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Graphics, Explosions, Debre, HUGE HOLES!

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Graphics, is a major part of any game, most games have explosions with debres flying about, ash falling from blown up buildings, a light that looks like a real light on a vechical, if we all where to give the correct amount of time for this game to get released, then let it, dont push for a release date. Heck, i have HALO2, and you know what, it was pushed to be released, and alot of stuff, that should have been put in, was not, big disapointment! Now, what i would like to see in this game, is exlpoded shell holes in the ground you know, a bomb gose off, and leaves a cratter! Or, part of a building is blow off, or blown to scrap, and all the piecies are on the ground, like from 10, to 50 feet away, or a script that has random explosions, like, if a house has a propane stove in it, it would have a more devastated radius of destruction.

For Tanks, Cars, or any drivable:

Tanks: Pieces of Metal, Gears, ect, even the Tank Turret gets blown off, when hit in a sertan spot, like in the middle of the turrent and chassis of the tank, kill spots, like real kill spots on tanks, in the front bottom of the tank, where the driver is, holes from sabot shells, and 50cal holes, or small AR's shots, same for Cars, & Jets!

Cars: The hood getting blown off it, doors, scriped blow ups, and diffrent models to be called on for the script, like the top of the car is blown off, and shreeded up, Tires blown off, flat tires look flaten by bullets, stuff like that. Hummer's with a Mini-gun, on top that is robotic looking with cam, range for cam is 4x to 10x range, or the SAM Hummer, for Medium Air protections. Trucks that carry the M1A1 Ambrams, M60A3, M113, Vulcan M113, 5TH Wheel Troop Carrier Truck, M109 ADATS, M109 Artilery 155MM Howetzer.

Jets: Wings, Engines, other getting blown off, Engine Start up dust script/when at a desert air base, fule leak that shows the fule getting dumped by the bullet hole.

Choppers: Same thing, heck, the choper blade could be scripted to being blown off, and flys at the ground and sticks there.

No distorted desctructo model, like ofp 1. This is pretty much what every one wants to see, more explosions, more debri, ect....

Dosnt this fit the description of what people want!?

Theres alot more that can be added here. Got more thoughts bring them here! wink_o.gif

Maps: Big, cool spots for 4X4, mountains, that are purfect for 4x4 takes off. Miles of 4X4 action, With Fule up Stations on 4x4 trail (Could be Civilan start out, then join the millitary for action, or something like that), Mechanic Shop, for fixing Civian Motors, Millitary Bases with Mechanic Shops for fixing the millitary ground stuff. Millitary Mechanic Shop for Jets/Choppers. These Mechanic Shops should have a script to make it look like there working on the Vechical, like opening up the Engine compartment on a tank, or jet, or car, and repairing it, or what ever, just an cool idea, that struck me!

Basicly Take time, if it takes in tell 2007, Jan 1st, i can wait! Most of the people who cant understand this, is well, its called more time to finish a game, means, MORE OF A GAME TO PLAY AROUND WITH!

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For the graphics, well, this is a good competition.

But a game is not just and plainly pure graphics, BF is a militar-arcade-fps not a simulator....

Actually the limitations come from the Pc's, excellents graphics in Dx 9c + huge detailed maps + 64 intervenants and vehicules.... wow_o.gif

well an AMD 64 4000+ with a Geforce 6800 ultramegapetadinosaurus.... is suitable.... maybe crazy_o.gif

The evolution in the gaming evolution is actually incredible (in the graphics and simulation of physics), but the time in developement and cost is amazing! with sometimes two single results: eye candy and childish gameplay...

I am tired by this, i would prefer a non state of the art in graphics but a realistic game in terms of representation of a battlefront... Personally i am not interested by a "fallujha" simulator with tanks like T-90 and kind of Chinese troops and arabian forces.... sad_o.gif ----brrrrr----- ghostface.gif

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The only compotition for BIS is VBS1 and that dosnt count becuase it made by the same company wink_o.gif

I dont care what OFP 2 looks like, as long as its got CQB, Multigunners and a little bit of grapihcs improvemnt thats all I care.

And most of those things are been planned and by now Implemented in the Posideon 2 engine smile_o.gif

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results: eye candy and childish gameplay...

I am tired by this, i would prefer a non state of the art in graphics but  a realistic game in terms of representation of a battlefront... Personally  i am not interested by a "fallujha" simulator with tanks like T-90 and kind of Chinese troops and arabian forces....  sad_o.gif  ----brrrrr-----  ghostface.gif

True that, but look it, i was basicly stating facts, and graphics capablitys that the game can have, also, i was stating real life explosions, and extras that could make it have even more of posibilitys for missions, and so forth. And Battlefield 2 is a simulator, just like OFP, and i was basicly stating a fact on Competion, and no VBS1 is not in Competion with ofp, heck, its made by BIS, and a competion is where 2 game making companys go for simulations, and BF2 is one, sorry to say! FPS'rz are simulations, and if you where to check your reading abilitys, EA said, drivable vechicals, Over 30 diffent tanks, jets, cars, and units, plus the other 4 countries that are made up in the game, there armys have diffrent weapons, tanks, jets, choppers, units, ect... So, my fact on Competion is still true boyz & girlz!

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I saw a video of Battlefield 2 and must say, the graphics are very good, the game is not. It`s totally arcade and thats nothing I want to play.

As maximillien say "eye candy and childish gameplay".

BIS will make OFP2 closer to reality than OFP, so the gameplay will be much different than that of BF 2.

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Battlefield 2 is what OFP2 has to compete With!

<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!</span>

i just hope OFP has realistic clothes simulation (rappel ropes , realistic bandoliers) and a far improved engine ( a chopper touching down blows away nearby weapons , magazines, and whatsmore that's light enough)

I don't have to worry about Graphics, you seen the ECP trailer yet? wink_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Well i think that ofp2 will have to compete against ofp lmao.. like you see when ofp first came out, compare it to the ofp we have today.

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the thing with explosions. I'm (personally) fed up with all those huge "ultrarealistic" gasoline flames that eat up all the power from my machine.

all the pieces flying around sounds good. and that's quite realistic. the way tanks blow up in OFP1 kinda annoys me. everyone knows that a big pile of metal doesn't explode by itself. it takes a big missile to tear one apart.

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If a tank is penetrated by a round it can cause a lot of damage which can lead to a fire inside and the fire causes secondary explosions from the ammo in the tank.

http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums < MP.net is a very valuable and informative site on war and military. Has a lot of info on all kinds of weapons, vehicles, aircraft, guns,etc. Hope people can learn from this.There is no match to ofp's realistic gameplay but it could be better and I think ofp2 will be the answer. xmas_o.gif

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well yes of course. I've seen a live Javelin shot leave absolutely nothing left of a T72.

but for example light AT doesn't even penetrate a T80. in OFP you can knock out one with 4 LAWs and the tank pushes a nice hollywood flame out to the sky biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ] FPS'rz are simulations,

Um... No. You've also got to understand that:

1: OFP2 will focus on much larger terrain scales than any other "FPS" as it's combat simulator.

2: Things like car doors being blown off, are nice aesthetic additions to games like Half-life 2, do nothing more in the end than lend a more hollywood feel to a combat engagement. There's no strategic importance of a car door being blown off as compared to the many other facets of a simulator that must be taken into account before implementing things like that.

3: Battlefield 2 is being marketed to mainstream audiences. These are the same kind of morons who conveniently were unaware of OFP when ghost recon was in it's prime, lauding it for it's unparalelled realism. *cough* eye candy generates more sales when your target audience is about as sophisticated as a ritalin addled 15 year old who's been playing too much Halo.

There are many things that set OFP's technical realism above that of any other "FPS" out there. For instance, it's one of the few games to use vection based aiming and ballistics instead of an awful, inaccurate (and horrendously lazy) expanding ring model. It stands to reason that features such as THAT, improving ballistics and simulating the finer details and idiosyncracies of weapon performance and the individuals that handle them should be considered far before considering whether a car door should pop off when it's blown up.

Excessive and inevitably meaningless visual effects are nice, they add to the ambience of a game, however when it comes to as technically demanding game as OFP is. They must be prioritized based on their necessity and their impact on performance. In the end. I think it would do the series a huge injustice if it was dominated with such trivial features in place of actual functionality and replayability.

In short. I think personally you'll be better off playing BF2 or Soldner. They both seem more like your type of game.

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Quote[/b] ]well yes of course. I've seen a live Javelin shot leave absolutely nothing left of a T72.

You mean as in the T-72 that was filled with explosives , IIRC? wink_o.gif

Such an explosion won't happen if you have a normal tank , even if the ammo cooks off...

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I was going to say, yeah. I heard that many arms manufacturers do that. They sort of rig their test subjects with a bit of embellishment to wow potential buyers and press...

Apparently that's fairly prevalent in the industry.

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that second screen shot of BF2 totally high lights how much more realistic Flashpoint is.

For example, in flashpoint that tank exploding would kill the fools standing in the open near it. (Also is it just me or are the two guys shooting at the tank?!)

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Argh and why is the friggin jet firing a missle at the other one from that close!? He'd be cought in the blast, hell he's got a perfect bead on his target and is well within Machine gun range why isn't he using it?

God Battlefield is seriously the stupidest game ever.

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Quote[/b] ]well yes of course. I've seen a live Javelin shot leave absolutely nothing left of a T72.

You mean as in the T-72 that was filled with explosives , IIRC? wink_o.gif

Such an explosion won't happen if you have a normal tank , even if the ammo cooks off...

well that got me thinking biggrin_o.gif gotta watch it again. but javelin IS a big one :P

EDIT: watched the vid again. quite big flame and the shrapnel flew straight to the sides so it must have been loaded with something.

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Javelin This is a different video of a javelin that shows it hittin some target in the desert. Notice after the explosion there is a lot of smoke.

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I don't believe that OFP2 has anything to compete with. The only thing it has to be, is better than the previous games and take into account what you fantastic MOD makers have done!.. IMHO.

The markets/consumer audience is completely different to those mentioned above. Even 1.46 would be too difficult for them  tounge_o.gif

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Well as in terms of BF2 competing with OPF2 then we have to keep in mind that BF2 will be released March 2005 while OPF2 (as it looks now) in spring 2006.

One year is quite a long time in the gaming industry.

I will get them both, OPF2 for some serious action and BF2 for fun and clangames.

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At the rate EA turns out games, OFP2 could face BF3!!!

Nah, I'm not worried. Just keep OFP style gameplay roughly the same, and all will be well.

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Quote[/b] ]Soldner anyone?

I sincerely hope you mean that in a: "Ha ha, it's funny because Soldner was a flaming pile of binary garbage." way.

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I remember a BF2 trailer where they lase a target (yeah, clever in a built up area, wait till you hear what weapon is was) for a Paveway III GBU, droped from about 50ft for a single T-90. Ok now correct me if I'm wron, but last time I looked, Paveway III's were designed to destroy nuclear bunkers and cripple battleships and cruisers and take out clusters of heavy armour. Using it in a city battle would reduce several blocks to rubble and kill the person who lased it (this bloke was just down the road from it)... also it had a vapour trail! I mean what the hell? AND the F-15 that dropped it took 0 damage even though it was more than point blank considering the weapon power.

Oh, and in a newer vid I saw the LAV-25 moving and the middle 2 wheels dont rotate when moving... even the OFP engine can handle that for god sake!

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Didn't this thread start off at a graphics subject, but somehow it turned into a big ass battlefield flame-fest?

I dunno bout you guys, but I think that's kind of a big thread change, isn't it?

I guess it was started back in December but still.

While offtopic, I don't like all the bashing of other games because they aren't realistic. No game needs to be realistic. I don't care if they drop a paveway III from 50 feet in the air on a single T90 and the plane/designator guys live, it's all good fun.

I'm sure to the average non military-knowitall-smartass that they could care less what kind of bomb they are dropping as long as it kills them.

Back ontopic, this aint the place for a discussion on BF2 or other games I think. This is a place for discussion of OFP2's graphics, which might've been better to be put into this thread instead.

That's my opinion.

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