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"SHUT UP NOOBIE, I Pwned Jooo Faggot!"

"This SuXX0rs, I had An M24 N00Bie"

"DeltAs Don't Di3 you fags!"

"Tis Server Gey! ScreW joo All NooBies"



*giant handbag fight*


Can i join you on the other side? And can i please hold the button that sets of the distant claymores?

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Jinef I don't like your plan. It needs more mortar fire icon_rolleyes.gif And your "age" test forgot "1 r 1337" or any incarnation of "1337" in it tounge2.gif

From what I understand auto-loaders in tanks are rather fragile, getting hit by the enemy could knock it out and make loading much harder. Hopefully that is simulated well.

One feature that a Challenger tank addon (DKM?) had was a cargo position that simulated a loader. If the loader wasn't there, then a script would remove your cannon weapon for an extra 5 seconds or so, then adds it back and lets the normal reload time go through. This makes it a pain for human gunners as they have to cycle through their weapons back to the cannon. So having your loader is good. This could work well if it was built into the engine, just without removing the weapon.

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Quote[/b] ]"SHUT UP NOOBIE, I Pwned Jooo Faggot!"

"This SuXX0rs, I had An M24 N00Bie"

"DeltAs Don't Di3 you fags!"

"Tis Server Gey! ScreW joo All NooBies"



*giant handbag fight*

Lol, great post Jinef

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Realism = necessary. Oh yes. Can't wait to see this game. Jinef - funny, funny man. I hate those people.  pistols.gif   crazy_o.gif  <- SF tryhards.

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"The enemy seem to have tried to rush our defensive positions world war 1 style sir."

Commander "Hmm, interesting tactic. Cease 81mm missions, use 2 hinds from Bn to take 2 rifle squads to capture any wounded. Oh, and get me more tea."


If the entailing message contains:

"!" "Whassup" "R0xx0rs" "OMG" "tis" "Wot" "D3lta" "I am a US Marine" : Goto "Kick Player - Reason: Come back when you are over 12 years old."

In a word: notworthy.gif

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Realism = necessary. Oh yes. Can't wait to see this game. Jinef - funny, funny man. I hate those people. pistols.gifcrazy_o.gif <- SF tryhards.

SF sux,medics all the way,ya won't get far without em.

I'm more interested in realism in this game,if I wanted an arcade game I could just go for bf2,the whole thing of the loader is interesting but what about if he loaded the weapon type and had some advanced uhh...scanning equipment or something? Problem 1. if its just loading nobody's going to want to do it.

Problem 2. What if say you get an idiot in your tank and you fire and the person never reloads??

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I didn`t want to start a whole new thread, and because this topic is connected to the `on foot`side of the gameplay I`ll post it here...

Some guys used to make posts like "we need gore, bourned corpses, limbs flying around and stuff like that"...

Generally they wanted ofp to be more violent and brutal...

Well, I`ve never been on the battlefield, and all my knowledge is based on some war movies and books... And I think BIS could do something really big..

We all know their attitude to the subject, and they prooved  their`re quite idealistic. Why wouldn`t they make the game become more idealistic?

In my opinion there are two ways:

The first one ist that it`s just a game, more or less realistic and concerning some killing, that`s all. No thinking about morality aspects at all...

Cuz, you know... we`ve played postal, we`ve played soldier of fortune 2, let those politicians talk about the `violence in pc games`, we`re old enough to know what we`re doing.

The second is that BIS might try to achieve something more, make up some message, you know what I`m talking about.

I`m not talking about anything pompous. Just a simple message:

You`re on a virtual war, the only difference between the real one ist that you won`t be shoot in the end. Yes, you`ll drive a tank, fly a helo, but you`ll also experience those `disadvantages` of taking part in a military conflict.

People in real conflicts are dying, suffering, civilians are loosing their homes and families. Still want to play the hero? Be mature...

Fully customisable `violence` would  increase the immersion...

Good plot would make you regret every lost team mate, every killed enemy, and every ded civilian...

edit: Medics, as mentioned many times would bring the game to a whole new level, helping and saving both, your men and civilians.

I`m not talking about something like sudden change of attitude to war during the game, not like in Star Wars games, when the guy is first on the dark side, then he realises `oh man, I`m so bad` and turns into a good guy.

I`m rather talking about changing the point of gameplay, and adding more consciousnes of being just an individual whos  actions may affect other`s (virtual) lifes.

Something that will reduce `action` in game, and focus us rather on thinking about different aspects of war than just shooting at ppl.

You know from the very beginning what you`ll have to do there, you would be forced to execute some orders that you wouldn`t be in accordance with(?), and so on...

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The only game I know of the tried to and "weight" to killing an enemy was Metal Gear Solid 3. Kojima try to do that by making every one you killed come back in a "boss battle". the guys you killed the harder it was (MGS3 uses boss battles to kinda simulate the emotional aspects of combat that are hard to show in a game fear, pain, fury, etc. Im not suggesting it be done this way as it obviously wouldn't fit in with OFP).

Anyhow, this a very difficult thing for Devs to pull off. put emtions in games is hard as how do you trigger these? One aproach

is make the game very graphic. Another is likeable NPCs, like barney from Half-Life. Barney is excelent example of a likeable NPC, he has very little dialoge and just runs around. But, You gotta love'em. But when barney gets wacked to death by a zombie....kinda hard to explain, just play HL1 and you'll see what I mean. This kind of NPC is great for a free-form game.

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Yeah, good idea on the "emotional weight" topic. Some ways you could bring this in would maybe be the way your squad or civilians act to seeing casualties. Or maybe how enemy soldiers despair before shooting back after you just placed a 5.56 in his mate's head. And obviously, we need to keep the reaction of friendly AI after you just wasted an innocent civilian.


"All, target 3!"

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"The enemy seem to have tried to rush our defensive positions world war 1 style sir."

Don't dare insult charging lest you wish my bayonet to go a wonderful shade of reddish-brown. :P It's a fantastic tactic that most certainly does not result in 90%+ casualties even with victory.

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Unfortunately in world war 1, they did not rush ... they walked slowly towards the enemy who were 200 metres away at most.

I like the idea of emotional weight. When playing MP coop and leading a squad I feel pissed off at myself if some mistake I made led to the death of my subordinates.

One thing that got me in the SP campaign was Kowloski and Berghoff may be killed and I would retry the mission until we all survived, only to find that in the next mission they lived on anyway, having a vulnerable squad would be very immersive and would really push the player to try and put in as much teamwork as possible.

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As for the emotional aspect , a game that did this (for me ) was

,how funny it may sound , alien versus predator 2 . if you played alien and you were with an unarmed npc , you saw them cry , beg,stutter and what not . Maybe this could be used in armass ?

Like if you really supress an enemy , he could surrender .

If you kill his buddy ( like in another post) he mourns a sec.

Maybe the npc "general" can order an execution and you hear them beg for their life but you still have to follow orders ...

If somebody saw "the truth about killing" on geographic you saw that in ww2 only 2% was shooting at the enemy because of moral reasons (i'm not saying you don't want to shoot in game 2 wink_o.gif but I hope you get the point

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hmm something completly different. forgive me that I can't be arsed to read all 10 pages on this but the topic subtitle brought something to my mind which I would look for in an OFP successor. Make vehicles like jeeps and trucks useful wink_o.gif I mean. the Soldiers should have limited range that they can just run before they need rest or get very slow or something like that. so those vehicles will actually be of a good use. you're gonna need a truck or jeep to get to your target. and such a vehicle is easily spotted by the enemy and can be attacked from the air etc. it would add a lot of fun imho. also make it so that the load of the soldiers has an influence on their runnign capabillity and the range they can reach. someone carrying a heavy MG like an M60 should not be able to run across the whole island and should also be a bit slower than someone with an m16 only. so heavier equipped troops would also depend more on vehicles.

just an idea. maybe it was already mentioned then just ignore this

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If somebody saw "the truth about killing" on geographic you saw that in ww2 only 2% was shooting at the enemy because of moral reasons (i'm not saying you don't want to shoot in game 2 wink_o.gif but I hope you get the point

That was WW2. In that same documentary it is said that 90% of modern day soldiers is ''ok'' with killing, because there is particular focus in their training on this matter. Since NGPCG is going to be a modern day/slight future game it won't suffer from the problems encountered during WW2.

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I was thinking about how long the dynamic campaign could be....Well, I thought, It can be quite long...

In ofp, missions last, I don`t know, somewehere around 1h, maybe longer, It depends on your style. Besides there are user made missions which are much longer.

Anyway, Game2 "missions" will be twice as long as ofp1`s, I suppose, more likely, there won`t be any classical missions in G2.

This would significantly increase the need of refueling vehicles, returning to base and rearming/repairing them, but also, changing batterys in your sights/radios/flashlights/laser designators etc. Of course I`m not talking about doing it manually every time, wyour equipment should be changed every time you return to your base... I`m just speculating what can be done to vary the gameplay not making it more annoying.

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