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Hi all,

I'm new to this game..so allow me to give me a bit of a background about myself...I've been playing MP fps games for about 2 years now...since Novalogic BHD and now JO. These are the only games I've played and a bit..but not too much AA and BF1942-DC mod.

I have discovered this game quite late..but I believe that it is the one of the most if not the most realistic game out there.

This is what attracted me to the game..the reality, tactics, physics, balistic, damage model and teamwork that comes with it. Have downloaded the MP demo and I have the game on order...

A few questions if you don't mind me asking:

1. Is there still a strong MP community?

2. Are there still any servers up?

3. How can i get the list of servers?

4. Is it only 8 players max, 4 a side?

That's for start....


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First of all welcome to the OFP community

Don't play MP much but here goes........

Quote[/b] ]1. Is there still a strong MP community?


Quote[/b] ]2. Are there still any servers up?


Quote[/b] ]3. How can i get the list of servers?

Have no idea, just look arround

Quote[/b] ]4. Is it only 8 players max, 4 a side?


And I suggest you look in the MP forums in the thread "How about a forum night"

Hope this helps  


EDIT: You can find the thread here

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Hi all,

I'm new to this game..so allow me to give me a bit of a background about myself...I've been playing MP fps games for about 2 years now...since Novalogic BHD and now JO. These are the only games I've played and a bit..but not too much AA and BF1942-DC mod.

I have discovered this game quite late..but I believe that it is the one of the most if not the most realistic game out there.

This is what attracted me to the game..the reality, tactics, physics, balistic, damage model and teamwork that comes with it. Have downloaded the MP demo and I have the game on order...

A few questions if you don't mind me asking:

1. Is there still a strong MP community?

2. Are there still any servers up?

3. How can i get the list of servers?

4. Is it only 8 players max, 4 a side?

That's for start....



Wow! Are talkin' about the same game here man? tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

I don't play much MP as well but Ironsight has said most of what is worth saying. AFAIK, you can pretty much go up to the 52 groups (or whatever it is) limit in MP as well, though I wouldn't recommend it due to lag. Some big missions I've played got 32 slots available.

EDIT: Q 3: Download All Seeing Eye and you get a picture. However, an OFP 'feature' is that you can't join a server that is playing, you have to have one in "creating" or "waiting" mode.

Also, there are MANY, MANY reasons why to buy OFP, however, I recommend you take a look around 'cause I don't think it's the multiplayer that makes OFP great. smile_o.gif

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If you are new to this then you maybe don't know this: next to no one plays ofp (=cwc) anymore, nearly everyone is playing resistance (=ofp version 1.96). Resistance has an ingame server browser btw. There are quite a few servers and mp games can be played with a lot more players than 8, mfcti for example is 18 vs 18.

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Heres a list of what you need to start playing multiplayer.

1.Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis and Operation Flashpoint Resistance.

2. Patches: 1.85, 1.91, 1.96 install in that order

after you have that stuff you are ready to play but some server use addons in the missions. you will need to download them and put them into your Operation Flashpoint/Res/addons folder

www.ofp.info has the lastest patches addons and news

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thanks for ur replies guys....

I think the game that i have on order...has all in one...:)

expecting it some point today....

with the physics...yes..i think they are realistic...compared to Joint operations or BHD i think it is far more realistic...:)

It will take a bit of time to find myway around the community but i will get there..:)

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2. Patches: 1.85, 1.91, 1.96 install in that order

No, just get this file if you have the GameOfTheYear edition or this file if you have regular Resistance installed.

The two files are direct patches from v1.75(Res) to the latest version 1.96

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I think the game that i have on order...has all in one...:)


= all in 1 wink_o.gif

3 campaigns (20+ missions each)

60 SP missions

and if you get it... well, there are several topics with "i'm new, what do i need?" wink_o.gif

oh, and with physics he ment you're actually having a body, and don't have the luxury of bunnyhopping , strafing and shooting accurate , run-and-gun etc wink_o.gif

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Hi all,

I'm new to this game..so allow me to give me a bit of a background about myself...I've been playing MP fps games for about 2 years now...since Novalogic BHD and now JO. These are the only games I've played and a bit..but not too much AA and BF1942-DC mod.

I have discovered this game quite late..but I believe that it is the one of the most if not the most realistic game out there.

This is what attracted me to the game..the reality, tactics, physics, balistic, damage model and teamwork that comes with it. Have downloaded the MP demo and I have the game on order...

A few questions if you don't mind me asking:

1. Is there still a strong MP community?

2. Are there still any servers up?

3. How can i get the list of servers?

4. Is it only 8 players max, 4 a side?

That's for start....


1. Is there still a strong MP community?

Yes not extremely big though, but you'll always find games that are waiting for players.

2. Are there still any servers up?

Sure, hundreds of them.

3. How can I get the list of servers?

Resistance has a built-in server browser.

4. Is it only 8 players max, 4 a side?

No limit. I've been to a game with +100 ppl but around 30 people would be the limit performance wise.


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Great OFP news sites: OFP.info or if you speak Russian then flashpoint.ru.

OFP gets a lot better when you add user-created addons to the mix. Try out FDF 1.3, it has a strong single player and multiplayer side to it.

Also for downloading a large set of individual addons there's OFP Watch which has an Auto-addon server feature that allows you to easily download/install the addons that a server runs. It can also have a list of all the auto addon servers that are running.

Well, have fun!

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I think the game that i have on order...has all in one...:)


= all in 1  wink_o.gif

3 campaigns (20+ missions each)

60 SP missions

and if you get it...  well, there are several topics with "i'm new, what do i need?"  wink_o.gif

oh, and with physics he ment you're actually having a body, and don't have the luxury of bunnyhopping , strafing and shooting accurate , run-and-gun etc  wink_o.gif


CWC = 40 missions

RH= 20 missions

RES = 20 missions

= 80 missions.  + a bunch of SP missions


Here you can find another reason to buy Resistance or GOTY biggrin_o.gif

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