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Can't see explosions anymore

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Hi there!

Wonder if anyone else experienced this... I can't put my finger on what might have caused it, I have been fiddling with my machine a lot more than usual lately.

My explosions are all gone. I first noticed it last night in a tank MP game then again today, playing the Red Hammer mission where you land on the beach with artillery support. I saw the craters appearing, heard the bangs but did not see the explosions at all.

I recently ditched my old Voodoo3 for a spaking new Gainward GeForce3 Ti450 (a Ti200 for all intents and purposes). I overclocked it to 249/560, ran 3DMark a couple of times to make sure it was stable, installed Detonator 23.11 and the Red Hammer campaign, repatched it to 1.40 and lost explosions somewhere on the way.

I suspect the culprit is the new Detonator, as I've seen some moaning about it, after having installed it, of course.

Any ideas on how to fix it?


Begin sysinfo:

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 98

Processor: Intel CeleronII 600 @ 950MHz

Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 200

Total Physical Memory: 256MB

Motherboard Manufacturer: ABIT VH6-II

Motherboard Model: I440BX-W977

DirectX Version: 8.0

DirectDraw Version :

DirectShow Version:

Programs running: BlackIce Defender, Norton Antivirus Corp Ed 7.51, NVMax 3.00.72b, DirectCD 5.01

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Hi m8 smile.gif

did you do a clean patching to the current version? I remember a thread back then where someone had this problem and it disappeared by clean install of Flashpoint.

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If explosions and cloudlets are turned on, it should work. The V23.11 Detonators work fine with my GF3 Ti200.

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Doh! Now that you mention it, I did get rid of cloudlets in the vain hope of getting a couple more fps's... Ah, the golden dictum, 'when in doubt, read the faq'.

RTFM, RTFM, RTFM!! *thud*

I think I got it now  biggrin.gif

Mister Frag, thanks for the Detonator info.

Placebo, huge thanks for fixing the avatar, stupid chez.com don't allow hotlinking no more...

Tlx, just saying hi smile.gif

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To get your explosions back you must cut down the mightiest tree in the woods....with a herring! smile.gif

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