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Fuerzas Armadas Mod

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today we have british addons, french addons, german, danish, swedish, finnish, italian, norge, and soon belgian, spanish and estonian (?). Maybe can we do eufo military cooperation mission or campagn smile_o.gif

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today we have british addons, french addons, german, danish, swedish, finnish, italian, norge, and soon belgian, spanish and estonian (?). Maybe can we do eufo military cooperation mission or campagn smile_o.gif

That would be great smile_o.gif , the European Rapid Reaction Force

I need to learn how to make addons, I want a Portuguese MOD too. biggrin_o.gif

OT: Congrats to "nuestros hermanos" and good luck with your mod.

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Of course, with french COS (Commandement des Opérations Spéciales), KSK, the SAS and others biggrin_o.gif MIAM!

And paecekeeping operation in Nogova by exemple (or other maps), and try to do hideen selection "NFOR" for cars and armoureds!


For mee, a have lived an experience when I went in ALAT au Luc for the open doors (in France,the ALAT it's a franco-german chopper school). I meet my sergent (of 3eme RAMa, my futur regiment as reservist) and I found him with an adjudant of 21eme RIMa drinking beers. German soldiers were here, doing the bar. My sergent told with a german and asked him more deer for next year biggrin_o.gif and said he was in Germany at a moment. And I said to german "i went to Germany during my school", and he asked me if i speack german, and I answered "ja, ein bieschien", and he takes a Perrier and give me that, saying me "it's free"!!

After I said to my sergent "you see, I trust in European army!"

When I think my grand father who see the german ocupation and today we trink together, it's a good think wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I need to learn how to make addons, I want a Portuguese MOD too.   biggrin_o.gif

YAY!!! I want that too!  tounge2.gif

I would kill for that mod... pistols.gif


CETME is going to be used? OMG! You made my day...

Good work mates...

Dont worry about the delay, I wait   smile_o.gif

NBR Out!

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We are working as fast as we can, but we have decide to release a pack with the units, and vehicles that are already fixed as soon as posible , we are now working on some demo missions to be included in this first release.

There are also new members working in new addons... wink_o.gif

I suposse you want some new pics biggrin_o.gif

Edit.. .I have removed the pictures until I know what the guy is making and what he is using.. . sorry.

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and about your question...nah I dont

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Pardom me if im mistaken , but this looks like someone borrowed some parts of the BWMOD Marder.

I.e. Tracks ,Lights and some Details.

Anyway it does look good

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This definitely is not a Pizarro IFV.

The ASCOD, intruduced into service as Pizarro (Spain) and Ulan (Austria), has seven roadwheels, straight side skirts and external fuel tanks/stowage boxes at the rear, to list three striking features.

So, this is how it should look like:


On the screenshots posted by Flaber above, we can clearly see that this "Pizarro" has six roadwheels, different side skirts and no fuel tanks at the vehicle rear. So, it is suprisingly clear that it looks more like a German Marder IFV:


(Compare the mentioned parts by yourself)

Apparently, what this mod team did is taking the Marder IFV released by MMP some time ago (the BWMod re-released an improved version of this addon earlier this year), stripping it of its turret, doing some cosmetic changes to the hull and then putting a new turret on it.

For the record, there has been no contact between MMP/BWMod and the Fuerzas Armadas Mod. They never asked for and were never given the permission to use the Marder as the basis for their Pizarro (which is not a good idea anyway, if you compare these two vehicles, but that's their decision).

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Hum lets see what they have to say, maybe its only a mystake or a missunderstading crazy_o.gif

this is the pizarro Praet was talking


I hope this dont cause any troubles to eatch sides. smile_o.gif

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It looks like the Ejército de Tierra uses a different kind of side skirts, thanks for the correction. Though, it still bears closer resemblance to the ones of the Marder, and the roadwheel and external fuel tanks issue remain unsolved.

But then, I also stumbled across the turret which apparently isn't the ASCOD turret as well. To be precise, this turret looks more like the one of the UK Warrior IFV.

What a suprise - I have been told that the turret they are using for their "Pizarro" has apparently been taken from the UK pack by DKMM, though again slightly modified. Look at this screenshot:


Of course I can't say if DKMM was contacted and if they granted their permission, but even if they did - what would we have here?

A modified Marder hull, a modified Warrior turret, put together and announced as a Pizarro IFV icon_rolleyes.gif

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Our apologies, I have been asking and ... yes, the tank is based in the marder from the BWMOD, we are modifying the model to try made it as similar as the pizarro as we can.

We havent ask for permision to use it or modify to BWMOD, so is my fault, because I thought that the guy who is working on it and give me the pictures had asked those permision.

I will try to get in contact with bwmod (as I have been doing with many other addonmakers) and ask for those permisions if is not alrealdy too late.



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I have been talking with the person who has been working on this "pseudo pizarro". And this "addon" will not be included in any way in the FFAA mod.

Our apologies to the BWMod for the troubles we can create to them..



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Shame, but if you could get permissions that would allow you to use it, that would be better than not including it downright.

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One picture from the FAMET* HU-10 also know as HUEY

This model has implemented random tail numbers for single player (in mp you have to set the numbers manually or each player will have a diferent number), and the posibility to change the door logo. Default logo is FAMET* one


Before anyone asks .. yes we have permision from "Select This"

I will try to post a new picture each time we finish working and testing an addon.


*FAMET (Fuerzas Aero Moviles del Ejercito de Tierra)

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A picture from the HT-21 (Super puma), I want to give thanks to Malvinas Mod again for let us use his bird biggrin_o.gif


We have also made some "special" units, that wear a backpack, and they can repair vehicles, carry 15 l. (about 3 gallons) of fuel, and carry extra ammunition.

We have a little pack finished (about 60MB) and we are now making a set of missions to release with the pack.


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Who asked for an Osborne Bull (Toro de Osborne) ? Wipman ?? biggrin_o.gif


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Here do you have a picture of my new "CETME mod. C" and the link to download it.

Its my first addon, so no very high detailed, and no optics (use default m16 optics but i think is right calibrated because i've been able to kill a soldier at more than 400mts). also use Jam magazines, the JAM_W762_20mag and JAM_W762_20HDmag. (the class name of the weapon is MTP_CETME_C)

No soldier configured, but there is an ammo box with this gun in "Ejercito Espańol - objetos"

Link Cetme C

and the picture


Enjoy it.


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Ei guys i have add other Addon to the Mod, the Spanish Osborne Bull, jejeje.

You can find it under Ejercito Espańol - Objetos


donwload Link here

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Perfect el viejo chopo, Can do you do the old Spanish SMGs Z-62; Z-70 andthe Z-84?

And A Guardia Civil for this weapons.


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