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Kin Hil

Can It Be Done?

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In a real combat zone, if a soldier is killed a medivac of some kind will come and pick them up and take them to another location.

If a vehicle is destroyed, a tow truck or helicopter (whatever) will retrieve it and drop it off at another location, a base or what have you.

I have looked everywhere, for a very long time.. and I was hoping to find some sort of script that would enable this in the game. So say, one of my HMMWV's in a convoy gets blown up by an Insurgent ambush... with 3 dead soldiers, a medivac/tow would arrive soon and remove them, putting them somewhere else (drop them off at a base or carrier). Instead of the HMMWV and 3 dead bodies lying out in the sun for the remainer of the mission.

If anyone can help me do this, or find something that will... I will sing your name in praise and set aside an annual day of celebration for you.

Thank You.

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yeah i have been thinking about this too, there are tow trucks from the turkish MOD OPF CZ

it looks like that tank is just for show though.... i did remember seeing a tow truck somewhere that actually claimed to be able to tow most vehicles but it may have been a figment of my imagination...

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I imagine things about OFP too.. kind of sad. biggrin_o.gif

BTW, you wouldn't know how to make a unit "Patrol"?

Have it move from one waypoint to the other and back again without ever stopping. I like some of my vehicles to patrol the island, but when they get to their last waypoint, they just stop and sit there. It would make gameplay much more fun if they would just go through their waypoints again and again... until I destroy them and a medivac and/or tow must pick them up wink_o.gif

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I got a few armored recovery vehicles on the slab with mechanics.

There are several setups for live wonded to be picked up by evac and taken to the rear for treatment. Was rather nice and more realistic, but fell into disuse as most only want to respawn and get back itno the action.

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cycle waypoint. just create a circuit round with the move/patrol/sentry waypoints until you come back to near where they started and then create a cycle waypoint. they should just keep following the waypoints until they run of of fuel (which is nearly the end of time)

using a seek and destroy waypoint with a large placement radius (more than about 50) and a cycle waypoint will make them randomly run around (not very precise but good for a kinda guarding/patrol sort of way in a random way to keep the mission unpredictable)

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"I got a few armored recovery vehicles on the slab with mechanics.

There are several setups for live wonded to be picked up by evac and taken to the rear for treatment. Was rather nice and more realistic, but fell into disuse as most only want to respawn and get back itno the action."

Well what are you waiting for? Post me a download or two!

Sounds like it would be fun.

Respawn? I play OFP for the realism... if I want Respawn and other Aracade garabage I'll play Medal of Honor or Counter-Strike.

"cycle waypoint. just create a circuit round with the move/patrol/sentry waypoints until you come back to near where they started and then create a cycle waypoint. they should just keep following the waypoints until they run of of fuel (which is nearly the end of time)

using a seek and destroy waypoint with a large placement radius (more than about 50) and a cycle waypoint will make them randomly run around (not very precise but good for a kinda guarding/patrol sort of way in a random way to keep the mission unpredictable)"

This is exactly what I wanted... thanks.

But won't they refuel and repair automatically when they pass a station?

In case you haven't seen, I've been asking a couple questions in another thread and have got answers but still can't figure it out (as I am a lowely newbie among OFP gods).

How do you get units into an empty vehicle before starting the mission?

How do you get units to walk in a relaxed mode, with their guns on their back?

I know it has something to do with Init Feilds, but I only learned they exist within the last 24 hours. How do they work... can you give me some common init lines?

This forum is great help, thanks guys!

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to make them board a certain vehicle at the start in a use a get in waypoint but to start in a certain vehicle then use these commands in the init line





if you double click your unit that is on the mission editor you will get a new window with a line with INIT or intialization next to it

type in "this moveincargo chopper1" and it will move the unit you are editing into the chopper called chopper1. so long as the vehicle has cargo space for passengers it should move it in. your best bet is to look at scripting to cut down on typing work for loading larger groups into a chopper/truck/plane/car etc

i would give you a link to some tutorials on OFPEC (a good mission editing and general flashpoint site) but it seems to be down for me

check the command reference to help you abit more

Command Reference

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Mind posting the command reference. I can't download it.

"type in "this moveincargo chopper1"

All well and good. But do I have to name the vehicle I want them in first? How do I name it? Do I have to have a number after its name?

I am slowly but surely learning how to make quality missions. OFP is the best combat game out there and 80% of that is owed to the mod/addon community.

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Ok KinHill

OFP Is Pretty Easy and after a few weeks of looking up commands etc you understand scripting. I have just learnt within the last 3-4months how to do things that make OFP a even better game.

Regarding the Init and command lines this is what you do to make a unit move into a vehicle.

Unit moveincargo Vehicle

Unit0 moveincargo Vehicle0

Unit1 moveincargo Vehicle1

You can name the Unit and Vehicle whatever you want. In OFP you cannot have 2 units with the same name so you might put a number after so you have similar e.g.






Hope This Helps You Mate. Private Message Me For Any Help.

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i did post a link to mirror i set up because i know its hard to find because the OPF1985 FTP (codemasters or BIS) is not very cooperative. but i guess i didn't make it very obvious

Quote[/b] ]Command Reference

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Holy Hog!

I copied it and put it in my Works.

I will read it often.

Triple Thanks.

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AustralianSpecialForces I know you were only trying to help but posting the whole comref in here pretty much makes the thread unreadable.

If anyone cannot download it Email me and I'll send you it myself Placebo@bistudio.com

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there was big talking on the OFPEC forums about that and The nightstalker mod (I think them ) had a script that did the whole carrying the guy to safety and a helo takes em away.

I cant find it now since OFPEC down

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Hehehe it's pick on Rommel day wink_o.gif

Don't worry too much, these things happen smile_o.gif

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i thought that i have seen a towing script somewhere which could be used i think, but i dunno where to get it since ofpe is down

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"had a script that did the whole carrying the guy to safety and a helo takes em away."

Yes! Thats what I need... that would be the chicken in my soup!

"i thought that i have seen a towing script somewhere which could be used i think"

I've gotta find that.

Oh, and I didn't mean to get ASF in trouble.. hope no harm done. He did help, I was able to copy all of that into my works and now I have it whenever I need it.

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Quote[/b] ]The best OFP editing resource site, OFPEC, has been hacked and defaced, probably by some 3133T3 script kiddies.

The OFPEC staff shut the entire site down and said it will not be back online for a few days at the least, the amount of time that it will take for them to rewrite the code.

Noon416 is confident that no data was lost thanks to HuBBa's backups! Good luck guys!

*Edit*: More details about the "3133T3 script kiddies" text part for people wondering and asking what it means:

Script kiddies like to make themselves look good by using numbers as letters (3 is read as a backwards E, the number 1 as an L, etc..). But of course, a script kiddie is someone who uses another persons tool, and doesn't understand how the tool works in the first place. The true hacker is the person who writes the tool in the first place...

this is why OFPEC is down incase you haven't checked the news on OFPCZ aka OFP.INFO

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I may have this topic wrong but if anyones interested I wrote a load and unload wounded .sqs that seems to work well.

They both could use some real scripter tweaking.

I have been using them with an anim I made(which aint special).

I also made a load sqs with a closest man peramiter so that if one of the carrie soldiers bits it the script loops and chooses the closest soldier.

again only if anyones interested.

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