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Best Space simulation?

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all 2 questions really

1.Whats the best Multiplayer Space simulation?

2.Whats the Best Space simulation for controlling a single space ship, and runnung its day 2 day tasks bit like being captain of the ship like star trek tounge_o.gif


Luke rock.gif

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Star Trek Klingon Accademy is the one i can think of. nobody now a days seems interested in making any good space sims for some reason. i duno why. they all seemed to have went downhill starting w/ Tachyon. i had the demo that came w/ Delta Force II and thought it was going to be a great game, but ended up being so-so once it came out. Than there was Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter that game turned out to be utter crap. early previews talked about large space battles than landing on stations or ships to hunt your bounty hitman style.

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I-War series is pretty good, somewhat interesting plot and kind of realistic physics.

You can forget about the multiplayer though. sad_o.gif

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1.Whats the best Multiplayer Space simulation?

2.Whats the Best Space simulation for controlling a single space ship, and runnung its day 2 day tasks bit like being captain of the ship like star trek tounge_o.gif

1. Freelancer

2. Freelancer, although you arent a 'captain' you just control you ship.

Freelancer, like Operation Flashpoint would be dead now if it werent for mods. It's an excellent buy and I reccommend it to everyone.. even people who have never played a space sim before. smile_o.gif

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1.Whats the best Multiplayer Space simulation?

2.Whats the Best Space simulation for controlling a single space ship, and runnung its day 2 day tasks bit like being captain of the ship like star trek tounge_o.gif

1. Freelancer

2. Freelancer, although you arent a 'captain' you just control you ship.

Freelancer, like Operation Flashpoint would be dead now if it werent for mods. It's an excellent buy and I reccommend it to everyone.. even people who have never played a space sim before.  smile_o.gif

Can you link me to some of these mods biggrin_o.gif

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Freelancer a space sim? crazy_o.gif

If you want authentic Newtonian physics and Privateer lite trading and production system, then "Independence War 2: Edge of Choas"  is the win!!! It has multiplayer and a modability.  Not to be confuse with "Independence Day" ;)

But if your more into "Star Trek"ish stuff theres always Star Trek Bridge Commander.

On a side note, stayaway from any of the Battlecruiser/Universol Combat or any 3000A.D. games as far as you can. Just read up on a man name Derek Smart and the Coke mechine.

One last note...The best space sim'lith game out there is Freespace 2. But the problem is have a good luck finding it. The game runs up $70-100 for used copies. A rare gem. Derek himself wanted to buy this license. mad_o.gifrock.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Freelancer a space sim?

Yes, if its the size of the planets compared to the ships, or the going so close to the sun with out dying, then there are already mods to change it.

Quote[/b] ]Privateer lite trading

As I understand it Freelancer trading system is influenced heavily by Privateer.

Quote[/b] ]It has multiplayer and a modability.

So does Freelancer, In fact Im on a Freelancer MP Modded Server as I am typing this!


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Quote[/b] ]Freelancer a space sim?

Yes, if its the size of the planets compared to the ships, or the going so close to the sun with out dying, then there are already mods to change it.

Quote[/b] ]Privateer lite trading

As I understand it Freelancer trading system is influenced heavily by Privateer.

Quote[/b] ]It has multiplayer and a modability.

So does Freelancer, In fact Im on a Freelancer MP Modded Server as I am typing this!


But what freelancer does not have is "realistic" physics. That annoyed me greatly. sad_o.gif

Personally I prefer I-war due to it's much more interesting SP campaign.

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But what freelancer does not have is "realistic" physics. That annoyed me greatly. sad_o.gif

Personally I prefer I-war due to it's much more interesting SP campaign.

Hmm.. Different Stroeks for Different Folks I guess, I personally would not have like to be sucked into a planet because of 'realistic' physics.

A lot more interesting that Freelancer SP Campaign? rock.gif, That must be the greatest Space Sim ever then! rock.gifblues.gif My only complaint about Freelancers campaign is that is was obviously cut short. sad_o.gif

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One last note...The best space sim'lith game out there is Freespace 2. But the problem is have a good luck finding it. The game runs up $70-100 for used copies. A rare gem. Derek himself wanted to buy this license. mad_o.gifrock.gif

Huh? I've got it twice (both parts) - once from a games collection and another set from Amazon - never paid more than a few Euros for the set. I'm also quite sure I saw it just recently in a low budget bin somewhere.

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Well you are talking about space shooters not space sims biggrin_o.gif There used to be great space sim many years ago and I think it was named Space Shuttle, where player was able to fly real space shuttle from lift off to landing, including manual entering into atmosphere (it was awsome smile_o.gif )

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There is very nice space simulation called Orbiter - homepage is http://www.orbitersim.com. It is free, yet it delivers profesional quality, it is very realistic, and therefore hard and the learning curve is quite steep (but this should not be a drawback for those who like OFP smile_o.gif, should it?). It has quite a broad scope (Space Shuttles, near-future sci-fi crafts), it is extensible and there is a lot of addons featuring many historical and recent space "vehicles".

The multiplayer is currently rudimental, almost non-existent, but I would still recommend this to anyone interested in Space Exploration.

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There is very nice space simulation called Orbiter - homepage is http://www.orbitersim.com. It is free, yet it delivers profesional quality, it is very realistic, and therefore hard and the learning curve is quite steep (but this should not be a drawback for those who like OFP smile_o.gif, should it?). It has quite a broad scope (Space Shuttles, near-future sci-fi crafts), it is extensible and there is a lot of addons featuring many historical and recent space "vehicles".

The multiplayer is currently rudimental, almost non-existent, but I would still recommend this to anyone interested in Space Exploration.

And it is password protected smile_o.gif

Anybody knows the pw and name for this site?

One space simulation I particularly like is Space Combat by Laminar Research, makers of the famous flight simulation X-Plane. You can find it here. The game claims to be as if you were flying in real space, you'll find out quite fast that it isn't as simple to fly there smile_o.gif But after some time you get used to that vacuum environment and it gets real fun.

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X2 is supposed to be good smile_o.gif took me +4 Months 2 finish,bulid my empire, go everywhere but no Multiplayer sad_o.gif

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orbiter for #2. Its so gd realistic. Like space shuttle-flying realistic.

Go to the homepage Its amazing...unless you aren't really into realistic stuff.

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Orbiter is pretty good. I just tried it out. It isn't really hard to learn but it is hard to master. Its pretty nice and realistic. Thanks for the link Mr. Suma.

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A friend of mine used to play an older MS game, Allegiance

Although it may be slightly outdated it is said to be absolutely great in MP, from dogfights to large scale strategic operations, building of units etc.

In fact I think it's MP only, SP is only training stuff.

I've only watched him playing it so I don't really have an educated opinion on it. I can tell it looked damn great though. The space flight is supposed to be more or less realistic (inertia etc.) and not a "vacuum-aereodynamic" model like X-Wing et al.

here is a review

Edit: And a few movie trailers

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The Battlecruiser series are quite good. Battle in huge ships, fighters, tanks or on foot, pretty much like OPF of the third millenium...

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