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The Middle East part 2

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Reuters admits altering Beirut photo.

Quote[/b] ]A Reuters photograph of smoke rising from buildings in Beirut has been withdrawn after coming under attack by American web logs. The blogs accused Reuters of distorting the photograph to include more smoke and damage.

The photograph showed two very heavy plumes of black smoke billowing from buildings in Beirut after an Air Force attack on the Lebanese capital. Reuters has since withdrawn the photograph from its website, along a message admitting that the image was distorted, and an apology to editors.

In the message, Reuters said that “photo editing software was improperly used on this image. A corrected version will immediately follow this advisory. We are sorry for any inconvience.â€

Reuters’ head of PR Moira Whittle said in response: “Reuters has suspended a photographer until investigations are completed into changes made to a photograph showing smoke billowing from buildings following an air strike on Beirut. Reuters takes such matters extremely seriously as it is strictly against company editorial policy to alter pictures.â€

“As soon as the allegation came to light, the photograph, filed on Saturday 5 August, was removed from the file and a replacement, showing the same scene, was sent. The explanation for the removal was the improper use of photo-editing software,†she added.

Earlier, Charles Johnson, of the Little Green Footballs blog , which has exposed a previous attempt at fraud by a major American news corporation, wrote : “This Reuters photograph shows blatant evidence of manipulation. Notice the repeating patterns in the smoke; this is almost certainly caused by using the Photoshop “clone†tool to add more smoke to the image.â€

Original -


Reuter's propaganda version -


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Quote[/b] ]Both sides of the conflict try to manipulate the US media to portray one side more favorable then the other

agreed and its always the case in any war.

But the questions are, 1. how can the American government send bombs to israel and blankets to lebanon.2 how can it sit round a peace table and provide bombs that kill civillians. i do not believe that if the American public knew what is told in that video,they would allow it.

Quote[/b] ]The Reuters news agency just had to pull a picture of Beirut because it was either doctored by the Arab photographer or the editor

source please already posted ,no need to source.

Quote[/b] ]The Qana airstrike was horrible but the Arabs tried to makes the death toll higher and it was discovered that the number was lower by almost 50%

source please

Quote[/b] ]The US media, also, downplayed the shooting of six Jewish woman (1 dead and 5 wounded) by a Muslim American in Seattle a few weeks ago. He shot them because he was "angry at Israel." I wonder if Israel had a hand behind the downplay.

i see you have added that you wonder if israel had a hand in the downplay. well it would fit what the video was saying,which is ,that if they looked into why that man was so angry to make such a disgusting abhorrent act.they would find out what is being done in the name of American citizens and israel would lose support of many american tax dollars.

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Quote[/b] ]

The Qana airstrike was horrible but the Arabs tried to makes the death toll higher and it was discovered that the number was lower by almost 50%

That is true. First there was a report that 60 ppl were killed, but evantually the real number is 21 or 36 I think, much much more lower then 60. That is true.

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You know, they did exactly the same thing with the operation in Jenin. The biggest casualty there was the truth.

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agreed and its always the case in any war.

But the questions are, 1. how can the American government send bombs to israel and blankets to lebanon.2 how can it sit round a peace table and provide bombs that kill civillians. i do not believe that if the American public knew what is told in that video,they would allow it.

The answer to the first question and second question is that Congress supports Israeli actions against Hezbollah according to H. Res. 921 and understands there will be civilians casualties. Therefore, Congress also wants to help the Lebanese people through aid. Congress doesn't see this conflict as a war against Lebanese civilians but against Hezbollah and its infrastructure (i.e, support).

source please

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/5228224.stm -more then 56 killed

http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=2253175 -at least 56, according to the Lebanese Red Cross

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/5229932.stm- more then 50 killed including more then 30 children

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn....2.html- 57 killed

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060801/ap_on_re_us/mideast_photos -56 killed according to the AP

http://www.zeenews.com/znnew/articles.asp?aid=313302&sid=WOR -Actually, 28 killed including 16 children.

i see you have added that you wonder if israel had a hand in the downplay. well it would fit what the video was saying,which is ,that if they looked into why that man was so angry to make such a disgusting abhorrent act.they would find out what is being done in the name of American citizens and israel would lose support of many american tax dollars.

The last sentence was sarcasm and nothing more. According to the 911 tape, he hates Jews and all Jews are at fault for the current Middle East situtation. He only cared that they were Jewish, not they were Americans, and they needed to be shot.

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You know, they did exactly the same thing with the operation in Jenin. The biggest casualty there was the truth.

Yes I know, lol.

Ok guys, here you go, the IDF Airforce commando raid in  Baalbek on August 2nd:

Click here please

OK. When you see the red circels, these are Hizballah fighters according to the IDF/IAF that are shooting the Commandos. Don't believe that they are actually shooting ? Look closer and check the brand new AK muzzle flashes ! [wanted to sound like those sells-man on the channel where they sell stuff,lol].Really, look closer, they are shooting.

After that you will see cars being bombed - Those are terrorist that moving to assist in Baalbek. [of course I can't prove it to you, it's what the IDF/IAF says.] A Hizballah artillary cannon was also targeted {and destroyed of course}

After that you will see the commandos inside the "hospital", they found there AK's and many more weapons, you can see those weapons in the video. Btw, the AK's are not IDF's. We don't use them. [This is not some PR conspiracy trick - we didn't bring those in our helicopter and showed them to the head-mounted cameras or something.]

The forces arrived in two CH53 helicopters. they were about 100 operators involved. Israel managed to kill about 15 fighters and snatched 5 fighters.

[This is the original video that was showed, no cuts or something] -->> unfortunatly the quality is not so good but you can see  crazy_o.gif


BaalBek "Field Trip" -> same video, much better quality, The Sky-News version ["Subtitels" in english & the guys from news speaking]:

Sky News - BaalBek Raid {Same video as before , much better quality}

Update, More Videos !!!:

Isaeli Videos of attacks on Rocket Launchers:

Another Video of this:

Click Me

Another Video - U should really see those!

Hizballah Terrorist Shooting Rockets from populated are:





 - To bad, No more house.

2nd edit:

IDF Naval Special Forces [shayetet 13] Attack Hizballah objectives in Tyre, also the Rocket Launcher that shot the Long Range Missle towards Hadera:

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Quote[/b] ]The answer to the first question and second question is that Congress supports Israeli actions against Hezbollah according to H. Res. 921 and understands there will be civilians casualties. Therefore, Congress also wants to help the Lebanese people through aid. Congress doesn't see this conflict as a war against Lebanese civilians but against Hezbollah and its infrastructure (i.e, support).

well thats a sick policy. to kill children and offer there parents blankets and food ?

Quote[/b] ]The last sentence was sarcasm and nothing more. According to the 911 tape, he hates Jews and all Jews are at fault for the current Middle East situtation. He only cared that they were Jewish, not they were Americans, and they needed to be shot.

are you saying that this guy was in a 911 tape somewhere ?

Quote[/b] ]-Actually, 28 killed including 16 children.-Actually, 28 killed including 16 children.

sounds like a massacre to me. this kind of over exagerating happens in normal reporting its the initial impact ,stuff, should be banned ,imo. like when a train crashes and headline says 200 dead ,and when all calm and actual facts are gathered only 30 are dead.still been a train crash and its still sad.

Quote[/b] ]Quote (Nemesis6 @ Aug. 07 2006,00:23)

You know, they did exactly the same thing with the operation in Jenin. The biggest casualty there was the truth.


Yes I know, lol.

you find what actually did happen in jenin funny even tho it was not told truthfully the actual events you can laugh about now ?

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Both sides of the conflict try to manipulate the US media to portray one side more favorable then the other.

Did you watch the video?  This is not about what the different sides try to do.  This is about what the pro-Israeli side succeeds at doing; what the US media allows them to do; and what the rest of the world's media does not.  Sure you can argue that Arab media allows the Palestinian propagandists lots of freedom, but Arab tax dollars did not buy the bombs and missiles that killed nearly 1000 Lebanese civilians this past month.

For example, the Palestinians tried to make what happened in Jenin a big massarce of Palestinian civilians but, actually, more IDF soldiers and Palestinian miliants were killed then civilians.

Please prove that the scattered residents of the Jenin camp had anyway of knowing the real numbers in advance of being allowed back in by the Israeli army.  The Red Cross wasn't even allowed in.  All they knew was that many people were unaccounted for and, given what happened when the IDF sealed off the Sabra/Shatila camp, they assumed the worst.  Nobody tried to hide the real numbers when they became available.

The Reuters news agency just had to pull a picture of Beirut because it was either doctored by the Arab photographer or the editor.

Again, what does that have to do with successful media manipulation?

The Qana airstrike was horrible but the Arabs tried to makes the death toll higher and it was discovered that the number was lower by almost 50%.

Again, where's your evidence that they knew, but suppressed the actual number of casualties.  They had to excavate that cellar with their bare hands.  It took them days.  And when they finished, the real deathtoll came out.

What were the initial deathtoll estimates for the WTC attacks?  Twenty thousand, then ten thousand, then five and finally under three thousand.  Have you accused the US authorities of trying to make the deathtoll greater than it actually was?  Of course not.  This is an accusation you reserve for Arabs, I guess.

I could probably find more examples but the fact is both sides try to manipulate the media but Israel is better of getting their point across.

Successfully having US media refer to the settlement of Gilo as a Jerusalem neighbourhood instead of a settlement goes far beyond getting a point across.  Another example:  In August 2003, when two Israelis were killed by two Palestinians, CBS, NBC and the LA Times each reported that the “summer truce†had been “shattered†after “a month of relative quietâ€.  During this “relative quiet,†17 Palestinians were killed and 59 injured by the IDF, according to the Palestine Red Crescent Society.

(But of course, you know this already if you watched the video.)

The US media, also, downplayed the shooting of six Jewish woman (1 dead and 5 wounded) by a Muslim American in Seattle a few weeks ago. He shot them because he was "angry at Israel." I wonder if Israel had a hand behind the downplay......

Please show me your evidence that it was downplayed.

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Please prove that the scattered residents of the Jenin camp had anyway of knowing the real numbers in advance of being allowed back in by the Israeli army.  The Red Cross wasn't even allowed in.  All they knew was that many people were unaccounted for and, given what happened when the IDF sealed off the Sabra/Shatila camp, they assumed the worst.  Nobody tried to hide the real numbers when they became available.

Yes but they still tried to call it a "Massacare".

Anyways' i'm kind of "re-posting":

Quote[/b] ]
You know, they did exactly the same thing with the operation in Jenin. The biggest casualty there was the truth.

Yes I know, lol.

Ok guys, here you go, the IDF Airforce commando raid in Baalbek on August 2nd:

Click here please

OK. When you see the red circels, these are Hizballah fighters according to the IDF/IAF that are shooting the Commandos. Don't believe that they are actually shooting ? Look closer and check the brand new AK muzzle flashes ! [wanted to sound like those sells-man on the channel where they sell stuff,lol].Really, look closer, they are shooting.

After that you will see cars being bombed - Those are terrorist that moving to assist in Baalbek. [of course I can't prove it to you, it's what the IDF/IAF says.] A Hizballah artillary cannon was also targeted {and destroyed of course}

After that you will see the commandos inside the "hospital", they found there AK's and many more weapons, you can see those weapons in the video. Btw, the AK's are not IDF's. We don't use them. [This is not some PR conspiracy trick - we didn't bring those in our helicopter and showed them to the head-mounted cameras or something.]

The forces arrived in two CH53 helicopters. they were about 100 operators involved. Israel managed to kill about 15 fighters and snatched 5 fighters.

[This is the original video that was showed, no cuts or something] -->> unfortunatly the quality is not so good but you can see crazy_o.gif


BaalBek "Field Trip" -> same video, much better quality, The Sky-News version ["Subtitels" in english & the guys from news speaking]:

Sky News - BaalBek Raid {Same video as before , much better quality}

Update, More Videos !!!:

Isaeli Videos of attacks on Rocket Launchers:

Another Video of this:

Click Me

Another Video - U should really see those!

Hizballah Terrorist Shooting Rockets from populated are:





- To bad, No more house.

2nd edit:

IDF Naval Special Forces [shayetet 13] Attack Hizballah objectives in Tyre, also the Rocket Launcher that shot the Long Range Missle towards Hadera:

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Yes ok I see you are pimping your videos. But I kinda don't get what you try to tell us with them. Would you mind commenting how those videos correspond to what point you're trying to make?

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Original -


Reuter's propaganda version -


Actually, from what I understand, the picture you said is the original is actually the edited one, as this one seems to be the original one... the one you said was Reuter's propaganda version somehow I don't think even matches the same scenery as shown by both the original and the edited one... huh.gif

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Yes ok I see you are pimping your videos. But I kinda don't get what you try to tell us with them. Would you mind commenting how those videos correspond to what point you're trying to make?

Why sometimes we bomb civillian houses. Because they shoot rockets from there and it shows you that Hizballah uses civillians as humans shields . .

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Yes ok I see you are pimping your videos. But I kinda don't get what you try to tell us with them. Would you mind commenting how those videos correspond to what point you're trying to make?

Why sometimes we bomb civillian houses. Because they shoot rockets from there and it shows you that Hizballah uses civillians as humans shields . .

Yeah but what about the commando raid videos and such? I Don't see hesbollah fighters inside the Baalbek hospital there. I see people shooting, dunno who is who and belongs to what organisation. I see a dubious scene with an AK and I hear Israel abducted people from a hospital and I see israel bombing a car that *they" claim is hesbollah reinforcements although I kinda missed the flashing "Hesbollah is here" sign on it.

btw the fact thas hesbollah uses civillians as shields is well known to me and I don't dispute it.

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Yeah but what about the commando raid videos and such? I Don't see hesbollah fighters inside the Baalbek hospital there. I see people shooting, dunno who is who and belongs to what organisation. I see a dubious scene with an AK and I hear Israel abducted people from a hospital and I see israel bombing a car that *they" claim is hesbollah reinforcements

The hospital wasn't "working", he was abandombed and served as Hizballah Base. They guys u see runing & then shooting are Hizballah. U can see them running outside a building that is the hospital.

Israel didn't "abducted" them from the hospital, I mean they weren't hospitalized, they snatched 5 Hizballah fighters.

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BUZZARD @ Aug. 07 2006,14:36)]Actually, from what I understand, the picture you said is the original is actually the edited one, as this one seems to be the original one... the one you said was Reuter's propaganda version somehow I don't think even matches the same scenery as shown by both the original and the edited one...  huh.gif

I thought so too, but the buildings in the lower left corner of the original (and the one that is obviously edited) match the ones in the lower right corner of the "Reuter's propaganda version". Well no, it's not the exact same scenery, it seems like it's two pictures taken at different times and most likely from different angles.

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Yeah but what about the commando raid videos and such? I Don't see hesbollah fighters inside the Baalbek hospital there. I see people shooting, dunno who is who and belongs to what organisation. I see a dubious scene with an AK and I hear Israel abducted people from a hospital and I see israel bombing a car that *they" claim is hesbollah reinforcements

The hospital wasn't "working", he was abandombed and served as Hizballah Base. They guys u see runing & then shooting are Hizballah. U can see them running outside a building that is the hospital.

Israel didn't "abducted" them from the hospital, I mean they weren't hospitalized, they snatched 5 Hizballah fighters.

Well I can see none of that from the video. Also you claim that they are hesbollah. Can you provide evidence? Like identifying them and show up where and when they participated in terrorist attack (you called them "terrorists" earlier) or show me when they joined Hesbollah? Also it's the first time that I hear this hospital wasn't used as an hospital. I don't say it isn't the case but where can I get this info? (source please?)

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I heard it on the news here.{probably not that relable, maybe they lying} The hospital was abandomed. U know the bullding was a hospital. & of course u can't see in the video they are Hizballh, its Infra-Red footage from UAV.

Just look closer and u will see them shooting.

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I heard it on the news here.{probably not that relable, maybe they lying} The hospital was abandomed. U know the bullding was a hospital. & of course u can't see in the video they are Hizballh, its Infra-Red footage from UAV.

Just look closer and u will see them shooting.

So you're saing everyone shooting at foreign invaders in their country are "terrorists" or members of terroristic organisations?

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I heard it on the news here.{probably not that relable, maybe they lying} The hospital was abandomed. U know the bullding was a hospital. & of course u can't see in the video they are Hizballh, its Infra-Red footage from UAV.

Just look closer and u will see them shooting.

So you're saing everyone shooting at foreign invaders in their country are "terrorists" or members of terroristic organisations?

Obvisouly it's illegal for people to defend their country from a invasion force, if that invasion force is Israeli... confused_o.gif

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I heard it on the news here.{probably not that relable, maybe they lying} The hospital was abandomed. U know the bullding was a hospital. & of course u can't see in the video they are Hizballh, its Infra-Red footage from UAV.

Just look closer and u will see them shooting.

So you're saing everyone shooting at foreign invaders in their country are "terrorists" or members of terroristic organisations?

Obvisouly it's illegal for people to defend their country from a invasion force, if that invasion force is Israeli... confused_o.gif

That reminds me of the incident described by CNN earlier in the war when a whole civilian lebanese village was fighting Hezbollah... according to mp_phonix's logic, it must have been two separate groups of Hezbollah fighting over who would get resupplied next or something, since he clearly thinks that anybody shooting AKs in Lebanon MUST be Hezbollah... icon_rolleyes.gif

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Israel got really pissed off after losing 12 soldiers and 3 civilians on Sunday. They bombed Lebanon crazy style today, killing 40 civilians.

Its funny that they didn't bomb at the time of of the attacks which would indicate bombing the launchers, but the next day, which indicates retaliation. They won't invade because they know that by the time they invade it will probably be over so they will try to inflict maximum damage on the rest of the infrastructure. It was on the news a couple of days, they abandoned the plan to go to the river. whistle.gif .

Anybody saw the Israeli women on TV who was a former inteligence officer, and now is part of the cabinet. She's usually on Lary King. I can't stand her bs, she's worse than any politician I've seen.

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Please prove that the scattered residents of the Jenin camp had anyway of knowing the real numbers in advance of being allowed back in by the Israeli army.  The Red Cross wasn't even allowed in.  All they knew was that many people were unaccounted for and, given what happened when the IDF sealed off the Sabra/Shatila camp, they assumed the worst.  Nobody tried to hide the real numbers when they became available.

Yes but they still tried to call it a "Massacare".

How many Arabs have to die for you to call it a massacre?

Didn't you call the killing of 30 Israelis at a Netanya restaurant in 2002 a massacre?

Didn't you call the killing of 21 Israelis in Maxim's Restaurant in Haifa in 2003 a massacre?

Didn't you call the killing of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics a massacre?

Then why is it that the killing of 52 Arabs in Jenin was not a massacre?

Racism, anyone? confused_o.gif

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