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next russian ship of ramboofp

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vote my next project

please tell me if u have a ship of my list before i start my project

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dont know russian ships but what ever they use for Russian Navy infantry landing on the beachs. Russian Navial infantry look wierd when come on shore from a Army BMP.

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I went ahead and agreed with Hellfish because an Amphibious ship is really needed. That and it sounds cool.

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A pity the Slava isn't there... well, I'll have to vote for the Moskva class... I know nobody else probably likes it but I just can't help but love that tear-drop-hulled MOUNTAIN on the sea! biggrin_o.gif

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Well, a high priority and high pace project on completing the Russian LST is fine with me. However, parallel or immediately after it is completed and released, there should be a focus on the ships that escorts those landing ships.

I nominate these Russian ships for the next project after this LST. And the nominees are:

Krivak III FFG

Krivak IV FFG

Neustrashimy FFG

Kashin Mod DDG

Udaloy DDG

Sovernmeny DDG

Slava CG

A better modelled and textured Kuznetsov CV or Kiev CV (can't remember which that old Russian CV was)

These are the best ships in which to choose from and use because they are the most prevelant in the Soviet Navy & post-cold war Russian Navy.

Well, keep me informed on any developments and what might be made next.



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How about completeting the russain Aircraft carrier that Hawk released so it will be equal to the USS Nimitz carrier that was released before it. And all the scripts coppied from the Nimitz over to it.

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You realize being a one man show for a giant project like that is impossible. Nobody would really help me with the Arleigh, so I had to cancel it. Ships are a big project... too big.

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A Sovremeny class guided missile cruiser would be nice.


For something smaller there is also the very cool Bora class missile corvette that basically is a type of hovercraft.  


But for Amphibious Assault ships, nothing tops the mighty Ivan Rogov amphibious assault ship.   It is capable of carrying an entire batallion of Russian Naval infantry along with either 53 tanks or 80 APC's.   It also carries 4 KA-27 helicopters and further more has double barrel 76mm naval cannon system, a bunch of gattling type AA guns, several types of AA missiles, and even Grad-M artillery rocket launchers.  



Now for something REALLY REALLY COOOL someone could make a Orlan Class amphibious landing craft that uses Wing-In-Ground effects to fly over the water at over 200 kts.  

It can carry up to 200 naval infantry.


Of coarse the Orlan would be very difficult to make realistically in OFP.  But damn it would be nice.

Other options include, like others said, to fix up Hawk's Kiev class aircraft carrier (that would be very nice) or to perhaps fix up that old Zubr class hover craft addon that Vladimir made a long time ago but never finished up. It would be nice to see someone make a cargo script for it where it can carry tanks and APC's sorta like Hawk's C130 cargo script.   It can be downloaded here:



A fixed up Kiev AND Zubr class amphibious landing ship would be ideal as wel already have a couple of good Russian ship addons (Mirage and Pauk class).  Simon Hähnel started working on updating the Pauk class with multiple weapon stations and posted nice screenshots here:


But apparently he never finished the update.

Still the current Pauk class addon is not too shabby.

It could however use a arty system of some type or perhaps a working cruise missile system maybe using the CoC tomohawk system.  

Anyhoo...I'd be happy with any new Russian ships or any fixed up older Russian ship addons.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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You realize being a one man show for a giant project like that is impossible. Nobody would really help me with the Arleigh, so I had to cancel it. Ships are a big project... too big.

I tried looking for some material and tried to lobby for a copy of the 3DS files used to show an updated version of the Arliegh Burke DDG in Janes Fleet Command, but no one returned my request.   sad_o.gif   (It was a un-official model & skinning)

Hopefully BIS will provide us with more features and abilities to create ship addons easier, faster, and better for OFP 2.  That way once we get a model outline and skin for it, it will be easy to impliment it into the game.

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I would love to see a Kara CG which is specialised in the air defence role, OSA II class of missile boat and either Sovremenny DDG or Kirov CGN would also be awesome smile_o.gif

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Ack, Kara CG is an old, obsolete, and a ship class decommissioned a long time ago that lacks long range SAM capability and has almost Zero offensive firepower except some surface attacking torpedoes, 76mm guns and a few SAM's capable of attacking ships in its surface search radar range.

The Slava CG is the first "true" powerful cruiser developed by the Soviets.  It is large enough threat to ships, aircraft, and submarines.  With 16 SS-N-12 Sandbox Supersonic anti-ship missiles capable of putting a carrier out of business real quick if not protected by a highly capable air defense ship escort. (1 Ton explosive warhead, also nuclear capable)

Not to mention 64 SA-N-6c Grumble SAM's, 30mm high firerate short-range point defense guns, and about 20 SA-N-4 SAM's which make this a very difficult target to sink.

The Kirov CGN is a pure monster in size and firepower, very difficult to attack with anti-ship missiles with its immense and robust anti-ship missile defense system.  It carries 19 SS-N-19 Shipwreck missiles, similiar to the SS-N-12 in warhead capacity and speed for attacking ships.  Not to mention a huge mass of SA-N-6c SAM's, SA-N-4 SAM's, and SA-N-9 IR SAM's.  It also has a highly redundant point defense system using high fire rate 30mm gattling guns.

The best cure for this threat is to send one or two SSN's and plug it with some Mk48 ADCAP's.

IMHO, just make the Slava CG if you want a powerful modern Russian crusier.  It's just right and is not too difficult to model, unlike the Kirov CGN.

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537 People viewed this topic. biggrin_o.gif

AND ONLY 38 VOTED! crazy_o.gif

Sorry, that had to be. tounge_o.gif

Keep up the good work.

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something they use/used in the baltic sea... like Ivan Rogov... that WOULD be cool biggrin_o.gif

im not really into this Russian/soviet naval vessel thingy, but i know Ivan Rogov where stationed in baltic harbours such as Klaipeda and Kaliningrad during the 80´s, so it would be fun smile_o.gif

any other Amphibious landing vessel, or some smaller corevettes, missile boats...

i know there is limitations in making them too big in OFP so it probably has to be something not so big (i think Ivan Rogov is to big, byt then im not a addon maker so)

but thats my vote smile_o.gif

or btw, make a ropuchka, seams smaller, and was also stationed in the baltics afaik tounge_o.gif

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I think some of the frigates(Grisha, Krivak, Neustrashimy) would be pretty nice. Amphib stuff would be to, if someone could maybe make a script or something so it could carry tanks an other vehicles. Without that, then an amphibious ship would just be a prop for the most part.

I think the Kara class ships and the Moscow would be too big to really use in OFP. Maybe for offshore artillery support, but other than that it would be difficult to find a use for. And for fire support type stuff, a Juliett or an Echo might be nice with CoC UA built into it, to act as a counterpart to the Tomahawk(I think some of the older Soviet SSG's were deployed with missiles that could target ground targets. I'm thinking they were nuclear but we could always make believe). Speaking of CoC, how're they coming along with the next version of UA?

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