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US Civil War Mod ver.1.0 Beta Released

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Make faces all you want Canadian!

Until the postman brings me a sixpack of Labatt, I am doing things my way. tounge_o.gif

wait, so what if your 19 and straight edge??? those who fit this catagory are excluding from providing quality and helpful feedback

sad_o.gif because there a no alcohol policy in both the US and in our heart of hearts...

How bout some nice apple juice instead???

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We have however made a set of custom unit icons for the commander, so that you are not distracted by those modern soldiers at the bottom.


[tent image edited on advice below...]

Excellent, excellent stuff! It's another step toward total immersion, and I like being able to at a glance know which soldier is my flag bearer, so I can tell him to stand someplace less dangerous! Or give particular orders to a sniper. Am I correct in guessing the 'Z' character is the Zoave? xmas_o.gif

That mess tent is primo, too! It's grand to see such rapid progress. I agree with your stand on the blood, by the way...

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those who fit this catagory are excluding from providing quality and helpful feedback

No, no.

Noone is excluded from providing feedback of any sort. smile_o.gif

I'ts just that we're doing a lot of work here and new ideas are coming from all directions faster than we can process them...

Oh, and apple juice is fine too. I can always put some vodka in later smile_o.gif

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Am I correct in guessing the 'Z' character is the Zoave?  

Yes it is. As I didn't find any special insignia that would define the Zouaves, such as infantry bugle or cavalry swords...

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I would like to add my 2 cents in on the blood textures. The OFP system doesnt handle these textures well, i think it is unrealistic. Lets use the orignal OFP and RES as an example. You shoot a soldier in the face, it turns to mush, looks like acid was spilled all over it. From any gun. Hmm. I would suggest if you want blood use ECPs blood or OFPECs blood addon which works better with this mod in particular. Remember this is just my opinion which im entitled too (or atleast in most countries)

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So having nothing at all for visual wounds is what...better?

I'm sorry, when i plug a southern redneck...I want blood to come flying out dammit!


Whatever, it's not my mod so what can i do eh?

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@Combat Chaplain: Don't quote images....

Who do you think you are, you moderator-wannabe tounge_o.gif.

I highly suggest using OFPEC blood with these as well. Having no blood textures would stink wink_o.gif.

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Quote[/b] ]CanadianTerror Posted on Jan. 14 2005,05:30


So having nothing at all for visual wounds is what...better?

I'm sorry, when i plug a southern redneck...I want blood to come flying out dammit!

This is last time im going to regard this "issue". Actually yes, I would rather see dead soldier in a clean uniform than a dead soldier in a red mushed uniform. Tell me how does a minie ball turns someones face into such carnage, please?(dont answer that) Now if the point of impact was realistically affected this would be a diffrent story, I dont mind gore, but if it looks cheesy, and i can get rid of it, its gone (in this case as long as team members agree, {No I in team}).

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]CanadianTerror Posted on Jan. 14 2005,05:30

I'm sorry, when i plug a southern redneck...I WANT BLOOD TO COME FLYING OUT DAMMIT!

Quote[/b] ]Combat-Agent Posted on Jan. 14 2005,04:10

I would suggest if you want blood use ECPs blood or OFPECs blood addon which works better with this mod in particular.

Ill let you put 2 and 2 together. And why do we have to make the textures? Triglav stated you can make the textures without consent. Uh oh whats this?!

Quote[/b] ]Triglav Posted: Jan. 14 2005,01:51

I personally also don't want to turn this mod into a bloodfest. Counterstrike is for that.  


As my English teacher would state: "Now look what you made me say!"

To end this on a friendly note, not that it isnt already smile_o.gif,  the ammuntion system is coming right along.

Cheers folks


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To anyone wanting blood textures and better quality:

1. Well, first, i say do em yourself. If you can't, don't expect that anyone else could, or even if they could, they would.

2. Some eye-candy like that makes realistical Civil War era missions even harder to make that they are now, as many units with über-textures means LAG. The current ones lag on me anyway if you put too many squads, i don't want to think what would happen with über-high-quality-textures.

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got a few points..........ummmm

1) leave the textures ,there just fine..!

2) the new units look good

3) the icons are looking great!

to CanadianTerror..................

world hockey championships coming up .....

its gunna be good.


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Cant wait for the next release! The tent looks really good and I like the new unit info bar.

I have updated my mission again, check out my web page for more details

I will also be hosting a multiplayer game of it Sunday at 6 GMT. I will post the server details tomorrow,

Get my the mission here:


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new fort is up i all but scrapped the old one, thsi one is SWEET... i myself cant wait to finish this one, there are two new pics on teh pics page

This looks very cool, but perhaps some shelter for the cannons could be made?


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yeah, the fort isnt done by along shot, i onlyhave two bunkers and quarters for only a company of men, where its supposed to house a battalion, but um, yeah i can do that, just put some sandbagsaround, and itll all be good, i just really wish i had some miscliilanous addons to strew about... but the site should be working... If not then email me and ill send em to ya andersonjn@vcu.edu


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WOAH TRIG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST SAW THE POST ON 17 ABOUT THE VMI CADETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING A!!!!!!!!!!!! you rock man, thanks a million and i shall have me some mega fun killing some yankees in a new market battle, oh boy my day has officially been made. I started to add some fortifications around the cannons and i finished the barracks so now the fort can garrison a battalion of soldiers but now im thinkin a battalion of cadets smile_o.gif anyway, yeah imreally bored so im breaking up my seesions of building the fort with talking about it here so please excuse my excesive postings about this thing

anyway yay, i cant wait for this next release!!!!

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ok im gonna host a multi player battle tommarrow night at 8:30 or if enough people ask for another time then another time, to test the fort, that is if i can play via the VCU wireless network, those interested should email me at andersonjn@vcu.edu so that i can send you the addons you need to make the Fort work, um just to let yall know it is a fort assault with the Yank assaulting the southern fort which has yet no name, so also if you have a good name then tell me, but yeah email me and i hope to see you there!!!!!!!!!!!

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8:30 in what time zone? Also Minroll is hosting one tommorow also at 6 GMT, his mission last about 30-40 minutes, if it is only played once(thats what we did last time). I would be glad to attend both if they dont problematicly coincide.

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my bad, 8:30 eastern time zone, i live in Virginia so yeah EST.

remember email me so ican give you the nessesary addons to play if your interesed,

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Looking good!

What the new release will offer us? tents,....?

one thing is bothering me. Ai units never crouch and do they real life have to stand up when they reload those rifles.

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