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So for a while I've been thinking of different little ideas but never really posted them.  Never felt some of them were large or involved enough to warrant a post.  So I combined these into a large list.  Some of them I have suggested before (Provided links for those), some may have been posted by others, but I know that some of them haven't.

Anyway, here we go:

1.  Controlling vehicle speed in a similar way as you control an aircraft. (For ground vehicles: Accelerate to a desired specific speed (e), and hold it (w), until you brake) Thread

2.  Timed Grenades, not detonation on impact.

3.  Toggle to lock your head to shoulders and widen field of vision for CQB. Thread

4.  Small single missions and other various missions for MP and SP with every release patch. Thread

5.  Do not allow gunner to swing in the way he does on the jeep MG now.  I.E. Right now if he aims behind and to the right of the jeep, his crotch with end up right in the drivers face, blocking view.  The result being a terrible crash with some unpleasant excuses as to why he crashed.  Thread

6.  An overall scorecard or booklet style setup in player options or info that records all kills/deaths/etc.  (AI Killed, Killed by AI, Humans killed, Killed by humans, Shots fired SP/MP, total Score SP/MP, longest distance etc) Thread

7.  General Camera.sqs changes/improvements.  Controllable with mouse as well as keypad.  Simple ways to activiate and similiarly deactivate. Thread

8.  Layers for the mission editor. Thread

9.  Joint Mission editor and in-editor script editing. Thread

10.  More areas of combat.  I.E. Industrial areas would provide great close to mid range fighting.

11.  Tracer Control.  Set in preferences which rounds in magazines (At the very least, standard non-addon mags) are to be tracer rounds.

12.  More customizable areas.  I.E.  Setting five different types of customization.   Then addon makers can place up to five differently defined areas of customization anywhere they want.  If you do not understand, something like this:

Custom file 1: A bio-hazard symbol.

Custom file 2: An EGA (Eagle Globe and Anchor).

The addon maker could define that custom area 1 would go on the backpack, thus in game this is where my custom file would appear.  And the EGA would go onto the arm almost like a patch, or vice versa.  Certain files could have recommended standards.  I.E. Custom file 1 would be used for arm patches, 2 for back packs, 3 for hats/helmets, 4 + 5 for vehicles.  If you dont understand what I mean, just say what you don't get and I'll be happy to explain.

13.  Rucksacks, or something of the sort to hold extra ammo or small arms.

14.  Check vehicle inventory.  See what weapons have been loaded onto a vehicle.  This would set limits and prevent the ammo bug from occurring again.

15.  Customize your formation set, with the ability to have 10+ definable formations.  You should be able to set places and distances between men in a formation.  Possible another area to expand for customization of your character.  And at least display the name of your formation during MP so squads/clans can practice their own as well.

16.  A jump or leap for infantry.  Just high enough to get a player or AI high enough to clear small obstacles you would otherwise clip on if you tried to go over.  (Such as the small stone barriers at some houses in Lipany.)

17.  Useage of bayonet and rifle butt.  Improved punch (I.E. Current stroke fist leaves something to be desired.)

18.  Increased view distance for higher altitude, consequential loss of level of detail to keep current frame rates.

19.  Several anims for the same action to prevent solitary and uniform movment and actions from the AI.  Such as several ways to stand holding your rifle, and will randomly do it depending on situation and awareness perhaps?

Last but not least, one I feel would really be appreciated by the community:

20.  Easter eggs involving the general OFP community, added to the game, and each patch.

Several people of the forums, as well as some mission, addon, and mod makers have dedicated a great bit of time to keep this community alive.  I think that some of the best compensation to them would come through in-game recognition.  Wether it be a city name, a dedicated building with their name somewhere inside, or a texture on a vehicle, such as the HMMWV with DNA and Sith over the tires, or how one of the game developers faces (Viki was it?  At least that’s what I think it was on the fun bistudio's page) is on a stand in the Nogovan gas stations.

Working their in-game nick or some kind of requested name or short something, anything, a name, a picture or otherwise would IMO be one of the greatest things game producers could do for their fans.

Please say any that you like or dislike, have questions about or want to expand on.

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Quote[/b] ]3.  Toggle to lock your head to shoulders and widen field of vision for CQB.

Interesting, but I thought that OFP's FOV was kind of zoomed in a bit much to begin with. Regardless of CQB. It seemed a bit too easy to spot a single guy at many hundreds of meters away. Which in turn made aiming a bit too easy.

Quote[/b] ]6.  An overall scorecard or booklet style setup in player options or info that records all kills/deaths/etc.  (AI Killed, Killed by AI, Humans killed, Killed by humans, Shots fired SP/MP, total Score SP/MP, longest distance etc) Thread

Inversely, I would like the ability to COMPLETELY DISABLE all scoring records for the duration of a game as an option. I've played with a few people who were just so childish they couldn't get past trying to keep their score high, causing the rest of the team much annoyance in the process.

One time I had played with this person and some others and my score was much higher than everyone elses. This one person was the one who drew attention to the fact. Personally I didn't care. However after that he simply would not stop at any cost trying to outdo me, which I didn't mind unless I was on his team. Then blowing up every unused vehicle or complaining about "kill stealing" in the midst of a co-op becomes VERY annoying.

Quote[/b] ]16.  A jump or leap for infantry.  Just high enough to get a player or AI high enough to clear small obstacles you would otherwise clip on if you tried to go over.  (Such as the small stone barriers at some houses in Lipany.)

I'd be ok with that although I don't see the necessity to jump really. So long as it didn't give way to a new type of gunfighting strategy in which the individual could gain some kind of tactical advantage from jumping and shooting at the same time. Do that, and the ones responsible for it will get firebombed. tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]18.  Increased view distance for higher altitude, consequential loss of level of detail to keep current frame rates.

Take it a step further, add user defined levels of detail for certain circumstances. Including draw distance/detail options for different vehicles. Such as aircraft where one's viewable distance and framerate means a lot more than what detail you can see it at.

I'd personally like to see options that go beyond the inconsequential variable LOD we have now. I'm talking serious performance boosters like options to disable textures so you're using flat colors, just the shaders and choices for lower poly models. To me, the graphical transition between air and ground combat does not need to be seamless. I'm not under the pretense that you can do both and have them both look as good and perform well given that the demands for both are different.

If you've played or seen A-10 cuba. You know what I mean. It's not pretty, but for people without top of the line machines, it makes usage of aircraft, especially fast moving ones, a much more viable option. As it stands with OFP, it seems to be lacking the ability to better support aircraft. Even with newer computers. I suspect this will get worse with visions of LOMAC dancing in people's heads. Which as far as I know doesn't take into account massive ground battles, more simply dogfighting. If you want to dogfight. Play LOMAC? Aircraft in OFP in my opinion should be functional in large ground support missions. Additionally, allowing planes to be rendered beyond the regular soldier/ground vehicle draw distance would balance the issue of planes being able to see armor before armor/AA can see them. Again, it would look a bit odd. However I imagine it would be a very economical way of keeping performance drain at a minimum while keeping the game balanced.

Hell I just want to be able to fly a plane as I should be able to in OFP 2. To hell with how good the visuals are. Seeing more than a few kilometers in front of me without the framerate going into the basement would be nice.

some examples



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Quote[/b] ]6.  An overall scorecard or booklet style setup in player options or info that records all kills/deaths/etc.  (AI Killed, Killed by AI, Humans killed, Killed by humans, Shots fired SP/MP, total Score SP/MP, longest distance etc) Thread

Inversely, I would like the ability to COMPLETELY DISABLE all scoring records for the duration of a game as an option. I've played with a few people who were just so childish they couldn't get past trying to keep their score high, causing the rest of the team much annoyance in the process.

One time I had played with this person and some others and my score was much higher than everyone elses. This one person was the one who drew attention to the fact. Personally I didn't care. However after that he simply would not stop at any cost trying to outdo me, which I didn't mind unless I was on his team. Then blowing up every unused vehicle or complaining about "kill stealing" in the midst of a co-op becomes VERY annoying.

That is one consequence I've considered. It is a big drawback when you have people like that. What about keeping records not of total score or kills/deaths, but achievments like longest kill-shot or things like that?

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That's all fine if you're certain you're playing with people who won't let it disrupt the game. It would be rather interesting and perhaps a good training tool for clans to help improve the skills of their members. If that's what one is in to.

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16. A jump or leap for infantry. Just high enough to get a player or AI high enough to clear small obstacles you would otherwise clip on if you tried to go over. (Such as the small stone barriers at some houses in Lipany.)

I agree on many of Harnu's points, but one thing I would be very weary about is the above. I would really, really hate for OFP 2 to become a jump-fest, with people hopping around like they are on pogo sticks in order to avoid fire. Furthermore, I don't really see the need in a game that is focused on combined arms warfare in an outdoor, relatively open environment. If it absolutely must be included, I hope we would have the ability to turn it off via the "Difficulty" menu.


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Keep in mind that idea is meant to clear smaller obstacles that are present in OFP. Not a box clearing high jump like in games like Counter-Strike or the other Half-Life mods.

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Well, not to split hairs or anything. However would this be a running jump or like a leap to clear small obstacles?

I mean you could conceivably make a soldier "hop" so you could clear narrow trenches or ditches... that I could see being perfectly acceptable, as long as it's done in a way that they can't go off to a flying sprint and leap and then land and keep sprinting. However at the same time, not balance it in the way soldner did, which was utterly ludicrous. I can't imagine many soldiers would find that level of acrobatics feasible or useful when you're actually being shot at. Considering how high you could jump without all that combat gear on.

You jumped... straight up practically, then as you fell down you basically hovered half a foot over the ground it seems for a second before falling the rest of the way down.

Quote[/b] ]That game you posted pics from is just a step up from what OFP really is

Yeah... only the vegetation is more sparse and less detailed, less detail on textures. Thing is you can't tell me OFP runs as well as that game. We both know it's not true. That's the point of my comparison. For certain circumstances I think the visuals should be scaled back to allow maximum performance.

As it stands, aircraft in OFP is nothing more than a novelty.

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You can do several of these things already. Timed grenades for example are already in WGL and ECP. The gunner on jeeps is fixed by limiting the rotation in O2 (I think, like you can with fixed weapons). I think Aeon worked out the tracer thing too, every 5th shot or so and they were more "blob" like like real life. The lack of fighting environments is nothing to do with BIS either, it's island makers. The thing is heavily built up area's (even moderately built up ones) can cause lag, which isnt fun, especially in MP when everyone has a better PC and you're left lagging with both your ping and comp!

OFP2 will have the same kind of optimisations as VBS1 has, only better. So performance wont be a major aspect if they go the same way. You can use bayonets, UKF DPM troops use it, someone else recently released a bayont using addon, you can also smack people with your rifle butts. It's an animation more than anything else. It's possible to have several animations for each thing, but it'll take a LONG time to complete each one that each perfectly play into the next one.

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You can do several of these things already...

Yes you can, with the use of many various scripts and or addons. The request is that they be added into stock OFP2.

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I'm sure they will. Can't see them leaving things out that have become a staple part of the gameplay added by the community.

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Quote[/b] ]Yes you can, with the use of many various scripts and or addons. The request is that they be added into stock OFP2.

Having them programmed in would seem more resource efficient than running a script as well.

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I think the jumping should be partially like it is in vietcong.... with some changes... in vietcong, if you press jump near obstacles, you can kinda climb over them... that would be good... but now other jumping

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Vehicle Speed-

For ground vehicles, I'd rather have a control system more akin to a driving game: accellerator, brake, gears. Maybe even the clutch too, as a difficulty option. I personally hate the way OFP cars have a "go" pedal, a "go faster" pedal, a "go slow" pedal" and a "slow or backwards" pedal, and think that a more realistic set of controls would really add to driving.

Timed Grenades-

Yep, especially if you could cook them off. To take it further, different ways of throwing grenades would be great. Underarm rolls, overarm lobs, and a pitching throw would cover most situations, especially if you could choose how much force you put behind it. I find myself having to bracket targets with grenades before I can hit them in OFP, which is decidedly dodgy when you're charging a machine gun nest.

Lock to shoulders-

There's already the "F-walk" in OFP which sort of helps with this, but yeah, it'd be nice.

Missions in patches-

I rarely play missions by other people. I either make a rough one in the editor according to what takes my fancy, or play MP ones by my squad's mission maestro. So this one, I've no real opinion.

Jeep gunner crotch syndrome-

YES! Or, if they leave it in, give us the option to punch them in the stones if they decide to shove their crotch in your face.


I'd like to see this or something similar, it'd be a great way of gauging the skill of someone who wants to join your squad, providing it has some way of telling between a "proper" kill and the eight dozen kills he racked up by machine-gunning a mob of unarmed civillians in the editor.

Camera improvements-

Aye, I'd love to see this. When I use Fraps to capture OFP footage, most of the time I have to use a civillian to get realistic-looking camerawork. Camera.sqs is an excellent tool for stills, but for video it's a little jerky and imprecise, especially on the move.

Mission layers-


Joint mission making-

Good idea, that'd be great for those learning to make missions. Right now, it's a bit unwieldy, getting instructions over MSN or whatever then trying to work out what they meant by whatever.


Yes, this would be great. All tracer's a bit dicey, and no tracer's a pain if you're carrying the machine gun.


Only if it you couldn't carry things "stupidly." Like, not being able to carry a Stinger, three missiles, ten grenades, an MP5 and a full medical kit in a 25 litre backpack.


If it's a mid-stride hop to clear obstacles, yes. All too often I find myself having to run, exposed and under fire, because I couldn't clear that nasty, big 2ft fence and had to use the gate. Maybe handling the button so if you're standing, you clamber up and over an obstacle, and if you're running you do a little jump over it. Add a chance of not quite clearing something and going sprawling, and I'm all for it biggrin_o.gif

Bayonets and melee actions-

Yeah, I'd love to see this, especially if there was a repetoire of techniques for each. Doubly so if hand-to-hand techniques were covered. Being able to make lunges, quick thrusts and parry incoming strikes with your bayonet would be great. If you were unarmed, being able to quickly disarm an opponent would be great too. I mean, nine times out of ten you're playing as a professional soldier, and as far as I know, they still teach soldiers how to kill with their bare hands and how to take a weapon from someone (or at least prevent them from firing).

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I am in agreement with the hand to hand idea. Only if the regular grunt couldnt like suddenly become a ninja and beat the hell out of the guy. More of like class and character. Like delta force and spetsnaz use there own types of martial arts (AKA. Russian systema and that tae kwan do the US spec ops use) and grunts just bluntly know how to fight enough to get passed the day's combined arms sweep. But the need of a weapon still exists.

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I'd like to see this or something similar, it'd be a great way of gauging the skill of someone who wants to join your squad, providing it has some way of telling between a "proper" kill and the eight dozen kills he racked up by machine-gunning a mob of unarmed civillians in the editor.

maybe there could be an AAO style training that has to be completed before you can do absolutely everything in MP. and the skill shouldn't base on only kills. completed missions, deaths and something like that could sum up the skill. that's my idea for it.

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Maybe. Preferably if it wasn't as anal as AAO. Having to sit through a twenty-minute lecture on first aid and resucitation, doing an "exam," then finding out that the actual practical test involves running up to three men on the floor and holding the spacebar was beyond a joke.

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Maybe. Preferably if it wasn't as anal as AAO. Having to sit through a twenty-minute lecture on first aid and resucitation, doing an "exam," then finding out that the actual practical test involves running up to three men on the floor and holding the spacebar was beyond a joke.

you brought back memories, kid biggrin_o.gif

the MGgunner thingy can be solved with proper configging, no engine requirements needed.

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Maybe. Preferably if it wasn't as anal as AAO. Having to sit through a twenty-minute lecture on first aid and resucitation, doing an "exam," then finding out that the actual practical test involves running up to three men on the floor and holding the spacebar was beyond a joke.

well of course it has to be an advanced version of it wink_o.gif

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