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BWMod Dingo released

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Yep, but you will not be able to see the interior of the vehicle by using the gunner view lod and create a face in front of the gunners head.

Anyway, I don't see much sense in this case.

You should either turn on 3rd person view or wait for Armed Assault, which will hopefully support real optics for wheeled vehicles.

Too bad you think of it like that. Guess the Dingo will suffer the same fate like the Fennek for multiplayer missions then. At least with the group of people I use to play and where we often include BWmod stuff into the missions.

It's just a matter of fact that most serious coop groups play with external view turned off. Like I said, minor clipping issues or the inability to look around in the inside of the vehicle is something I personally would not consider as much of a problem. Making this addon basically of no use for the entire community that plays without external view however is.

Anyway, I hope you reconsider, as I have my doubts that ArmA will introduce new vehicle classes. VBS1 disappointed me in this area already.

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Hey man this addon is great, but it keeps chrashing OFP and yours tank leopard to! I have no idea what to do and what is the problem of this chrashing!? huh.gif

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@Flecktarn : Most likely its a textureresolution problem.

Try to reduces your texture resolution.

Mos of the newer BWMod addons use 2048 resolution textures , which could cause CTDs on older systems.

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