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Addon Requests: G3 and Fnfal

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To any weapon maker or one in training:

Considering the amount of countries that use these, would anyone be interested in either making updated versions of these rifles?

There are older versions out there yes, but making something such as this in a smaller/newer pack with a few versions would compliment a lot of the addons coming out and could replace the BIS versions.

This would be instead of making yet another new M4 or Ak47 pack thats been done 100 times over.

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There was an update to the FN FAL in FlashFXUR. I don't believe I have seen a g3 though.

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The FNFAL has been done meany times the G3 ha been done too but not realy as good as the one from BIS which only realy needs a better model the textures are prity good i think.


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No fx mod versions, Im talking stand alone.

Have these been done before? Yes, of course they have but they could be better.

I for one, do not want to use the BIS Fal anymore.

I used the HK pack G3 up til now but I'd like to see a smaller pack that doesnt require 30 MB of other weapons.

No more PK, AK, M4, M14, M16,M60 or M249's...please.

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Have you tried DKM´s FAL yet ? It´s not a replacement but it´d be cool if someone convert it to be one smile_o.gif

edit: lol, did it really take me 2 minutes to read the thread.. biggrin_o.gif

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The only FAL's that are out are an edit of the original BIS model (pretty sure of it).

I have made an FN-FAL model, but since I can't texture very well, it will be used in the Lowlands Warrior mod.

I've also made an HK33 (easily convertable to G3), same thing applies as for the FAL.

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i made some edited versions on Kabal's FN FAL... maybe if i can get a hold of him ill release them.

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Kabal made a nice FN-FAL/L1A1 pack i while back. They looked great, but where scaled wrong. I'd love to se updated versions of these weapons. An updated HK pack would be great too

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