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A taste of F.E.A.R.

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You say the performance is acceptable? I must say for me it isnt? I play with a Radeon 9800 Pro and still the game doesnt give me FPS as Doom3 or Half Life.

I just read a performance comparrison between Nvidia and ATI on a earlier beta of this game. I get the feeling this game is OpenGL. The difference was huge because X800xtpe and 6800gt performed identical while 6800u and 7800gtx was way ahead.

Is it OpenGL or D3D?

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How is bullet time supposed to work in multiplayer? icon_rolleyes.gif

I recall reading somewhere that it slows down other players.

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You say the performance is acceptable? I must say for me it isnt? I play with a Radeon 9800 Pro and still the game doesnt give me FPS as Doom3 or Half Life.

I just read a performance comparrison between Nvidia and ATI on a earlier beta of this game. I get the feeling this game is OpenGL. The difference was huge because X800xtpe and 6800gt performed identical while 6800u and 7800gtx was way ahead.

Is it OpenGL or D3D?

Im not sure but I would guess its a D3D game like most others are. The reason why FEAR perform better on nVidia hardware is because it, just like Doom3, makes heavy use of stencil shadow. nVidia hardware has been very good with stencil shadows ever since the FX series.

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How is bullet time supposed to work in multiplayer?  icon_rolleyes.gif

I recall reading somewhere that it slows down other players.

Wouldn't that result in having FEAR being a speedhacker's haven?

I mean, no one would know who is hacking and who is using bullet time? huh.gif

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Well, that was short...

I had settled down for this, alone in my house, lights out, curtains closed, window open for a cool breeze, and they give me THIS?! huh.gif

I have to admit, when you see that child at the stairs, and directly after that you see that... other.. thing, that made quite an impression... so did the "dream" scene.... but... I want FEAR damnit! mad_o.gif

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84% downloaded. Those servers are VERY slow. I normally have a download speed of around 300kb/s, but his download is only reaching 50kb/s crazy_o.gif

I loved all the vids and the pics from this game, so I really hope it's good. I think the storyline is the one of the most important factors of the game, so I doubt a short demo can give you the same feeling. If this game is as fun as Blood2 than I'm buying it anyway.

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I loved all the vids and the pics from this game, so I really hope it's good.

Yes. I got a good laugh the first time I saw the part of the video when the lights in the elevator are blinking on and off and the little girl suddenly appears for a second. All he says is, "Oooooooooooh boy!!"

I really missed his sarcastic monologue and the occasional dialogues which are totally absent in the demo.

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Now where's my Boiling Point 2.0 patch? It was supposed to be released today  huh.gif

LOL  banghead.gif  Exactly what I was thinking.

Slightly off-topic but we're already in a O-T game anyway....

Boiling Point patch 2.0 here:

ftp.download-center.com/international/boilingpoint/BOILING-POINT-EUROPE-RETAIL-UPDATE2.zip (192.46MB)

I also see a "anyversion". Dont know what the difference is but here's the link:

ftp.download-center.com/international/boilingpoint/BOILING-POINT-EUROPE_AnyVersion-UPDATE2.rar (198.24MB)

I'm downloading the first one.

update! the first file has the anyversion-update inside.

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hmm, after playing it for a very short period I'm a little bit disappointed by this game. The graphics are nice (although I seriously need to get myself a new videocard), but the weapons and weapon(sounds) are not so nice. It never really feels like I'm actually firing a weapon. The whole thing doesn't give me the nice feeling I get when I'm blasting away playing HL2 for example.

I hope they'll make changes to this before releasing the final product.

The thing I do like or actually really love is the lights/shadows ect. The demo more than once scared the shit out of me. I first had the shadows turned off, but when I turned them on I was in for a big suprice. Those shadows add a lot and in the beginning I was even afraid of my own shadow when I suddenly saw it appearing on the wall because I stepped into the light. If the entire game has moment like this than it will be great.

but still THE SOUNDS ARE SHIT. No matter how hard I try, whn firing those weapons I feel like firing a toygun. The submachinegun can't even fire a single round (only bursts) and it's sound it just way too weak. The pistol sucks even more. I sure hope they change it since it completely ruins the experience. If they don't than I'll wait untill some addonmaker makes a soundpack before even considering buying it. It's a shame that such a nice game has such shitty sounds.

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I think the demo was quite good. I usually buy games like this for the gore. ANd well, F.E.A.R. has lots of it. Best experience was when i blew 1 guy in half with a mine

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