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Sound problems

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I am having problems with the sounds of an addon  , the problem being that all the new sounds added .. like MG and main gun can be heard all across the island .

Can anyone explain how to tame the sounds so they are only heard within a reasonable distance ?

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It's probably in the sound definitions in the config:

soundXXX = {"myaddon/boing.wav", db30, 1};

The first number is the 'distance attenuation' factor (and the

second is the rate or pitch). Try adjusting the db30 value to

db10, or 1, or 0.01, etc.

The _volume_ of the sound is the volume of the wav file itself.

(If you haven't got it, Goldwave is a good audio editor)

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Thanks for the reply..

I tried adjusting the numbers with no effect , perhaps the sound itself is just way too loud rock.gif?

I use SoundForge as my sound editor.

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Try inserting a value like

0.1 for the DB parameter.

soundXXX = {"myaddon/boing.wav", 0.1, 1};

I along with some Zeus guys are in the process of adjusting all the sound levels in WGL4.12 to something more realistic in terms of range, and for most weapons a value of 0.1 (gain) is a good 1.5Km hearing range. (an experiment mostly, not necessairly for release etc)

Rremember it depends on what else is going on. If htere is other loud fighting, you won't hear these lowered sounds as far/as loud.

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Thanks for the reply..

I tried adjusting the numbers with no effect , perhaps the sound itself is just way too loud rock.gif?

I use SoundForge as my sound editor.

You can also go in the minus:

soundXXX = {"myaddon/boing.wav", db-30, 1};

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I must be missing something pretty simple as i usually am rock.gif

I tried a range of between db-30 , 1 - db20 , 1

and nothing had an effect , the engine noise is fine


I dont have a .cfg sounds yet..could that be the problem ?

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I must be missing something pretty simple as i usually am  rock.gif

I tried a range of between  db-30 , 1  -  db20 , 1

and nothing had an effect , the engine noise is fine


I dont have a .cfg sounds yet..could that be the problem ?

Try it with a 'silly' value like 0.00001 (_not_ db0.0001), just

to see if there's _any_ effect. Also, try adjusting the pitch to

make sure that the engine sound is the one you think it

should be.

I'm _fairly_ sure this works on built-in sounds...

(For soundEngine, you shouldn't need to define a separate

entry in CfgSounds)

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No effect sad_o.gif

The peramiters you have all suggested altering have worked fine on the default sounds like the servo , engine etc .. but not with my custom ones so i can only presume its the .cfg sounds or lack of one ?

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It is not about being fairly sure, I know for certain that lowering the gain to 0.1 in your sound config WILL lower the distance at which you can still hear it. Therefore if it is not working, you are not editing something properly. smile_o.gif

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Well someone has jumped in and taken over the complicated numbers and things so now i can go back to making pretty pictures . smile_o.gif

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Do any of you know the difference in entering a straight number ("0.001") as opposed to entering "db-10", etc? It would be nice if I actually knew the scale, because right now I'm just doing a lot of guesswork with my values.

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If it's actually dB (decibels), then:

Real value = pow(10, "dbValue"/10)


db30 = 10^3 = 1000

db0 = 10^0 = 1

db-30 = 10^-3 = .001

and so on.

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Nah, these are decibels, not sound pressure ratings:

DB-5 in OFP is -5DB => 10^(-5/20) => 0.562...

And similairly a gain level of 10 => 10 to 1 => 20 log 10 => 20DB

=> in OFP DB+20

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I am using "50" for rifles right now (during our test period).

It can be heard 2 km without any "trouble", and if you not running, no trucks driving and everything totaly silent you can hear it at 3 km.

I think that value is okey, anyone has suggestion on it?

Trying to find values/ranges..actually ranges.

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