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Looks cool! Do you release it before Christmas?

Not a promise but there can be a christmas release wink_o.gif

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A friend of mine has sended me some models he had made here they are they will be in the pack too wink_o.gif


Here is a picture of the camcorder


I just want something small with six wheels.


I contacted jonno at UKF forums about it m8 but still no reply from him.

PM me with a e-mail adres where I can send it wink_o.gif


Cool, lose the camo pants and replace with jeans and you got yourself an embedded reporter and crew smile_o.gif

If someone want to use the camcorder and photocamera only thing he has to do is PM me and I send him the camcorder and photocamera.

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Please don't reply 5 times in a row adding very little each time, edit your previous posts smile_o.gif

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is there gonna be hats facing the front?

just cant help sayin they look like a bit like journalist with the hat backwards

alos the camcorder looks look, is thewere a chance of making it like a laser designator type weapon to simulate the laser taking footage?

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Yea Laser had mentioned earlier that he was going to have some units with the caps facing forward. I was actually the one who asked that exact question about a month ago I think.

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There will be units with caps facing forward too xmas_o.gif

About the camera using like a laser weapon good idea I try it to look how it looks wink_o.gif

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I don't wanna complain but it just seems a bit like false advertising... Why say two weeks if you don't mean it? 'Soon' would be more truth-like... Anyway the work looks beautiful and I say take the time you need. But now isn't the time for work anyway...

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukka and don't forget Winter-een-mas! xmas_o.gif

Oh, BTW; Anyone interested in creating some sort of "OFP-addon Award"? I think it would be nice to show our appreciation to all the people out there giving us addons for free that some companies would charge humungous sums of money for! Well I just say: THANK YOU!

*insert annoyingly catching christmas song*

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My fault about 2 weeks it was first a 2 different soldier models and the 6 wheeled vehicle that was ment 2 be released in 2 weeks but after some requests the 2 different soldiers has been grown to 30 wow_o.gif

Also real life and other things going so project is coming nicely it is not dead but sometimes shit happens.

Also I work alone on this and I want to give you the best and perfect addon so please be patient no news for a few weeks does not mean project is dead wink_o.gif

If I decide to stop I will notice that here on the topic and handle the project to someone else but I am not planning to stop the project I have started I like to finnish allways what I have started biggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Cool!  Is that a black sun tattoo on his left arm?   One of my friends in the Army has one of those.  Its very cool looking.

The gear is a little bright colored, but still not bad looking at all.  I like the cigar, Motorola commercial 2 way radio, and beard!  Very SF/CIA looking.  lol.

Overall its all looking really good!!!  I can't wait to try those units out in combat.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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cooool!! keep up the good work! xmas_o.gif

btw what kind of units are these? combatjournalists? biggrin_o.gif

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Actually I try to find a good tattoo picture if you can provide some link(s) it would be great.

The colours arent that bright PS I made them alittle bright.

Last picture of new Photo Camera was a little big over 100kb look at it it is donated to me by a friend wink_o.gif

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cooool!! keep up the good work!  xmas_o.gif

btw what kind of units are these? combatjournalists? biggrin_o.gif

No these are house womans at cooking tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

First one is a desert operator wearing a desert night jacket good see able with NV dunno what effect it will have in game biggrin_o.gif

Second is a Desert Devgru unit.

Third is a Photo Camera wink_o.gif

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Hey the sigar is great idea.

It could have an option to light the sigar and then some smoke comes out of it.

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I agree, I like the cigar too. I'm not a smoker, but I think it adds authenticity. 'Course, it could be a beef jerky stick, or a candy bar too.

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if it is a hidden selection then fine but having an entire team of SF guys walkin around with cigars hanging out of their mouth would just look really unrealistic...

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