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USS Alabama song.

It's also used in all FFUR packs as 01.ogg, you can hear it by playing BIS campaigns (CWC especially) using the upcoming packs



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I am in aw that is one very nice movie I wish I had talent for doeing shouch things notworthy.gif


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Hey Pierre

first of all I've gotta say your movies are quite good, but I've got one point that I've gotta criticize, that is always annoying me when watching your movies.

Place, try to omit these endless black-fadings in your movies. It's just pain for the eyes. It's uselees.

If you do so, you can also make clear cuts in your movies. Otherwise, the effect of beginning a new part in a movie is not that strong anymore. You can make clear cuts with black-fadings so save them for really useful scenes.

If you want to use fades, then I advise you not to use black ones. The best would be to leave fades out, except at useful situations as a matter of style.

Your camerwork is great, so your movies would be even better if you tried to work with my tips!

I say that as an amateur but I made the experience and just want to share it with you. Cutting movies is one of my prefered hoobys smile_o.gif!

Oh and... EDIT

I know that the demand to movies is very low in the OFP community. Your movies are way better than the rest, so keep on the good work.

Oh and you should try to make your movies brighter they are very dark sometimes. I dont know which prog you use but you can easily do it with avid xpress (which is the best in overall).

Also the length. You should come the point and it is better to avoid a number of slowmos. The effect is weakened by a massive use, again...

OH MAN, I may sound like I hate your videos etc. but I like them dont take to hard bro ^^! I know my english sucks.

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good vid for what i could see the brightness is far too dark to see and i cant be bothered changing the brightness then changing it backwards best out lines ive ever seen

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Quote[/b] ]Place, try to omit these endless black-fadings in your movies. It's just pain for the eyes. It's uselees.

Good movie, but I must agree with Katzelowski. The almoast constant black-fadings caused me to close my eyes every time, and when making a movie you don't want to make your audience do that, ask any director.

Veriety keeps the mass entertained biggrin_o.gif

Still, very good movies though, I still want to know how to do the in-game camera movements and all that, but to be honest I can't be bothered, too much jargon for me. whistle.gif

Keep it up, and I wouldn't mind seeing an Asian crisis vid too if you had the time! smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Keep it up, and I wouldn't mind seeing an Asian crisis vid too if you had the time!

i would rather have the actual pack biggrin_o.gif

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i know what would be such a cool idea which since youve said its too late to request things, ill throw it in for another release

if youve seen the Ofp movie by Kenwort

and it has the 4 winter US soldiers lined up agains the wall all in different crouched positions something with those anims but choses a random one for when you kneel

they look cool on the video and would look even cooler in the heat of combat  biggrin_o.gif

just an idea

Edit - Who else does that video remind of the FFUR packs ive got a feeling they were done with them, but im probaly wrong

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Hi guys...

Thanks for all your comments, the opinion of the OPF community is really important for me. smile_o.gif

Some interesting comments:

* "...try to omit these endless black-fadings in your movies. It's just pain for the eyes. It's uselees..."

* "...you should try to make your movies brighter they are very dark sometimes..."

* "...and would look even cooler in the heat of combat..."

No problem, I will make the next ones with your suggestions in mind.

Stay tuned.

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Quote[/b] ]* "...and would look even cooler in the heat of combat..."

heh what i wasnt talking about the movie there, but a nice combat movie with a fierce fire fight would be brill

except i find making a fire fight as a cut scene is the hardest part about cam scripting

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Oh i have a question...

After the release of the "final" pack (The last one was the final too no ? tounge2.gif ) i know you'll take some rest (and it will really merited tounge2.gif)

But do you plan to make an FFUR WWII huh.gif It could be nice... But not neccesary

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No-one has talked about such in the team, but I think we'd need some more members to do such - people capable of creating WW2-like islands, for instance.

After this bunch of packs we'll most likely be suspending operations for the forseeable future.

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It would be nice, but they probably won't.

Great vid! thumbs-up.gif

EDIT- Reven answered first. Ah well.

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well you cant realy create a WW2 mod cause of the fact of helicopters but it would be nice to see.

but i think you guys after this deserve a much long needed rest biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]But do you plan to make an FFUR WWII huh.gif It could be nice... But not neccesary

No , as I explained a few weeks ago , we won't do it for simple reasons , how could we replace the choppers for a WWII conversion ? Impossible though , that will entirely break BIS campaigns ...

plus, as expected, the upcoming FFUR packs will be the last ones for OFP... then we'll take a bit of rest whilst you'll be enjoying'em.


Best Regards


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Quote[/b] ]But do you plan to make an FFUR WWII huh.gif It could be nice... But not neccesary

No , as I explained a few weeks ago , we won't do it for simple reasons , how could we replace the choppers for a WWII conversion ?

Stick a teutonic cross on a hind and hope for the best rofl.gif

Seriously though, it would be interesting idea, but would it be Russian vs. Germans, America vs. Germans, Russians vs. America?! crazy_o.gif You'd never be able to substitute WW2 units into a 1980s war.

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Don't forget the UK or Japan. It's near impossible to create a pack like FFUR for OFP based on a real conflict. Truly is. Well, not impossible. Just not likely. huh.gif

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is the FFUR team still going to be around when AA comes out and still continue development when new addons are created or do you plan on a retirement from the worlds of ofp configs rofl.gif

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Yep, we hope to eventually do stuff for ArmA and OFP2. We'll have to wait for decent addons to be made for them though, depending on how easily OFP1 stuff ports to the new medium (not well, I suspect - completely new engine).

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And the FFUR thread sinks to third!

However, if you looked at the web site you would've seen the links on the bottom saying OFP2 (you should prolly change this) and AA.

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