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High detail F-16

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Shouldn't the joy be on the left?

the throttle is onthe left - jstick on the right.

One comment about the model - the canopy looks a bit squashed...

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You'll definitely be hearing back from me as soon as more info on this addon's progress is released.

Very nice work, keep it up...

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Shouldn't the joy be on the left?

the throttle is onthe left - jstick on the right.

One comment about the model - the canopy looks a bit squashed...

Ah, right. I knew sth was there. smile_o.gif

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wish model are you going to make ?

f-16A ,f-16C or MLU f-16

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The cockpit say you that the version is a F-16A. If It were a F16C or MLU, there would be two MFDs (Multifonction Displays). On the pics, there is only one.

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Not very many probably want an older F-16A version addon, those A versions can only support Sidewinders, Mavericks, Dumb Bombs, and limited precision guided weapons.

See if you can modify the cockpit for two MFD's.

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Looks nice but not any more detailed than the many other F16 Addons floating around. Don't really see whats makes this one so special?

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Looks nice but not any more detailed than the many other F16 Addons floating around.  Don't really see whats makes this one so special?

It is special for him and you are trying to deny it. What exactly did you try to say to him?

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Looks nice but not any more detailed than the many other F16 Addons floating around.  Don't really see whats makes this one so special?

yea man get off his back, should kno making haddons can be hard, cut the guy some slack, looking good smile_o.gif

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The canopy looks too small when compared to the nose, doesn't it? rock.gif

I hope you're familiar with the Falcon 4!

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Aye, make the cockpit "bubble" a bit bigger and that'll be one great addon, not that it isn't looking great now. The ones with the smaller canopy (A's?) also have a slightly shorter less fat (width wise) nose, well that's what I've gathered from images and models and so on (as in die-cast stuff).

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Sure! Who's gonna make a mission with thunderbirds vipers?! :P

Never mind him... Just concentrate on perfecting the model. The others may retexture them as they wish (with your permission of course) smile_o.gif

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Sure! Who's gonna make a mission with thunderbirds vipers?! :P

Never mind him... Just concentrate on perfecting the model. The others may retexture them as they wish (with your permission of course) smile_o.gif

no i ment the real life thunderbirds, not some cheapy childrens movie. (PS the movie title for that movie ticked me off as it is a disgrace to the thunderbird title which carries with it alot of pride and glory to be those stunt pilots)

about the skins for it.. im not above "importing textures" from other games with credit properly assigned

if you would consider a thunderbirds version (a completly seperate pbo file) i would be more then happy to send an email to the texture artist of the choosen game/mod i think would be perfect. and if i read right it comes with a pilot texture too smile_o.gif im gonna send you a PM to see if you would be interested

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Yeah, I know what you meant silly!

I mean how are you going to make an airshow mission, and how can you make the mission outcome depend on wether the loop/low speed pass/segmented roll/formation flying was purely made or not... and how are you going to make the other AI in the formation perform all that? Who's gonna play this mission?

A Thunderbird viper is just as useful as the Kegetys' drill. Nobody is gonna take it to combat! sure it's fun and nice to have around, but too much work for little use. Sure, you can texture one yourself if you really need one.

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Yeah, I know what you meant silly!

I mean how are you going to make an airshow mission, and how can you make the mission outcome depend on wether the loop/low speed pass/segmented roll/formation flying was purely made or not... and how are you going to make the other AI in the formation perform all that? Who's gonna play this mission?

A Thunderbird viper is just as useful as the Kegetys' drill. Nobody is gonna take it to combat! sure it's fun and nice to have around, but too much work for little use. Sure, you can texture one yourself if you really need one.

AI this and AI that. the AI can kiss my pearly white ass.

this is for players. smile_o.gif

and again with the combat bullshit... how many times i gotta point this out? OFP lost its "combat only sim" title many many moons ago. OFP is a real life sim where anything is possible. from a vacation at the beach to storming a beach.

not everyone who plays flashpoint as religously as i do, plays it for the killing aspect only. there is other fun stuff to be had in a game such as this smile_o.gif

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Sure, you can texture one yourself if you really need one.

As I said...

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The stunt version idea seems a good one, if for nothing but variety and originality with the pack, something to simply fly rather than attack with. Maybe somebody could make some Red Arrow's too (old Hawk trainers) for some competition. Of course we know who'll win every time biggrin_o.gif !

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