NeMeSiS 11 Posted August 19, 2005 best-addon-ever tottaly agreed (altough the zombies are very good aswell ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaRRiLLioN 0 Posted August 19, 2005 We've been having a lot of fun with this on City Harbor island in Kamai city which is a huge city with lots of skyscrapers. I edited the Ninja so he can climb up the tallest buildings and I also made his 100% jump give more lateral movement so you can jump from one building across the street to another. I made some CTF/CH and coops for the ninja as well with all the flags on top of the buildings. It's pretty sweet having Ninji wars. I also made an East and Res version of the Ninja and made the East Ninjas red and the Res ones Green. Right now some of us on the server are working on throwing stars. Basically all it'll be is an invisible weapon with a star model for the ammo. Anyway, this is an amazingly well done addon and has added a much-needed fresh coat of paint to OFP! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBR_ONIX 0 Posted August 19, 2005 Sounds fun Any chance of you posting the updated ninjas? (Dont recall what the readme said about editing/posting them, probobaly an idea to check that before you do ) - Ben Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted August 19, 2005 Karillion. Post your modified version! I really want that climbing ability! Hell. Post all your modifications. Those sound too good to keep to yourself! Also can anyone post a d/l link for that other city? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
honchoblack 2 Posted August 20, 2005 no modification should be posted in public unless the maker of the addon allows it, the ninja, as much as it is like by the community still is his porperty, which should be respected editing addons for private use is not a problem at all (I changed the lean animations to sanctuarys and edited the roll on ground animation from the Singapore mod into it), but releasing it is a whole different story Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted August 20, 2005 That sounds like a lot of whiny B.S. If someone's going to get that upset over making improvements to an existing creation without essentially stealing credit for the addon, they need to re-evaulate their personal priorities. I doubt the author will mind, if of course he has a life beyond the game. I think it'd be wicked if BIS enforced some kind of open source policy for all end user content made for use with their game. A clever circumvention of that would simply to be to post code and instructions on how to integrate it into the unmodified addon. You can't make a good omlette without breaking a few eggs, same goes for OFP addons and egos I would assume. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
honchoblack 2 Posted August 20, 2005 Quote[/b] ]That sounds like a lot of whiny B.S. this is getting a little offtopic here but since you further address the issue, I will give my 2 cents The addon/mission/mod makers do any work in their free time, and by spending alot of time with the work, one is affected by it. So whenever an addonmaker decides that he doesnt want anyone to change anything on the addon, respect it, instead of accusing of broken egos, be happy it was released in the first place. The work stays the intelectuall property of the maker. You dont know what he wants to further change on the addon, no addonmaker wants 100 different variations of his own work arround. And since he didnt declare the ninja as open source, I think any further discussion is unneccesary, unless the maker states different. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanctuary 19 Posted August 20, 2005 Quote[/b] ]That sounds like a lot of whiny B.S. If someone's going to get that upset over making improvements to an existing creation without essentially stealing credit for the addon, they need to re-evaulate their personal priorities. I doubt the author will mind, if of course he has a life beyond the game.I think it'd be wicked if BIS enforced some kind of open source policy for all end user content made for use with their game. A clever circumvention of that would simply to be to post code and instructions on how to integrate it into the unmodified addon. You can't make a good omlette without breaking a few eggs, same goes for OFP addons and egos I would assume. Unless the author has stated that he allowed modification without having to request anything from him, it is not that hard to just ask the author before releasing a modified version of his work , to see if it is 'OK' or not with him . No "whiny B.S." behind that, just common courtesy. itweas_LLU has posted 2 times (page 4 and page 5) on this thread so he should be easy to reach. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bikecop 0 Posted August 20, 2005 I might give a suggestion. I am NOT asking for a full sword combat fighting system. A ninjutsu sword. Thats it. Some feature I would say for it. When you get close to an enemy soldier... Kill him but keep the ammo for a possible longer range killing. CQB battles involving an a small silenced weapon (Your awsome MP5) throwing knives/stars, and a ninjutsu sword. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBR_ONIX 0 Posted August 20, 2005 Not brilliant, but When I said post the code, I mentioned about checking the readme to see if he could post them without permission.. if not, just email him and I'd be surprised if he says no.. But posting what bits you changed (a script name and what you edited) would be fine, infact, I might go and fiddle now anyway - Ben Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted August 20, 2005 Throwing knives pack (ill unpbo the thing this evening/night to figure out what the classnames are so we can use them on the ninja ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaRRiLLioN 0 Posted August 20, 2005 I've spoken to Itweas and he told me what to change in order to get the climbing to go higher. I also fiddled with it and edited the jumping abilities. This is primarily for me and the peeps who frequent my server. I wouldn't be comfortable releasing it here since it uses the same .pbo name and it might conflict with the original. Itweas also said he's working on a newer version and it's his baby so I'm not going to preempt anything he's doing. If you wish to use the modified ninja, you're more than welcome to come to my server and we'll tell you what to get there, but I just don't think it's a good thing for me to post links here. BTW, this is one of the best barrier-breaking addons I've seen. The way that he detects building edges and heights is exellent! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted August 20, 2005 Quote[/b] ]Unless the author has stated that he allowed modification without having to request anything from him, it is not that hard to just ask the author before releasing a modified version of his work , to see if it is 'OK' or not with him .No "whiny B.S." behind that, just common courtesy. itweas_LLU has posted 2 times (page 4 and page 5) on this thread so he should be easy to reach. I have no problems with asking someone, however if it stagnates the further development of something the community has an interest in because the creator has taken a hiatus... for whatever reason. It's an absolute load of bollocks to suspend any kind of improvements because it's possible you may make someone cry. Regardless of whether they're ok with it, you're telling them you're doing it. If they want to froth at the mouth because the majority of people may like the modified version more, they can keep a box of tissues nearby just in case it's too painful to endure. That's all I'm saying, In the end, nobody's trying to steal anything. Someone may just have a different idea on how the addon should work, information wants to be free. Itweas doesn't seem to mind much, so it's not a big problem at all. I dislike that somewhat childish mentality though. They're OFP addons. They're meant for enjoyment. Quote[/b] ]If you wish to use the modified ninja, you're more than welcome to come to my server and we'll tell you what to get there, Does that mean I have to download a shitload of addons? I don't want to wait around, and it sounds like the next release will probably be higher poly than this one, or just different, and I like how this one looks just fine. EDIT: Ok. So, if it's going to be a tremendous pain in the ass just to get the Karillion's modified version, I'm just going to ask one of you guys if you know how to make the high jump have more forward velocity. That at least would be a bit more useful, so far my attempts to modify the _sp variable in #starthighjump are unsuccessful. I'm assuming that's what I need to modify to make him move forward more. I'm just not sure how to do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaRRiLLioN 0 Posted August 22, 2005 If you come to play on the server you will need at a minimum the Island pack, Auxilary pack, and possibly some items from the BCmodern pack. That's because I have about 8 Ninja missions. 3-4 are C&H, 3 are CTF and 1 is coop. They are on various islands, including Tonal, Kalina, and City Harbour. Anyway, I have a 45mbps FTP, so downloading doesn't take long, and if you use OFPWatch as linked on my webpage, then it'll auto-snag whatever you need. If you want the modified version only, PM me and I'll get back to you with a link, so long as you don't post the link publicly. Also, if you swing by the server and we're playing a non-addons mission, then someone can probably give u a link for the Ninja. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted August 22, 2005 That sounds like a lot of whiny B.S. If someone's going to get that upset over making improvements to an existing creation without essentially stealing credit for the addon, they need to re-evaulate their personal priorities. I doubt the author will mind, if of course he has a life beyond the game. As far as we are concerned it is not acceptable to alter someone's work in any way and release it without their permission on these forums. Now please everyone get back on topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaRRiLLioN 0 Posted August 26, 2005 When you drive/pilot a vehicle in 1st person as the ninja, you get this "mask" effect which narrows your view a great deal. Does anyone know how this is done? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itweas_LLU 0 Posted August 31, 2005 Damn... Sorry guys... itweas has been down... I was trying to remodel and rescript, but it is getting very hard, and is boring... Sorry, but I can't do more... I go for next addon. But I writte scripts tips of my addon. If you want to modificate my addon, refer this tips. In "Action.sqs", You know this is main action script. All ability (not including Swiming) is excuted by this script. Im using ammo to check what is in front of unit. Illuminating(flare) is best to check. Because, bullet can pass thin wall, shell(grenade) put out smoke. Illuminating is almost same as shell, but never put any smoke. ****jump If you want to make jump script, u need to put logic, to check height. Like this. _soundmas = "Logic" CamCreate [(Getpos _Unit select 0),(getpos _Unit select 1),Getpos _Unit select 2] _soundmas setpos [(Getpos _Unit select 0),(getpos _Unit select 1),0 _Height = _Unit Distance _Soundmas _LogPos = [(Getpos _Unit Select 0),(Getpos _Unit select 1),(_pos select 2)] Why? It is easy. In OFP, Setpos and Getpos use different style to check height. Getpos use road which is touching with target unit for 0 base. But, Setpos use Ground for 0 base. These fact mean, If unit is on floor which is 20m above ground, Getpos show [~,~,0.0.....]. If u set position with this result, unit will set on ground, but not on floor. If u want to change jump power, #setpos2 . . . _Unit SetVelocity [(velocity _Unit select 0),(Velocity _Unit select 1),2.5+((Speed _Unit) / 8)] Change number of this line's "2.5" or "/8". ****fall Im also using ammo to check ground is near under unit or not. And If ground come near of unit, set velocity smaller. If u want to make unit can fall from more high place, #HeavyFland . . . _Unit Setvelocity [(Velocity _Unit select 0)/3,(Velocity _Unit select 1)/3,(Velocity _Unit select 2)/3] change this line's "/3" to"/6" or higher. Make sure that these 3 numbers are same number, or u will get wrong movement. ****high jump If u want to make unit can get more far place with high jump, #StartHighJump . . . _Unit SetVelocity [((_sp / 5) + 0.5) *(sin (Direction _Unit)),((_sp / 5) + 0.5)*(cos (Direction _Unit)),(_cnt / 1.1)] Change this line starting with _Unit Setvelocity to _Unit SetVelocity [((_cnt / 7)+((_sp / 5) + 0.5)) *(sin (Direction _Unit)),((_cnt / 7)+((_sp / 5) + 0.5))*(cos (Direction _Unit)),(_cnt / 1.1)] Then U can get more distance. Change (_sp / 5) to (_sp / 4) or lower then can more more far jump. Also make sure These (_sp / ***) are same. ****Climb up. If u want make unit can running up more distance, ;Start Runing on Wall . . .important line(Do not change here, or u'll be not able to use climb up ability!!! . . ?_cnt > 110 : goto "underWall" change 110 to 200 or higher. ****Swiming Swiming ability is working with most easy way. I just putting unit on box. Just it... I think u have no needs to change here. But remenber, Under water line, All object lost road section. This mean, box must not have road section, or unit can not stand on it. ****Technical tip. (This is not for begineer scripter) I tested many time and I found habit of OFP. If u set unit above ground with setpos, unit will be setted above ground as u wririte in script.(Like setpos [**,**,100] , Unit will be setted 100m above from ground) But if unit is on road which is above other object's road, unit will be setted twice higher as u writte. (Like setpos [**,**,100] Â , unit will be setted about 200m above ground) To fix this bug, u need dummy logic. Make dummy logic, and setpos to where u want to set. If Dummy is not at far from player, this mean there is no bug. But if dummy get far from player, this mean it is getting bug. If got bug, Setpos player with [**,**,100-(Dummy distance unit)] Then u can fix.. But... Greatly crazy is this bug. Im unsure Why and Where this bug appears. Same place same condition, but this bug appears whimsy. I was bored by this bug. There are still no way to fix that bug compleatly. And last. If u want to use my script to any other addon, U have no need to mail me to gain my permission to use. Im very happy if somebody use my script. And Im very happy if my script can help anyone with making addon. Thx for your reading my bad english. Thx for your playing my addon. Itweas out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBR_ONIX 0 Posted August 31, 2005 Nice info One thing, if someone modifys the addon, can they release it, or do you want them to ask permission from you first? - Ben Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
honchoblack 2 Posted August 31, 2005 sorry to hear that you wont further work the addon, but thanks alot for the insight info on your scripts Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted September 1, 2005 Yes, I think it would be great if he allowed it to be modified and re-released by the public domain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itweas_LLU 0 Posted September 1, 2005 One thing, if someone modifys the addon, can they release it, or do you want them to ask permission from you first?- Ben There are no needs to ask me for permission. I allow everyone to modify my ninja, and release it. But one thing I want them is just, add my name to readme. If they add my name "itweas" to somewhere, releasing ninja will not be baned. And. If you have any question, mail me. I answer as well as possible. When send a mail, Do not use your country's language fonts. Or my mail server will kick your mail into virus folder, then I become not be able to see it. Use general font. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted September 4, 2005 I didn't think there'd be a problem with it. People take this game far too seriously sometimes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j w 0 Posted September 4, 2005 When you drive/pilot a vehicle in 1st person as the ninja, you get this "mask" effect which narrows your view a great deal. Â Does anyone know how this is done? It is the drivers wievproxy in vehicles that is just behind the mask. This can be altered by editing all models and moving it a little, little, tiny bit to the left. I wouldn't do it though cause I would get alot of "modified file..."-thingies in multiplayer... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites