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SJB Weapons Pack Released

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Uhm Jackal will the M16A4s have SAFE-SEMI-FULL or SAFE-SEMI-BURST?

Because Colt makes 2 versions smile_o.gif

M16A4 specs


RO901 : Flat top, Safe/Semi/Full Auto

RO905 : Flat top, Safe/Semi/Burst

RO701 : Fixed handle, Safe/Semi/Full Auto

RO705 : Fixed handle, Safe/Semi/Burst

Greetings Evers smile_o.gif

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I know they do. I'd originally made the SAFE-SEMI-AUTO Version, but for fear of people not understanding the concept of two different rifles with the same designation, I changed it to the more common SAFE-SEMI-BURST trigger group (this is why you have an M16A4 magazine and an M16A2 magazine, because originally the dfiring modes were different so two magazines were required).

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Sorry if its asked a dozen time before Jackal, but will 2.0 contain a AG36 grenade launcher? (H&K)

Btw, that HK416 looks fantastic!

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I had planned for an AG36 grenade launcher, but time is short so I figured rather than delay any further, I'd leave it out from v2.0 and add it in a future version.

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you could you release a vers. 2.5 patch when u have time to add all the other things jackal?

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Thats the plan. V2.0 WILL NOT be the last version for OFP (hopefully). That statement of course depends on as and when Armed Assault is released - once Armed Assault is out my development of addons for OFP will cease, as I will be moving over to the updated engine Armed Assault offers.

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i just saw your personal message on MSN and i'm slightly worried about the filesize are you sticking to your uncompressed theory?

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Yes I'm sticking with the uncompressed PBO structure. For those of you who don't have me on MSN, Helping_Hand is referring to the fact the main PBO (SJB_TOSM4.pbo) which contains all of the model, textures and sounds etc. is currently in the region of 327mb. And for those of you who don't understand what we are referring to with the issues surrounding compressed PBOs I'll ellaborate - Its been found that compressed PBOs (particularly large PBOs which my weaponspack would still be even if it were to be compressed), take longer for OFP to "pre-cache" when the game starts up and in my experience and that of others, majorly increases the over-all loading time of the game (both on start-up, and when loading a mission using the addon). As a result of these fidnings, I'm sticking with a non-compressed PBO. For those of you worried about download size, don't be. I did some tests a while back and a compressed PBO, inside a .CAB file, resulted in a .CAB file larger than that as a result of a non-compressed PBO being compressed into a .CAB file (something to do with being unable to dowble-compress stuff, I'm no computer whiz). Anyway, the download of the non-compressed PBO packaged into a .CAB file wont be small, but it WILL BE SMALLER than a compressed PBO. People who wish to compress the PBO anyway, can do so once downloaded if they so wish.

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good ol jackal allways there to tell the average GI what we are on about in laymans terms, i'm just thinking of what i'm gonna print off as the readme so i can type the classnames etc, and also how many units you will have to scroll through in the editor... it was 200+ for the present version so with all the improvements i might get lost looking for the wa2000 wow_o.gif

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Using certain weapons makes my game crash, with this error message: "Bad file format in p3d file".

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try re dlding and try again unless someone else knows what the problem is thast all i can suggest

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All I can say is that they (all) worked for me, and haven't experienced or heard of any problems from anyone else. It may simply be a buggered download, but I can't honestly say for definate what the cause is. Have you tried editing the pack at all?

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I was wondering the other day, how many models/textures have you have made completely by yourself and not used css imports.

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Oh here we go icon_rolleyes.gif . Its been a long known fact and one I've NEVER tried to hide that most of these models are CS imports. That said, they aren't just straight ports. A lot of work has gone into re-making certain areas (new barrels, new receivers, grips, butt-stocks etc) of EVERY model (hence why the pack has taken over 3 years since I started it). Every optic used in the pack was made from scratch for example.

I am not going to debate the ethics of importing from another game, because I have the permission from the authors (from those who responded to my e-mails/PMs etc). If however YOU want to debate the ethics of the subject, this isn't the place to do it (you might think so, I don't).

There has been a ton of work gone into EVERY model in this pack on my end, so much so that I showed one of my models to the original author of the CS version, and had it not been for the texture he wouldn't have recognised it.

At the end of the day, if you don't approve of the importations, simply don't download the pack - its your call.

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all raise hands if you actually care about the skins...

thought not jackal u'v made the only and i emphasize only good weapon pack that contains a alrge variety of weapons from all over the world sure LSR has his us weapons And ORCS / RHS have there russian ones but you've got the whole chebang and i'm rproud of you for sticking with it and not giving up like quite a few people would... remember as soon as 2.0 is out you can sleep again goodnight.gif

anywho anyone that raises they're hand about the CSS skins will be lined up and shot, have a nice day people and good worlk again jackal

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I re-downloaded it, but again the same error. I created an own mod folder for SJB, could it be that?

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