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Event handler guide

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Some months ago someone mentioned the existence of an event handler guide by Igor Drukov. I've searched the forums and ofp.info, but I can't find it anywhere. Anybody have a copy or know where to get one from?

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Hm, never heard about it. But I'm really happy with the eventhandler guide BIS made smile_o.gif


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I never heard about this before, but it is a very interesting reading to complete the introduction to the event handlers from the comref.


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Praise OFPEC. That's where you should start looking when you want something editish.

100% agree! OFPEC is a virtual goldmine for us OFP scripters and the guys behind it does a wonderfull job and I think all of us greatly appreciate all their hard work!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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it would help if it stood which was local events and which who wasnt, I know Dammage is public but Hit and Killed are local. But what about the others.

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All of them are global, except hit and killed which are local smile_o.gif

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Sure Key but the structure is a little bit confuse; especiality the search funktion or better the results of it, i don´t even get it run to get the whole results ...

maby i am to stupid ;-)

Äh inteligence depot scripting editers....

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