jolivan77 0 Posted December 16, 2004 Is there another link? I have 0.3Kb/s downloading rate! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted December 16, 2004 7 Day Mirrors..... FDF Eastborder island addons I need to look into changing the addons, a desert version with UK Forces troops versus Edge's Retextured Guerrillas, UCE Middle-east Resistance & PFLP Troops would be great Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djukel 0 Posted December 16, 2004 Quote[/b] ]I need to look into changing the addons, a desert version with UK Forces troops versus Edge's Retextured Guerrillas, UCE Middle-east Resistance & PFLP Troops would be great For this you should need a desert map too! I found a nice addon - spotlight! - in AEF reallights stuff. So I disabled machinegun's reflector and equipped guardtowers with moving spotlight. It looks really cool! Searchlight_to_IBM_1.01 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted December 17, 2004 Quote[/b] ]I need to look into changing the addons, a desert version with UK Forces troops versus Edge's Retextured Guerrillas, UCE Middle-east Resistance & PFLP Troops would be great For this you should need a desert map too! Exactly So the two that spring to mind are...... FDF Desert pack - "New desert island Al Maldajah with new vegetation and buildings" (a modified Malden island). Or....... CAT_SHIT_ONE_MM's Afghanistan Island Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
candleman 0 Posted December 17, 2004 I find a bug in FDF_Eastborder map when I play east side allways get an error message at start. "'_rand = -100 |#| random 100': Error unknown operator random". I also noticed enemy HQ not exist on the map. It is strange because playing west side I did not get any error. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djukel 0 Posted December 17, 2004 I find a bug in FDF_Eastborder map when I play east side allways get an error message at start. "'_rand = -100 |#| random 100': Error unknown operator random". I also noticed enemy HQ not exist on the map. It is strange because playing west side I did not get any error. Open init.sqs in mission folder and remove "-100". before: _rand = -100 random 100; after: _rand = random 100; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted December 27, 2004 been playing your ibm1.01 alot recently, it´s pure fun and has a high replayability potential. during some games i found out that always when im about to get airsupport a "model special" error message pops in and ofp ctd´s after i click ok. i already redownloaded vit´s f15 but that didn´t solve the error, also i looked if i had the f15 twice in different mod folders, but that wasn´t it either... can´t figure out whats wrong, anyone else running into this ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted December 29, 2004 Any chance of making a non dynamic range addon version of this? With minimal addons? (ie no extra vehicles etc) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djukel 0 Posted December 29, 2004 Any chance of making a non dynamic range addon version of this? With minimal addons? (ie no extra vehicles etc) I already planned to make a none dynamicrange version. I will be finished it in 1 or 2 days. Other addons must stay because this mod wouldn't exist without them. Most of it can not be substitute with default BIS vehicles or objects. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted December 29, 2004 it happened again defended my base succesfully for the first 10 minutes, took out the enemy commando squad (solo!), and just when i was ready to crush the ai´s supply center .. well guess what .. i got airsupport  apart from that issue i could play it all day long  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djukel 0 Posted January 1, 2005 Instant Battle MOD v1.01 - Without Dynamic range addons This version uses default BIS sound.pbo file instead of Dynamicrange.pbo Installation: Just remove Dynamicrange.pbo file and replace these files in \@gmr\ folder Default Sound to IBM_1.01 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
village idiot 0 Posted January 2, 2005 during some games i found out that always when im about to get airsupport a "model special" error message pops in and ofp ctd´s after i click ok. Upps! I just tried your new version after 20 minutes play I got same error. Can it be fixed anyhow? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted January 2, 2005 i think djukel is working on an update. try this for a quick fix: ..disable "Airstrike" in "Soldier tactics_west.sqs" file or use SU39 aircraft for west side too. To do this You should replace "GMR_F15b" for "GMR_su39b" and "GMR_MK84" for "GMR_fab500" in soldier_airstrike_west.sqs file.hope it´s ok to quote that   Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djukel 0 Posted January 3, 2005 i think djukel is working on an update.try this for a quick fix: ..disable "Airstrike" in "Soldier tactics_west.sqs" file or use SU39 aircraft for west side too. To do this You should replace "GMR_F15b" for "GMR_su39b" and "GMR_MK84" for "GMR_fab500" in soldier_airstrike_west.sqs file.hope it´s ok to quote that or rename "Vit_Usa_F15b" to "Vit_Usa_F15a" in airstrike_west.sqs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
village idiot 0 Posted January 5, 2005 i think djukel is working on an update.try this for a quick fix: ..disable "Airstrike" in "Soldier tactics_west.sqs" file or use SU39 aircraft for west side too. To do this You should replace "GMR_F15b" for "GMR_su39b" and "GMR_MK84" for "GMR_fab500" in soldier_airstrike_west.sqs file.hope it´s ok to quote that or rename "Vit_Usa_F15b" to "Vit_Usa_F15a" in airstrike_west.sqs Thank you! It seems working so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
candleman 0 Posted February 4, 2005 Based on WGL mod's bomb explosion effect I rewrite some part of airstrike script to use same, but modified effect. Credit goes to WGL team. new velocity.sqs file Quote[/b] ]_bomb = _this Select 0_velo = velocity _bomb _bomb setvelocity [(_velo select 0)/1.7,(_velo select 1)/1.7,(_velo select 2)/0.5] _object = "wptflag" createVehicle [0,0,0] #loop ~ 0.10 ?(alive _bomb): _object setpos getpos _bomb;goto "loop" _object setPos [(getPos _object select 0), (getPos _object select 1), 0] _pos = getpos _object; _i = 0 _count1 = 0 _count2 = 0 _count3 = 0 _rand1 = 2 + random 4 _rand2 = 2 + random 4 _rand3 = 8 + random 8 _blast1 = 0 _blift1 = 0.145 _bnum1 = 60+random 20 _bcol1 = 0.1+random 0.05 _pos1 = [(_pos select 0)+((random 1)-0.5),(_pos select 1)+((random 1)-0.5),random 0.5] drop["cl_water","","Billboard",1,4+random 1,_pos1,[0,0,0],1,0.185,0.14,0.25,[20, 50 + random 10],[[0.195, 0.163, 0.029,1],[0.175, 0.14, 0.019,0.75],[0.205, 0.183, 0.039,0.5],[0.205, 0.183, 0.039,0]],[0,1],0,0,"","",""] {_pos1 = [(_pos select 0)+((random 1)-0.5),(_pos select 1)+((random 1)-0.5),random 0.5];drop["cl_basic","","Billboard",1,6+random 10,_pos1,[0,0,0],1,0.185,0.175,0.25,[_x+ random 10,30 +random (_x*2)],[[0.295, 0.263, 0.129,0.70],[0.295, 0.263, 0.129,0]],[0,1],0,0,"","",""]} forEach [7,12,18] drop["cl_basic","","Billboard",1,15+random 35,_pos1,[0,0,0],1,0.185,0.145,0.25,[25+ random 18,40 +random 35,30 +random 40],[[0.295, 0.263, 0.129,0.7],[0.295, 0.263, 0.129,0]],[0,1],0,0,"","",""] {_pos1 = [(_pos select 0)+((random 1)-0.5),(_pos select 1)+((random 1)-0.5),random 0.5];drop["cl_basic","","Billboard",1,_x+random _x,_pos1,[0,0,0],1,0.185,0.14,0.25,[20+random 10,20+random 15],[[0.05, 0.03, 0.016,0.75],[0.05, 0.03, 0.016,0]],[0,1],0,0,"","",""]} forEach [6,7,9,15] #1 _pos1 = [(_pos select 0) +random 30 -random 30,(_pos select 1)+random 30 -random 30,0.5 -random 0.5] drop["cl_basic","","Billboard",1,5+random 10,_pos1,[0,0,0],1,0.185,0.15,0.25,[12+random 10,14 + random 10],[[0.295, 0.263, 0.129,0.65],[0.295, 0.263, 0.129,0]],[0,1],0,0,"","",""] _count1 = _count1 + 1 ?(_count1 < _rand1): goto "1" #2 _pos1 = [(_pos select 0) +random 25 -random 25,(_pos select 1)+random 25 -random 25,0.5 -random 0.5] drop["cl_basic","","Billboard",1,5+random 15,_pos1,[0,0,0],1,0.185,0.175,0.25,[18+random 15,21 + random 17],[[0.295, 0.263, 0.129,0.65],[0.295, 0.263, 0.129,0]],[0,1],0,0,"","",""] _count2 = _count2 + 1 ?(_count2 < _rand2): goto "2" #3 _blast1 = random 0.10 _pos1 = [(_pos select 0) +random 25-random 25,(_pos select 1)+random 25 -random 25,0.5 -random 0.5]; drop["cl_basic","","Billboard",1,5+random 5,_pos1,[0,0,0],1,0.185,0.155,0.25,[5+random 8,15 + random 24],[[_blast1, _blast1, _blast1,random 0.65],[_blast1, _blast1,_blast1,0]],[0,1],0,0,"","",""] _count3 = _count3 + 1 ?(_count3 < _rand3): goto "3" #4 _count3 = 0.7 + random 0.15 -random 0.15 _sx = random 5-random 5 _sy = random 5-random 5 _pos1=[(_pos select 0)+(_sx),(_pos select 1)+(_sy),2+random 2] drop["sutr2","","SpaceObject",1,10+random 5,_pos1,[(_sx*5),(_sy*5),(13 + random 12)],0,_count3,0,0,[1+random 2 -random 2],[[1,1,1,1]],[0,1],0,0,"","",""] _blast1 = _blast1 + 1 ?(_blast1 < _bnum1): goto "4" ~ 4 deletevehicle _object exit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djukel 0 Posted February 5, 2005 Thank you it is much better now! Maybe I made new an effect from this script to shell and mortar explosion too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djukel 0 Posted February 11, 2005 Dynamic grass for IBM Dynamicgrass_plugin required addon: uwar_grass Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted February 13, 2005 Does the AI Even take into consideration the grass? Otherwise it's like a pretty obstruction to hide AI that can see you just fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted February 13, 2005 i think djukel is working on an update.try this for a quick fix: ..disable "Airstrike" in "Soldier tactics_west.sqs" file or use SU39 aircraft for west side too. To do this You should replace "GMR_F15b" for "GMR_su39b" and "GMR_MK84" for "GMR_fab500" in soldier_airstrike_west.sqs file.hope it´s ok to quote that   or rename "Vit_Usa_F15b" to "Vit_Usa_F15a" in airstrike_west.sqs Thank you! It seems working so far. Quote[/b] ]Other addons must stay because this mod wouldn't exist without them. Most of it can not be substitute with default BIS vehicles or objects Ha! So much for essential. If changing one of those essential addons to something else works just fine. I'm going to BIS this mofo up.  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebns72 0 Posted February 13, 2005 I'm kinda confused as to how to set this up...I read the readme and it says you have to name all these units something...or...err..(I'ma noob). Or is that optional and I am missing something? Anyone got an all-set ready to go version, or can someone walk me through how to set this up? :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djukel 0 Posted February 13, 2005 Does the AI Even take into consideration the grass?Otherwise it's like a pretty obstruction to hide AI that can see you just fine. In default settings grasses are destroyed therefore AI easily can look and shot through them. If you want to use grass as cover change lines in "build_grass.sqs" -> _die = true to _die = false Or you can use random settings if change lines in "build_grass.sqs" -> ?(_die): _v setdammage 1 to ?(random 1 > 0.5): _v setdammage 1 Quote[/b] ]I'm kinda confused as to how to set this up... Tell me where did you stranded exactly? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
subfaction 0 Posted February 16, 2005 this sounds great, but there's a ton of posts to go through before finding the approprate info, can you update the 1st post to include all the info and download links please? cheers .sub Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djukel 0 Posted February 16, 2005 this sounds great, but there's a ton of posts to go through before finding the approprate info, can you update the 1st post to include all the info and download links please?cheers .sub Check the first post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites