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Curious: Is anyone making Egypt?

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Hi. I was just wondering if anyone (Lost Brothers, perhaps?) is making an "Egyptian" island, complete with pyramids?


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As of now, we don't have any plans for making the Egyptian mainland other then the small area that is in our Sinai map (which there will soon be a massive update for by the way).  

One problem with accurately portraying the Egyptian mainland is the massive size of its main cities.  The Pyramids are in Cairo for example which is a massive massive city with an extreme population density.  All that could be done is a poor approximation of perhaps one section of Cairo.  Trust me, those National Geographic pics of Egypt are bullshit.  They take pictures of the pyramids facing out towards the desert as they do with similar archaeological sites.  Its still a cool place, but not something I'd want to try doing for modern missions.  Any modern Army would be out of their mind to try and fight urban warfare in Cairo against Al-Qaeda type militants that would surely arise after the defeat of Egyptian conventional forces (which are also far more modernized and better trained then Saddam's Iraqi Army) assuming any invader would even get that far.  

At any rate, currently Calm Terror is working on a Iran/Iraq map as well as a Gaza map.  Maps however take a long time to do but he's made great progress on all of the maps.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I've got a panorama I made from the citidel covering Cairo. The cemetary alone is huge, in OFP scale terms. The pyramids are far enough out of Cairo that it's a totally different area, but as I got there in the tail end of a sandstorm it all looked the same to me. The other thing that would be tricky would be all the mud brick housing in everything but the colonial sections of town. I have no idea what would happen if you hit one with any sort of medium or heavy ordnance, but they generally looked like a structural catastrophe. I suppose that a well aimed shot or two from an MBT or attack helicopter would shatter such a building, rather than knock a hole in it like classic unfinished concrete and rebar with tile.

While the buildings in the outskits are not that tall, the further in the taller they get, and in places 4~6 story buildings adjoining alleys were not uncommon, plus the mud-brick grandparents huts on the roofs. The building height to street width was so great in some quarters that I think those sections could go back the other way on the MOUT bell curve due to the restricted lateral engagement of vertical targets. The easiest solution would just be to chase the stale goat-head fallafel cart vendors in the area you want cleared, the stench would drive out even the crippled beggers.

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Holy crap....

Piramids... crazy_o.gif the sfinx crazy_o.gif old tombes and shit rock.gif

That sounds really really good.... I have never ever thought of that... goes off to fiddle with wrptool... smile_o.gif

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Holy crap....

Piramids...  crazy_o.gif   the sfinx  crazy_o.gif     old tombes and shit  rock.gif

That sounds really really good.... I have never ever thought of that... goes off to fiddle with wrptool...  smile_o.gif

Reminitions of Delta Force Land Warrior. Ugh!

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after a quick research with a right scaled chephren pyramid, i´ve come to the result that it looks quite cool ingame, but is way to big to work properly.






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Looks good, 2 questions:

Can you run up the side of that pyramid?

Is Tuts' treasure hidden inside?

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thats the point, seems to be too big to get geolod working. perhaps when i shrink it a bit. 215m baselength isn´t working. should have known it crazy_o.gif

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Giza plateau? Valley of the kings? I would like that stuff just for the fun of it, a camel would be needed though wink_o.gif .

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If someone does ever make an Egypt map, what I'd really like is the Suez canal and the area around there.

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Wilco could maybee make some elite 1024 textures again... biggrin_o.gif

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Shakal, just release it as open source! biggrin_o.gif it might provide some funny pictures in the combat photography thread? (setpossing a part underground creates diffrent pyramids).

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Sweet! That's exactly what I imagined it would look like.


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Reminds me of DF2... the pyramids that were hidden in the mission editor.

There was a wall you could walk through in the pyramid to find a hidden armory and you could also fall into it... great sniper spot. smile_o.gif

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If someone does ever make an Egypt map, what I'd really like is the Suez canal and the area around there.

There already is a map with the Suez canal actually. It was made my mod team, The Lost Brothers, back awhile ago. Its the Sinai map available at ofp.info.

We should have a new version coming out soon.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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