner if ArmA addons will work in "OFP2"..

- Ben

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A huge limitation of the game is multi-proxy weapons on vehicles this is where you can only have a single gun system (i.e. a turrent) on a vehicle, this disables us from having a commander machine gun or multiple machinegunners on choppers.

This problem can be fixed via script but you may experience lag espically in large tank battles and in MP. There is another way you can make the script using vectors but you need at least 1 year of university math under your belt to do it.

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A huge limitation of the game is multi-proxy weapons on vehicles this is where you can only have a single gun system (i.e. a turrent) on a vehicle, this disables us from having a commander machine gun or multiple machinegunners on choppers.

This problem can be fixed via script but you may experience lag espically in large tank battles and in MP. There is another way you can make the script using vectors but you need at least 1 year of university math under your belt to do it.

And you still have the problem of setting pitch....

For as many limitations that we still have, that's nothing in comparison to what once was.

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just D/L the falklands harrier - very cool notworthy.gif

cant beleive i missed it notworthy.gif

what about the dodgy light simulator on terrain, it ruins night fighting. (ie your a blackop walkin around at night, you hear bmp's and suddenly everything lights up. you drop to the ground only to find the bmp was miles away, and heading in the opposite direction. grrrrrrr banghead.gif )

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An upcoming VBS module is going to implement firing from vehicles with personal weapons.

Also destructable buildings is another one coming.

I d/l a script the other day that had tank turrest get blown off, another thing i ticked off my list.

I think that there are still a few dead horses left to flog in this engine. pistols.gif

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An upcoming VBS module is going to implement firing from vehicles with personal weapons.

Also destructable buildings is another one coming.

I d/l a script the other day that had tank turrest get blown off, another thing i ticked off my list.

I think that there are still a few dead horses left to flog in this engine. pistols.gif

About the tank turrent blowing of the tank dont you actully need to make a tank with seperate sections I mean it doesn't work on every tank unless you have made seperate sections, dont you?

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Another limit is that proxy's don't work on geolods but do work on reslod so you can see them but walk thru. I tried to make a forest with seperate trees but didn't work. =) Wasted an hour on that untill someone on #ofpec told me it was an engine limit sadly enough.

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