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I decided post on this forum because i have absolutely try all i can to solve the problem i ll explain below :

I have search all the troubleshooting forum but nothing found..

A friend buy the GOTY version, cause i m a player and i convert him to play this great game smile_o.gif

Well, a that time, his config was :

ASUS A7N8XE- Deluxe

AMD 2600+

512 Mo DDR RAM Elixir 400Mhz

MSI FX5950 Ultra


OFP 1.96

so, we play coop missions, MFCTI and crCTI, and after 10-15 min playing, his game is freezing (2 times) and then return to desktop with this error message :


He has this problem when playing on a dedicated server and not every time but very often.

This pb occur on every islands on the game.

we first change his memory and upgrade to 1 Go with 2*512 DDR SDRAM kingston 400Mhz : same error sad_o.gif

we change the options of the game and set texture on 512*512 and 256*256 with low res : same pb ...

using HW T&L or not = same error

trying playing with OFP without any mods (only mfcti) : same err

then we decide to change his graphic card : the only card he can try was a FX5600.

installing and testing wityh this new card : same error sad_o.gif

Since this problem, we decided to have a look and check every thing on his computer :

bios update

drivers update

windows update => always the same pb.

we try uninstall all his periph and try again : error

trying with all the latest driver and original driver : error

So we try another solution : change all his computer !

We start changing all the system hardware and now his config is :


P IV 540 3.2 Ghz

1 Go DDR RAM Kingston

MSI FX5950 ultra

always same SATA HDD (but we try using an IDE disk with windows on this IDE and same pb)

we also try playing in windowsXP, windowsXP SP1 and windowsXP SP2 : always the same error.

We try playing on a fresh installed windows without any software installed : error sad_o.gif

So even his system is all changed : he still have this pb ! sad_o.gif

the only things we didnt change :

-dvd player

-dvd recorder


-power 450 W

the only solution : change the player !! wow_o.giftounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

i dont know what to do now.... i hope this error is listed in the BI Database and someone can help us !

thanx for support - smile_o.gif

edit : sorry for caps lock in the title of this topic sad_o.gif i ve seen it after)

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how about searching, this question has been about 78234.45 times ...  tounge_o.gif

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u know we use -nomap and -nosplash in the shortcut..... of course!... i didnt precise that cause its evident for me....

so you dont have any idea then ....

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I guess doublechecking that everything is spelled and spaced correctly would help, otherwise, time to reinstall and clean out the old Addon folder.

-Breaker Out

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hi all!

hmm, i have the same problem like stewan and believe me i tryed out all solutions i found here.

this evening i will try an older graphic driver (nvidia forceware).

i report here.


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oh we have tried all : playing with a fresh install of OFP - no mods etc.... same pb

so waiting for your test with old drivers zecke smile_o.gif

we are going to test with another graphic card - will report here

together we will surely find some solutions ;)

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i have exactly the same problem and i waiting for the solution.this started to appear lately without me changing anything.

pic here:


my configuration is:

CPU:Intel P4 3.00 Ghz HT

MOBO:P4C800-E Deluxe (intel i875)

GFX: FX5900 128Mb


OFP v1.96Beta

Experiencing the problem in any mission but as mentioned

randomly.Every once and a while that is.

I m using HW T&L

OS: Win XP Home SP2

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we are testing something now.

seems to be good - report here at the end of the week end for more long and correct tests.

report this monday night

edit : zecke : what's your config? MB and GC plz ?

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same problem here...

played 4 years now without this problem, and at least 1 years, with last system config...

problem appeared roughly 4-8 months ago...can remember exacly.


AMD 2000+

1 Gb mem.

Geforce 5900 (latest driver) Maybe its driver problem...updated lately!!

i've got som addons like BAS, BAS-Tonal, USMC, WinterOfp...and since few weeks also..Trinity and Mapfact.

First i thought the new addons were problem...but why only me...rest of server i play on, have no problem.

Most of time i hang for 10-20 secs, and return to game..sometimes i get MEM error like the 1 above..!

btw i removed Norton antivirus & zonealarm firewall...for something else...after getting this probs, no fix!

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same problem here...

played 4 years now without this problem, and at least 1 years, with last system config...

problem appeared roughly 4-8 months ago...can remember exacly.


AMD 2000+

1 Gb mem.

Geforce 5900 (latest driver)  Maybe its driver problem...updated lately!!

i've got som addons like BAS, BAS-Tonal, USMC, WinterOfp...and since few weeks also..Trinity and Mapfact.

First i thought the new addons were problem...but why only me...rest of server i play on, have no problem.

Most of time i hang for 10-20 secs, and return to game..sometimes i get MEM error like the 1 above..!

btw i removed Norton antivirus & zonealarm firewall...for something else...after getting this probs,  no fix!

i have exaclty the same symptoms....

i have the same gfx card like you do and the latest driver also.and i play in the same server with you....(i m stef  tounge_o.gif )

and it also hangs for me as you said for 10 secs or so and some times crashes with the error sometimes not...i think must something form the new addons rock.gif

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Ive experienced this before but not lately (since i upgraded some parts i think), but Nogova sometimes ends up freezing and crashing to desktop while the other islands run perfectly well, im replaying the original game to test it with absolutely no problems there rock.gif .

I've also experienced this with FDF's Maldevic, its a rare crash that i think its related with resistance and the latest nvidia drivers rock.gif .

Oh yeah, i have replaced the crappy sb live with a audigy zs and bought 2x512 of PC2700 ram, havent had that out of memory crash since this small upgrade, only the ocasional Nogova crash mad_o.gif .

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OK as promised, the result of our tests since a few days and it seems we have fix the problem.

Before we find, we have tested old driver for gefroce FX without success of course.

The problem seems to come with GEFORCE FX chipset !!!!!

we have change the card and replace it with ATI 9800 Pro and no more crashes !!!

It seems the pb comes with asus using graphic FX5xxx chipset sad_o.gif

We did not try with another motherboard than asus cause we dont have one.

but listening to all your config, you have all asus motherboard and FX5xxx graphic card - sorry for you sad_o.gif.

We have play a lot for this last 3 days with the ATI graphic card and no more crashes !!

So the solution is : try with a non Geforce FX graphic card ! and you will enjoy OFP wihtout any crashes !!!!! and of course if you can you should replace your GC.

thanx for your support and reading this thread - i cant explain why using Geforce FX5xxx it causes crashes but if you read the first post, the graphic card was the only element we dont change in the computer and we have absolutely all tested in order to find the pb!

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Are you positive rock.gif , because you didnt mention your friends sound HW, none of you did actualy..

I started having the same "...out of memory?" crash when i replaced my GF4 with a GF6 and since i replaced the old SoBlive pos with a audigy2 recently it hasnt happened anymore, so even if it sounds unlikely it could be a compatbility issue, or maybe flashpoint doesnt "like" this hardware/driver mix for some reason rock.gif , i know there are other specific crashes related with the old sound card but it seems the out of memory crash is gone since the card was replaced, i would like to confirm this, since upgrading sound is much cheaper than video card smile_o.gif .

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Yes why not but A7n8xe-deluxe use realtek ALC650 chipset audio and p5p800 use sound blaster chipset audio, so we always used integrated audio chipset indeed but it wasn't the same...

Si if you can test than in changing sound card you will have no more crashes, it will be good but i m sure in changing GC crashes are history.

So for us test is over and using another GC than GF FX don't cause any crashes.

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hi stewan!... back again...

my config:

AMD xp3000+


barebonesystem shuttle xpc sg45

nvidia fx5900, with driver 71.89

win xp pro servicepack 1

flashpoint resistance 1.96

..but it could not be a hardware problem(!)

sry, i dont had time to test older drivers, but i will do it this weekend.



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I have the same error... Never had it before.

I have just bought GOTY edition, because my res cd was scratched.... and its just after I installed the goty edition i get the error... Using patch 1.96 beta doesnt give me any error :/ ??

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Hi all!

It seems that i found a solution for the "Out of memory?" Prob:

>I uninstalled the 71.89 display driver and installed the NVidia 66.93_win2kxp_international display driver.

I tested with 2 Systems:

AMD xp1800+ with VIA KT333 Chipset, 128MB RAM

DirectX 9.0c

and NVidia 4200fx

AMD xp3000+ with NVidia Nforce2 Chipset, 512MB RAM

DirectX 9.0c

and NVidia 5900fx

Chipset drivers are actual.

They both had the same "Out of memory?" Prob before I installed the 66.93 driver.

Can anyone verify this?



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I recently had a similar problem.

I had totally reloaded windows from scratch on a blank disk (to ensure a clean install), and used only the drivers and files that were available when 1.96 came out. I wanted to ensure that OFP could run, since it had been running great before.

But, maybe because I had upgraded memory, or had upgraded my motherboard drivers, I was getting a crash after anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes of play. I didn't go back to my old memory and I didn't try to revert back to the old motherboard drivers.

I finally solved the problem ... after many frustrating days. It turned out to be my motherboard settings (for things like CPU and memory speed, and wait states). I had them on the high performance settings. The game ran fine when I put the settings on "safe" mode. To get the most performance, I ended up putting the settings to auto-detect, and it appears that my new memory needed to be set slightly slower.

My problem was solved!

Finally, I have set up a separate boot hard drive just for OFP. That way, no other drivers or junk can interfere with OFP. Kinda reminds me of the old days when we'd create a boot floppy disk for games. (Just a suggestion or idea that may help.)

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If it's any help, I have an Asus mobo (P4R4 or something), and Geforce FX 5600, and graphics card driver version 6.14.0010.7730, and flashpoint works no problem.

Have you tried going backwards with the drivers?

Hmm, also, try going into BIOS and resetting all settings to default, as this seemed to be mganik's problem..

Good luck! smile_o.gif

- Ben

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I was thinking, it might be hard for some folks to revert back to an older driver.  The problem has to do with the installation program.  Some of the installation programs will not allow an older version of a file to be installed, they don't even give you a choice; others give you a choice and will ask you if you want to replace a newer file with an older version.

So, my point is, it might not be possible to revert back to an older driver version for all people ... unless they do a clean install.  Even uninstalling might not fully remove all dlls that have been added with a newer video driver.  I really don't like dlls, but that's another rant....

That's why I started with a completely blank hard disk, and did a limited Windows installation only loading the older video and sound card drivers.

At one point I thought the problem may have been contributed to by some of the Windows recent updates.  But, I have updated to all of the latest Windows updates (edit: except for DirectX ... I'm using the old 8.0 version that came on the Resistance CD).  The problems ended once I used just the old video/sound drivers and fixed my memory speed/wait-state problem.

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I can only speak from ATI ownership, but removing all entries using add/remove programs then using the "driver cleaner" application removes 99.99999% of all trace of drivers meaning I could go back to any version I like smile_o.gif


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Thank god I found this thread, I have been going crazy with this error.

I think the Nvidia driver is the one to blame, I have upgraded my driver while I didn't have OFP installed.

But I have noticed something which nobody else has,

I have the same error but I got a bit more text in the error:

Quote[/b] ]CreateVertexBuffer (static, separate) failed 8876086a - out of memory?

I'm not sure if this is the same error or a bit different from the others, but I'll try uninstalling the driver and see what happends.

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But I have noticed something which nobody else has,

I have the same error but I got a bit more text in the error:

Quote[/b] ]CreateVertexBuffer (static, separate) failed 8876086a - out of memory?

I'm not sure if this is the same error or a bit different from the others, but I'll try uninstalling the driver and see what happends.

That one is often related to setting something too high in game and your hardware not liking it (usually very high terrain or setting a very long eg 5km+ view distance), deleting your cfg file or manually changing the relevant part may help....

If you changed the terrain detail to Very High and can't start OFP anymore, go to the folder where your UserInfo.cfg file is stored (i.e. Flashpoint\Users\YourCoolPlayerName) and open UserInfo.cfg using Notepad. Find the TerrainGrid line and delete it, or change it to terrainGrid=50.000000;

In the same file change the line above (viewDistance=) to fix your view distance smile_o.gif

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Aha! OFP must have set the configs a bit higher then I can take then, better adjust it.

Thanks, Placebo.

I think I need a better card for ArmA, my 64 MB card can't live forever anyway. rofl.gif

ASUS Radeon 9600 Pro 256 MB or Sapphire Radeon 9600 Pro Advantage 256 MB might hold untill Game 2 comes,

they aren't that expensive now-a-days.

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Hmm, suddenly I just got another error which prevent me to start OFP. crazy_o.gif  banghead.gif

Quote[/b] ]Cannot create 3D device:

Adapter 0 (NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200) Fullscreen

Resolution 1024x768, format X8R8G8B8/D24S8, refresh 60 Hz.


Ah! WTH is happening?! crazy_o.gif

I have never experienced graphical problems with OFP before, why now? sad_o.gif

It can't be the extra RAM i install, could it?

EDIT: Just to make it clear, should I send BIS support a mail or should I PM all the data I got to Placebo or someone else? If thats necessary.

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