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Free Textures

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HI, does anyone know a good place to get free, uncopyrighted textures?

Ones that you are free to use to make addons with no strings attached?

There's a certain look that fits in with OFP and anything other stands out.

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Thanks! I did search but obviously my wording was incorrect! lol

Can't find any camo on there sad_o.gif

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Can't find any camo on there  sad_o.gif

Well,camo is isn´t a texture smile_o.gif

Try search camo on military pages

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No can't find any good ones. Where do you add on makers get camo textures from? Do you make them? If so, with what?


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Well,if you cant find good texture,then you have to draw it...(photoshop:) )

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Which type of camo do you need? I have 40 different types of camo in ORCS collection, all in 1024*1024 "cycled" format.

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A prime source of information to base your camouflage textures on is:

Henrik Clausen's camouflage site

This contains a lot of large clear pictures of patterns from all over the world and useful links to other sites with collections of camouflage clothing.

Using textures taken directly from photographs often does not work fine when viewed in OFP. As many other textures have a drawn feeling to them, the texture would look 'off'. Therefore on can better trace the photograph with the absolute minimum of colours to create a background (eg four for US woodland). The resulting hard edges can always be slightly smoothed afterwards, but not too much as otherwise converting to paa or pac format can give unexpected and unwanted results. This background may then, if the size is not large enough, be duplicated and pasted together to form a larger area.

The result would be a very flat texture, but preferably you would want to reuse that background for a variety of different textures, all of which would require different areas to be darkened or lightened. For that purpose it is best to add another layer. Black and white templates with creases and folds can be added on top of the background camouflage pattern and the layer set to multiply the colours and then finally flattened. Alternatively one can use the colour burn and dodge tools to create shadows and highlights, but if you plan on making more than one set of uniforms, it is worth considering to put some time and effort into creating standardised templates for the cloth creases. Such templates are included in the BAS infantry kit, but these are for Resistance civilian style rectangular texturesto cover a single body part, not the original OFP setup where up to three or four pictures were used for a single body part.

The colours should initially be matched closely to the photograph, but in my experience should be darkened considerably if they are to give the same impression in game. As a rule of thumb making the tga textures around fifty percent darker in a photo editing program is never far off, and adjustments can always be made afterwards to taste.



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Sorry if this topic is a bit old, but are there any free texture sites with textures for buildings, such as skyscraper glass panels and stuff like that? smile_o.gif

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