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Operation Farmland Mod

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Im not sure if this is the right place to ask about the GENB_Vamps, but how do you make the vampire attack if your playing as a vampire.

I'm not sure if you can.

Normally I'd say just to add yourself to the "GENB_Hunters" group, but that would cause problems, as you'd start attacking yourself on startup.

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Yea same goes for zombies attacking player and group if a player is a zombie at the same time you instantly kill yourself.

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I suppose it could be done if you were to define the vampire groups twice, so you effectively had two sets of vampires. But I don't think that's really within the scripting ability of most people.

It has potential to work though. I'll see if I can throw the idea at one of our script monkeys, no promises though, there's not much work being done right now and I'm really looking just to rally who is left and get some work started for ArmA.

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Hey, guys. First of all thanks a lot for creating this mod!! It's awesome!!! I have more fun playing against zombies than against other human army d= (Hence why I've been playing it for 4 days and still can't get enough of it haha)

I just have a couple of questions.

1- A couple pages behind I saw there was something about horror sky and environment, everything dark and stuff. Is it released?

2- Do you guys have an official page for horror add-ons?

Thanks again.



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Quote[/b] ]2- Do you guys have an official page for horror add-ons?

There seems to be something wrong with the Farmland site, but try these two unoffical sites.




I assume your talking about the www.ofp.info/farmland, right?

This is because Cervo has lost the ofp.info domain. You can still access the site through the ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/ directory, but I can't remeber the full url for that sad_o.gif

(should be something like ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/farmland, except it isn't...)

If someone happens to know the url could they post it here, I'm supposed to be Mod Leader, it might help if I knew it ^^

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Quote[/b] ]2- Do you guys have an official page for horror add-ons?

There seems to be something wrong with the Farmland site, but try these two unoffical sites.




I assume your talking about the www.ofp.info/farmland, right?

This is because Cervo has lost the ofp.info domain. You can still access the site through the ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/ directory, but I can't remeber the full url for that sad_o.gif

(should be something like ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/farmland, except it isn't...)

If someone happens to know the url could they post it here, I'm supposed to be Mod Leader, it might help if I knew it ^^

Thanks a lot guys. I wish I could understand russian sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I think I found it! [url=http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/farmland/news.php

Yes I know, I have been telling people for quite awhile now about the gamepark thing. When I tried to log on using this addy I got nothing. Site must have been down, but it's working now.

There is something funny there though. There are no files in the download area, but links from other sites are pulling files from an upload directory. I think they might have srewed up the folder structure.

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Out of curiosity when playing with the Farmland Horror Pack 3 why is it that you're own men turn upon you and shoot you ?

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@Zuku: We updated the website because the old site was written by MiG (who has a habit of dissappearing for untold months, reappearing an releasing something so mindnumbingly awesome he can once again disappear without being noticed) and no one knew how to update it.

Unfortunately, our webmaster seems to have forgotten to fix up the download section. Everything is still on the ofp.info ftp, so it is there, it just isn't on the site.

@Universal: 'eh? Never heard of this problem before. I think in some versions of the scripts written by scott_T (not by us, we've just reference the files there) bitten soldiers are turned rogue (they'll be targeted by other soldiers) but in most cases I can't see why you're own men would attack you unless you were using zombies on the same side as you were.

You weren't using zombies on the same side were you? We put them on both east and resistance for a reason! tounge2.gif

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Why aren't there zombies on the West side ?. Also how can I make it so that when a zombie kills somebody (lets say a civilian) they get infected and turn into a zombie (like in 28 days/weeks later) ?

- Also yes I was using it on the same side but I thought the zombies would be reclassified from EAST to Resistance or West.

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Also how can I make infected zombies attack non-infected (like civilians etc...) and even my enemies (west or east or even resistance forces)

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By using the gblalltargets array. Units in this array will be targeted by the undead regardless of side, type or location.. It's not as easy as the preset gamelogic, but it's a lot more flexable.

Just place one of the zombiemod difficulty settings and set up the gblalltargets array as you would any other array.

As for resurrecting zombies... it was an oversight on our part. If you feel the necessity for them then I'd suggest seeing if you can find a good scripter who's willing to help you out... as I'm aware it is supported by the UZM scripts, but it's set up to resurrect as scott's zombies. There should be a way to change this though.

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How do I set up the array as I have no clue ?.

Also when I play as a zombie how can I attack enemies i go up to them and nothing happens.

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Playing as a zombie isn't completely supported. I know Ryan_D has a version where it works in MP, but I'm not sure of particulars.

Setting up an array is a bit complex, here's the code used by the "zombies attack player and group" prefab.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">gblalltargets = [player] + units (group player)

It can be put in the init line of any gamelogic or as the activation of a trigger. If can also be defined in a script.

Essentially the syntax is this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">gblalltargets = [unit1] + [unit2] + [unit3] + ... + units (group unitA) + units (group unitB) + units (group unitC) + ...

For example, if you wanted the zombies to target three units named Chuck, Barry and Sid, and all the units in Mary's group, you'd use:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">gblalltargets = [Chuck] + [Barry] + [Sid] + units (group Mary)

Or if you wanted to zombies to target all units in Chuck's group:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">gblalltargerts = [Chuck] + units (group Chuck)

One of the most important things to note, is before defining any groups you must define at least one soldier. If you don't, the scripts will not work.

For example:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">gblalltargets = units (group Player)

Will not work. This is why we've used "[player] + Units (group player)" for the prefab.

Finally, there's a good method found by Rellikki to get Zombies to target all units on one side in an area. Set up a trigger to cover the area activated by the side of your choice being present. Put in the "on activation" field:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">gblalltargets = thislist

As you can see it's a bit complex, which is why we included the prefab logics in HP3.

That's all I can help you with I'm afraid, I'm not a scripter, so if you want any more help with arrays you'll have to find someone with a bit more experience. There's a large documentations of all the arrays you can set with the UZM scripts, but I don't have it on hand, I'll see if I can dig it up sometime.

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At the moment I am using SLX/MCM and the international black ops. When I run a mission, my face is distorted, like my mouth is on my head and my ears are on my neck. When I try to change my face in the options screen. everything is messed up except for the women.

How do I fix this? Can anyone help? Thanks.

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Hi, All

If you delete my link that's just plain stuped. It relates to OFP and ArmA.

Anyway. I'm doing a COD 5 Nazi Zombie Conversion to ArmAII (AIINZC) I need to talk to the Farmland Team because I need to talk to the person who built the Dog animation's and Model and the other's who made the zombie animation's. If you have skills in Modeling, Scripting, Coding, Or Animation Building Please PM me or talk to me on MSN ([email protected])


Edited by Calypso

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So why don't you send MIG a PM rather than opening a thread that's over a year old?

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Hi, All

If you delete my link that's just plain stuped. It relates to OFP and ArmA.

Anyway. I'm doing a COD 5 Nazi Zombie Conversion to ArmAII (AIINZC) I need to talk to the Farmland Team because I need to talk to the person who built the Dog animation's and Model and the other's who made the zombie animation's. If you have skills in Modeling, Scripting, Coding, Or Animation Building Please PM me or talk to me on MSN ([email protected])


IIRC the animations were made by teacup. Though I can't remeber who made the model in the first place I'm afraid...

The zombie animations were made by maccollo. He should have an account on these forums under the name "general".

Hope this helps =)

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Hi All!

I've been trying to use the farmland horror pack 3 in a mission I'm making. But there seems to be a sort of bug I've encountered. I find my character occasionally standing up from prone position even though I'm not trying to make him stand. Also, if I have a binocular with me, the character would on occasion frantically switch to binoculars and back.

Has anyone also experienced this? I've been searching through the forums but couldn't find any posts about this, I don't know who in particular I might contact for info. Is there any way to get around this "auto-standup" bug? The binoculars I could just remove or drop but I would also prefer if there was a way to fix this...

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Hi, All

If you delete my link that's just plain stuped. It relates to OFP and ArmA.

Anyway. I'm doing a COD 5 Nazi Zombie Conversion to ArmAII (AIINZC) I need to talk to the Farmland Team because I need to talk to the person who built the Dog animation's and Model and the other's who made the zombie animation's. If you have skills in Modeling, Scripting, Coding, Or Animation Building Please PM me or talk to me on MSN ([email protected])


Weren't there zombie anims in original ArmA? Check the Crappy Zombie mod. BTW, my ArmA 2 dreams are coming true ;P

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Where to download this Farmland mod and horror packs? Tell me. I don't see links anywhere.

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Here, you try this link:


just try to browse around or use their search function.

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How can I make the zombies attack the OTHER groups, they leave the civilians alone and they only target me and my units.

I tried using a GblAllTargets= [x], but that didn't work (or maybe I am doing something wrong). Help would be appreaciated.

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