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International Special Forces

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heh, I'll have an update later tonight probably. As it stands now the blackop is a customizable unit, by that I mean you can customize the pouches/gear you want on him.

There'll be 5 base models (May do more) to do the customizations through script and right now it stands as:

1. Black Op variant with Gas Mask

2. Black Op variant with watchcap

3. Black Op variant with helmet and balaclava

4. Black Op with no head gear on

5. Black Op with just a balaclava

I'll post some screens later smile_o.gif

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Hmm I'd have to say Suggestion 1 looks more proportioned to me, if only it had the thicker arms used in Sg.2. Eh I hate to burden you with that but the thing that stood out most from the original model was the thicker legs, even with the arms thick I still think it would look better with the thinner legs. It is all up to you though, these units are looking good and I cannot wait to see the screens later. Great job with the customization Bambi smile_o.gif

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Just a little update to show off the variants smile_o.gif





Just have to finalise some things and it'll be released. Not saying an exact date though cause I suck at making deadlines whistle.gif

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wow_o.gif The units do look great, take your time with it until you feel they're ready. Even if the wait is long it is well worth it.

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Hey could you make a Black Op with like a baseball cap and one with a baseball cap and sunglasses, or if you already made one do you have pictures? These honstely do look great, good job and keep it up. smile_o.gif

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Since it will be Internationall Special Forces what about creating some on the russian special forces units. wink_o.gif

Those blackops look great on screenshots wow_o.gif

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Nice job  thumbs-up.gif

Quote[/b] ]what about creating some on the russian special forces units

Ya, theres none of those made already. Im sure people are starving for Russian units. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Nice job  thumbs-up.gif
Quote[/b] ]what about creating some on the russian special forces units

Ya, theres none of those made already. Im sure people are starving for Russian units.  icon_rolleyes.gif

well there is no special forces units with new head models/textures wink_o.gif

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Bambi, are these for OFP or VBS? Those NVG in the pics above definitely look like VBS...

Heh had a feeling this might come up smile_o.gif

Nope, that's in fact 100% pure OFP. I finished it just the other day, and got it ingame asap. Here's some screenies for proof:

Textures I made

<img src="http://img320.imageshack.us/img320....MG]





And finally, in-OFP :P


There's also the fact that I don't own VBS but meh (thought of buying it then I saw OFP2)

Oh and for the Russian Special Forces question, get me some reference pics and I'll see what I can do.

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wow thats some realy good stuff, looks as good as the troops out of the australian addon for VBS1 the sf ones, realy nice work

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Nice   here is a pic to show how small it really is


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Wow great job with those black op guys! Funny that the first thing that came to mind when I saw the black op with the gas mask was the Half-Life grunts...

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If you blackops are done, then when will you be releasing them? They look great imo. Also will you be making some JTF forces too?

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Bambi, are these for OFP or VBS? Those NVG in the pics above definitely look like VBS...

They look like them, but aren't. Lenses and the mount are completely different. Anyway, back on topic, the units are looking top notch, keep up the good work. Forgive me if the following question has been asked and/or answered already, but will they feature any customisation options (armpatch etc.) and/or the ability to remove helmet etc.

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It will most certainly contain the customization options, moreso than just the clansign and I'll see about the remove helmet thing smile_o.gif

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Just a little update to show off the variants smile_o.gif


Is that!?!??! A reflection!?!?!


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I don't know, looks as if it ties in with the surroundings.

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Not to nitpick, but are you planning on changing the shirt textures? He looks a little odd with the BIS civillian black wooly jumper on.

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If anything it would be nice if he wore a British-type shirt that is similar in appearance to the BIS civie.

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I don't no if I am asking the stupideice question ever but, the first model on the first page is that going to be included and if it is will it be in woodland as well

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