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Messor Island Released

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Thanks for posting those photos Matt, they look awesome.

Russin, I tried out the CTI coop the other night and loved it.  I look forward to playing some more CTIs on those islands.  I can easily make a more CTI friendly version according to criteria you need, like different bridges or less objects.

Regarding the baracken: I'm not certain what version I'm using for it, I'll look into the two available and let you know.

Thanks for posting the mirror!  I'm talking with a few people to get a few more up!

thanks Reaper i will compile a list of changes that would make it more CTI friendly for those without super PC's but over all i played it NP 1500 view distance with ai on Insanity  biggrin_o.gif  ran perfect the whole game (2 + hours)  biggrin_o.gif

i will port over a MP MFCTI tonight 30 man version 15vs15 and see how it fairs  tounge_o.gif

oh one other small problem was AI will drown themselfs when close to the edge of the water they act like the water ain't there and just run right in over there heads lol crazy_o.gif

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@Matt Rochell: why is your water so bright blue?

lol photoshop, auto levels.. it made the pictures brighter...

also when i took the pictures i was using a view distance of 5000m with harldy any lag, but there was no units so biggrin_o.gif

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Nice large island, good work! ( a little laggy but smile_o.gif )

Also, a bad texture on a sea cliff about the middle of the west coast.

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yeah, i have a good machine & it's a bit laggy. oh yeah, maybe thats because there isnt a single forrest, only 140912309123091230912309123 trees :o) still a bit TOO CWC for my personal taste, but good job either way.

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Ok, got to play Russins Ver of CTI, and had no lag issues last night. Wow this is a big island. Have not seen the NE part of the island yet. From what I have been able to see, it looks great.

I have only seen one airport. Is there a second airport? If not, then the only real suggestion is that you may want to add a second airport.

I saw a lot of new objects that were not CWC, so I do not think it is just a CWC island. Just look at the Harbor.

This islands seems well layed out, and set up for all types of missions. Just looking at the bridge, makes me think of a great spot for bridge fight for Coop or C&H.

Good Work!

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yeah, i have a good machine & it's a bit laggy.  oh yeah, maybe thats because there isnt a single forrest, only 140912309123091230912309123 trees :o)  still a bit TOO CWC for my personal taste, but good job either way.

thats a good thing with so many trees.. it means you can blow down the trees for an extration chopper.. tanks can role anywhere knocking down trees as they go.. Awsome!!

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well, the man said he wanted it realistic. a tank can by no means go through a forrest as big as that on a tree crushing rampage. of course those objects arent CWC, they arent even made by BIS. all i'm saying is this island would look a thousand times better with resistance pine trees.

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When I designed the island, I talked to several island designers and those big impassable forest blocks so prominent in the original islands are actually very inefficient for framerates.

I tested it out and if I had used those forests the view distance would have framerate troubles at 900m, especially for an island of that size.

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I think the forest block were meant for cutting down the Islands wrp size and so speed up loading. But nice Island smile_o.gif Great for air missions

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actually, they are meant to block the sight of the AI, so they wont come through a place you don't mean for them to when you're making a mission, & they block the view of other objects, that with W or Z buffer, so they aren't drawn, & thus, don't create lag.

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after further playing and checking out all the area's it is absoultly outstanding island all the buliding that can be entered and door opening creeks is awesome very well DONE reaper im still working on MP CTI on this have hade little time i want to add more towns and adjust town pricing.

also im compiling a list for a more friedly CTI version of this island i notce AI have a hard time walking around all the trees not sure what can be done about that they do get around but the get hung up sometimes hehehe silly AI crazy_o.gif

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Thanks for the feedback Russin.

I'm surprised the AI is having problems. The island was designed for co-op play and we've never encountered any AI problems with FCM's season 2 mission tests.

Post a list of the change's you'd like and I'll see what can get done.

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Thanks for the feedback Russin.

I'm surprised the AI is having problems.  The island was designed for co-op play and we've never encountered any AI problems with FCM's season 2 mission tests.

Post a list of the change's you'd like and I'll see what can get done.

yes ive started alist but id like to further test Ai movments human controled AI as well as just AI movments if you have played the Coop CTI bye your self track movments of the none players AI (blue dots) ive not had much time to test properlly but i am on the case biggrin_o.gif

and i must say the more i play on this island the more cool spots i find im looking forward to FCM season 2 on this island it's going to be tottaly wicked i wish i could make quilty missions like the FCM ones they do a hell of a job on there Coops thanls reaper for accepting on making a CTI version

also on the coop there is a teleport for the bridge for easy ai croosing... but ill sudjest a fix for that when i complete the list of requested changes


a second or 3rd airport would be cool as well or if there is another airport ive not seen yet hehehe i love the Airport it is amazing tounge_o.gif duel runways super smile_o.gif

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