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The Avon Lady's "Pigs Can Fly" Campaign

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UPDATED JAN. 30, 2005


Chose one of the following versions:

Download The Avon Lady's "Pigs Can Fly" Campaign (green A-10s only)

Download The Avon Lady's "Pigs Can Fly" Campaign (includes gray A-10s - susceptable to CTDs)

Other than the color of the A-10s, there are no differences between the above two campaign versions.

Some post-release notes:

1. View distance is set up to 2000 meters in missions. If your PC cannot handle it, sorry.

2. Beta testers must download again the campaign file, the Avon AMORE Addon Installer and the Avon AMORE Multimedia Installer. The Avon AMORE Multimedia Music Installer does not have to be downloaded again.

3. The Avon AMORE Multimedia Music Installer is about 17MB and is optional but it would be a pity to run those cutscenes without it.

IMPORTANT: If you are experience crash-to-desktops (CTDs) in the following missions, this might be due to a CTD bug associated with the existing version of Diesel's gray A-10 models:

Odyssey cutscene.

Hog Heaven.

Pig Out.

Pig In A Poke.

High On The Hog.

If you encounter CTDs in these missions, try restarting them. If the problem continues, download the campaign version containing only green A-10s. That should do the trick.

Of course, read the ReadMe:

Quote[/b] ]***********************************

          Pigs Can Fly

An OPP Aerial Combat Pilot Campaign

          Version 1.10



Copyright © 2004 The Avon Lady, all rights reserved. So there!

An OFP mini-campaign, produced by The Avon Lady, of The OFP FAQ.

The OFP FAQ: http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq

Email: [email protected]


I've extensively modified several original OFP single-player and

1985 CWC Campaign missions to incorporate Diesel's recently released A-10

Thunderbolt II aircraft addon. These missions have been woven together,

with a new storyline, to create the enclosed "Pigs Can Fly" campaign.

In addition to major mission code modifications, I've added some intro

custcenes and provided a uniform briefing format, containing extensive



The "Pigs Can Fly" campaign consists of the following playable missions:

1. Hog Heaven - adapted from BIS' 1985 CWC campaign mission "Air Assault".

  Not too much changed from the original mission. Now, of course, you'll

  be piloting an A-10. Choppers are passe'.

2. Pig Out - adapted from BIS' 1985 CWC campaign mission "Planes Start".

  Nothing exciting here. Follow the leader, as in the original 1985 CWC

  campaign mission. The mission's been moved from Malden to Everon but

  I'm sure you won't mind the change of scenery.

3. Pig In A Poke - adapted from BIS' 1985 CWC campaign mission "Maverick".

  This time, however, there's no scripted fuel leak to force you to eject

  and become a prisoner of the Russians. And Russian defenses on Kogujev

  have been beefed up, so beware!

4. High On The Hog - Adapted from BIS' single-player mission "Ground Attack

  II". That Russian convoy rolling up Kolgujev's coast might be a sitting

  duck but there are some additional pests on the ground and in the air

  that may cook your goose first.

5. Pig Sty - Adapted from BIS' single-player mission "Rats Nest".

  However, everything's been drastically changed, from the aircraft you

  fly to the side you're fighting for and much more. In this mission, I

  introduce an extensive military brevity radio dialog. This is my personal

  mission favorite of the campaign and I hope you agree.

There are so many people to give credit to for helping me in producing this

campaign. I think I've managed to mention all of them in the campaign's

final "Credits" cutscene. If you think a name is missing from the credits,

please give a shout in my direction.

If you have any recommendations on improving or correcting anything wrong

with these missions, just email me and tell me so. The address is just

below the top of this document.


AMORE Compliancy


The "Pigs Can Fly" campaign is AMORE compliant. For information on AMORE,

go to The OFP FAQ:


On the FAQ's left-hand menu, click on AMORE.

Since the AMORE method makes music tracks optional, you don't need to download

the AMORE Multimedia Music Installer for the Pigs Can Fly campaign. However,

watching the cutscenes without the accompanying music is quite disappointing.

It's your decision.

Making the campaign AMORE compliant means that you'll never need to download

the AMORE files again. So if there are corrections made to the campaign code,

you'll only need to redownload the campaign file.




NOTE: All of the addons listed below are now optionally available as a

single 98.3MB Pigs Can Fly Campaign addon pack file, downloadable from:


1.  OFP version 1.96 or greater.

2.  Diesel's A-10 Thunderbolt II.



3.  Rezin's Pilots.


4   DKM Mod's M109 ADATS.


5.  DKM Mod's 256M Tunguska.


6.  Spetsnaz Mod's SU-27 Flanker.


7.  Kegetys' Winter Nogojev Island.


8   I-DOE-I's Winter Everon Island.  



9.  The AMORE Installer.



10. Avon's AMORE Addon Installer.



11. Avon's AMORE Multimedia Installer for Pigs Can Fly, V1.00


12. Avon's AMORE Multimedia Music Installer for Pigs Can Fly, V1.00 (optional - music files only)



Summary Of Changes:


1.10 - In mission "Pig Sty", added a last CYCLE waypoint to most enemy

      vehicles to improve detection in player's target HUD.

1.00 - Minor corrections and adjustments to beta.

0.92 - In missions "Hog Heaven" and "Pig In A Poke", added a last CYCLE waypoint

      to most enemy vehicles to improve detection in player's target HUD.

0.92 - Fixed Chinook egress landing location at airport in mission "Pig Sty".

0.92 - Fixed campaign's DESCRIPTION.EXT file. Campaign was restarting after "Credits".

0.91 - In mission "Hog Heaven", changed last waypoints of many enemy vehicles

      from HOLD to SEEK & DESTROY to improve detection in player's target HUD.

0.91 - Increase volume for most radio messages in mission "Pig Sty".

0.91 - Add a savepoint in mission "Pig Sty" after takeoff, on way to target area.

0.91 - Corrected radio message commands in mission "Pig In A Poke".

0.91 - Missing GroupAlpha soldier added to mission "Hog Heaven" for script "vplanecreate".

0.91 - Improved AI convoy driving in part II of cutscene mission "The Dark March".

0.91 - Added OVERVIEW.HTML files for cutscene missions.

0.91 - Removed all "disableuserinput true" statements from cutscene scripts.

0.91 - Minor formatting and text changes made to various files.

0.90 - Initial release.


UPDATE: There is now a VBS1 mission pack version available of the "Pigs Can Fly" Campaign missions. Details on this VBS1 forum thread (registered members only).

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Nice try but you made a wrong turn wink_o.gif

Moving to UM smile_o.gif

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Billybob gives his rarely used seal of approval to this campaign! Check the credits out and be shocked... tounge_o.gif  smile_o.gif

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Wonderful campaign lady , just love it ...

i love the custscenes , hugh , a lot , and the history is very realistic , thanks again lady

edit ; I think it ' ll be a good idea to put this campaign in ofp gamezone under campaigns selection ...

new edit ; you need to download this pack too to play this campaign : ;):


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argh...every cutscene is aborted by missing addon: kegssoldierwg36a

help, ive been getting this on MP games as well, as missing keguaz, i have both addons sad_o.gif

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argh...every cutscene is aborted by missing addon: kegssoldierwg36a

Read Winter Nogojev Island's ReadMe carefully and delete the old addon files listed therein. smile_o.gif

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IMPORTANT: If you are experience crash-to-desktops (CTDs) in the following missions, this might be due to a CTD bug associated with the existing version of Diesel's gray A-10 models:

Odyssey cutscene.

Hog Heaven.

Pig Out.

Pig In A Poke.

High On The Hog.

If you encounter CTDs in these missions, try restarting them. If the problem continues, report back here. If enough people experience CTDs, I might just change all the gray models to green ones.

Currently, the more stable green A-10 models are only implemented in the Pig Sty mission and the credits cutscene.

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i dont have kegsvehicles or any of Ash's vehicles, i think the conflict lies in other addons i had loaded at the same time, winter addons, dunno which. but txs anyway, i made a addon folder with just the required addons to play this campaign and i must say im impressed, very good job Avon Lady, this campaign is not for the faint hearted.


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Yeah I enjoyed the campaign, some pros and cons:

+ Overall nice camerawork and music

+ Very nice radio chatter in the last mission

- Some very overlong shots in the campaign intro, especially when the Russians are moving into Saint Pierre.

- The radio chatter was actually too much and all concentrated in the last mission. When I got the order to proceed without the leader I had already cleared the town and dropped all my ordnance, so I was left flying around waiting for Hoppy45 listening to myself saying 'rifle','rifle','pickle dropped' that I had already done five minutes ago, the talk about the downed leader took so long. I also destroyed the Flanker about the time I got the report that it was approaching Nogova, so I was again left listening to some thrilling dogfight narrative.

- Nice addon use, but the ADATS was a completely unnecessary requirement as I barely glimpsed it at long range in the last mission, plus I would have used Footmunch's Su-27 instead of the Spetznaz mod, but that's just my preference.

In short, the custom radio chatter could have been evened out between the missions, it greatly contributes to the atmosphere.

Despite these few gripes it was a quality campaign, thanks for this Avon. xmas_o.gif

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Yeah I enjoyed the campaign

Thanks for the review! smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Some very overlong shots in the campaign intro, especially when the Russians are moving into Saint Pierre.

Agree. I am not a very good cutscene maker. I was trying to get someone to redo the "Twice Bitten" cutscene you're referring to but it didn't work out. I almost dropped this cutscene altogether from the campaign.

I must admit, however, that I myself really do like the first major cutscene, "Dark March". It's a miracle that it came out the way it did.

Quote[/b] ]- The radio chatter was actually too much and all concentrated in the last mission.

About being "too much", I half agree with you. I wanted to present an atmosphere of pilot brevity. But some of the problems you experienced can be handled by triggers.

Quote[/b] ]When I got the order to proceed without the leader I had already cleared the town and dropped all my ordnance, so I was left flying around waiting for Hoppy45 listening to myself saying 'rifle','rifle','pickle dropped' that I had already done five minutes ago,

Yes, I don't know what's holding those messages up sometimes, unless it was a barrage of other radio messages that you were listening to in the interim.

Quote[/b] ]the talk about the downed leader took so long. I also destroyed the Flanker about the time I got the report that it was approaching Nogova, so I was again left listening to some thrilling dogfight narrative.

Slow AWACS operator. tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]- Nice addon use, but the ADATS was a completely unnecessary requirement as I barely glimpsed it at long range in the last mission,

The ADATS serves a purpose there but not for the way you played the mission. No spoilers please unless you want to PM me about this. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]plus I would have used Footmunch's Su-27 instead of the Spetznaz mod, but that's just my preference.

For as much as it's used in the campaign, I think the difference is trivial. However, if I'm not mistaken, the Spetsnaz SU27's smoke trail when dammaged is unparalleled. I love following one when it's wounded. Like a shark following a bleeding seal. biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]In short, the custom radio chatter could have been evened out between the missions, it greatly contributes to the atmosphere.

I fully agree. I only decided on making a big thing about pilot brevity when I started working on the last mission - and it took up so much of my time.

First I had to consult with people in the know (espaecially on the LOMAC forum) and balance between realsim and gameplay.

Then I had to find voice actors and that was a super challenge.

Then different actors had to redo different messages.

Then the messages had to be correctly incorporated in the mission.

Had I gone through these procedures for all of the missions, it would never have been released, unless of course I could easily find more voice actors.

Quote[/b] ]Despite these few gripes it was a quality campaign, thanks for this Avon.

If you're happy, I'm happy. smile_o.gif

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I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but did Ondrej once tell me in an email that triggers poll every 5 seconds, so that a unit needs to be in the trigger on average about 2.5 seconds for its presence to activate it? *shrugs*

Also, Avon, in "Black Hawk Down", General Garrison calls the SAR bird the "es-ay-ar" bird, so while CSAR might be "see-sar", SAR might not be "sar". Of course, Army lingo might be different from Air Force lingo.

The prime concern of military radio language is clarity, rather than brevity, though brevity is very much a concern because of enemy triangulation of your position and electronic counter-measures. Failure to clearly transmit just one number in a grid coordinate, for example, could result in putting arty into friendly troops.

"sar" is easier to misinterpret than "es-ay-ar", while "see-sar" is quite clear.

This is why in spelling a river name, for example, the RTO will say, "I spell, 'delta', 'alpha', 'november', 'uniform', 'bravo', 'echo'." In the Army's phonetic alphabet, each spelled letter is difficult to confuse with the others. Obviously, this takes longer than saying "Danube", but someone who had never heard of the Danube may need it spelled out for them.

So redoing the SAR line might have been needless. If the LOMAC boys say otherwise (provided they're Air Force veterans), then the AF boys probably do it differently. (And I'm not yet certain that "es-ay-ar" is the correct Army way to say it, either, but it makes more sense than "sar". On the other hand, FARP is "farp", but that is a rather unique word.) Certainly wouldn't be the first time two branch's lingo didn't mesh.

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I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but did Ondrej once tell me in an email that triggers poll every 5 seconds, so that a unit needs to be in the trigger on average about 2.5 seconds for its presence to activate it?  *shrugs*

Never noticed that but then again I wasn't looking to notice it.

What about triggers that are not conditional on presence but on true/false conditions alone?

What about event handlers?

Quote[/b] ]

Also, Avon, in "Black Hawk Down", General Garrison calls the SAR bird the "es-ay-ar" bird, so while CSAR might be "see-sar", SAR might not be "sar".  Of course, Army lingo might be different from Air Force lingo.

Where were ya when I needed ya?! tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]The prime concern of military radio language is clarity, rather than brevity, though brevity is very much a concern because of enemy triangulation of your position and electronic counter-measures.  Failure to clearly transmit just one number in a grid coordinate, for example, could result in putting arty into friendly troops.

"sar" is easier to misinterpret than "es-ay-ar", while "see-sar" is quite clear.

Sar ree. sad_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]This is why in spelling a river name, for example, the RTO will say, "I spell, 'delta', 'alpha', 'november', 'uniform', 'bravo', 'echo'."  In the Army's phonetic alphabet, each spelled letter is difficult to confuse with the others.  Obviously, this takes longer than saying "Danube", but someone who had never heard of the Danube may need it spelled out for them.

So redoing the SAR line might have been needless.  If the LOMAC boys say otherwise (provided they're Air Force veterans), then the AF boys probably do it differently. (And I'm not yet certain that "es-ay-ar" is the correct Army way to say it, either, but it makes more sense than "sar".  On the other hand, FARP is "farp", but that is a rather unique word.)

Might be confused with digestive problems while flying.

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LOL!  Yeah, pulling all those G's must cause those heavy gases to look for the path of least resistance!  LOL!   biggrin_o.gif

Event handlers and true/false conditions are above my mission-scripting head, so I can't answer that.  (Like I said, my memory might be failing me, as that email conversation with Ondrej took place before the drive-wiping bug was announced.  I was using triggers heavily in a SEBNAM mission I had been working on for about 40 hours, so the topic came up.  Then the drive-wiping bug forever-destroyed all that work.  I had lots of voice lines and home-made special effects.  Still have some of those files, but the mission itself is gone.  Fortunately, OFP is a like a good wife.  You don't divorce her because she bleaches your favorite shirt.)

Oh, and like I said, the Air Force A-10's in Alaska in the late 80's were green. No gray ones that I remember. Ugly birds, but when you slowly learn about their abilities, you gain a respect for them that puts beauty in the eye of the beholder.

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1. View distance is set up to 2000 meters in missions. If your PC cannot handle it, sorry.

Hi Avon !

When you will i can send you my "Benchmark=Performance Script"

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Fortunately, OFP is a like a good wife.  You don't divorce her because she bleaches your favorite shirt.

Which is why my husband has perpetual ring around the collar. biggrin_o.gif

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1. View distance is set up to 2000 meters in missions. If your PC cannot handle it, sorry.

Hi Avon !

When you will i can send you my "Benchmark=Performance Script"


Why am I not joyous? rock.gif


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Thanks for this Avon - really enjoying it. It's great to have the Hog in the spotlight for a while.



Edit: @Uzi - did you get my PM? wink_o.gif

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Thanks for this Avon - really enjoying it. It's great to have the Hog in the spotlight for a while.

Your welcome! What got me hooked on Diesel's A-10 was the model quality, CAS weapons and, more than that, there's no other plane addon I've encountered that flies by mouse so well.

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@ The Avon Lady :


I enjoy your work in that campaign , but is it necessary to link the needed Addons , the campaign etc. over the crappy File Front ? (Advertising Front ?)

If someone has not a single of them , he has to click & click & click & click & click & click & click & click , you know what i mean ?

Is there no webspace for the whole thing ? Or two or three packages , depending on the user's requirements ? Perhaps ofp.gamezone.cz is too good ... wink_o.gif


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@ The Avon Lady :


I enjoy your work in that campaign , but is it necessary to link the needed Addons , the campaign etc. over the crappy File Front ? (Advertising Front ?)

That's where I received a free, unlimited, long term account. It ain't great but it's overall reliable.

Quote[/b] ]If someone has not a single of them , he has to click & click & click & click & click & click & click & click , you know what i mean ?

You have my sympathies. smile_o.gif Most of the addons are available from popular OFP sites.

Quote[/b] ]Is there no webspace for the whole thing ? Or two or three packages , depending on the user's requirements ? Perhaps ofp.gamezone.cz is too good ... wink_o.gif

I'm sure there is and mirrors are appreciated but I can't do everything!

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new edit ;   you need to download this pack too to play this campaign : ;):


Whoa! That shouldn't be!

Do you recall what mission you got a missing addon error in? rock.gif

EDIT: I removed all of the Russian Weapons Pack PBO files from my Addons folder and started every cutscene. I received no missing addon error messages.

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