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Looking for some Airboune troops

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Hi there.

So, I'm going to be attempting to make a mission where you play as a Airbourne trooper and have to capute an area. Now I am looking for:

A modern 82nd Airbourne addon.

And perhaps a good aircraft to jump from. (will use c-130, HAWKS otherwise)

Also I would like to know is it ever possible to re-texture or re-design the parachute to be a bit more detailed. (for example like the Americas Army Parachute)

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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there aren't any good modern US airborne troops

this is the only i know of and its a cwc one

82 airborne


and i don't know what kinda planes are used by  airborne troops but this is a nice galaxy

Look for the C-5

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BAS delta/rangers as well as HYK modern u.s. infantry will work as your airborne troopers, also there is HAWK's C130 which will parachute your men. The 82nd airborne patch is located in the bas delta rangers package.

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arkengle, your download link doesn't work for 82nd.

Thanks for the info on the 82nd patch BoweryBaker.

Now, could anyone recomend some weapons that sound quite accurate, i.e. new m16 sounds. (again i will use the AA example) biggrin_o.gif

And what do people think about the parachute idea?

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Yeah, I have been wondering about that too, along with chutes. Someone needs to really improve the current chutes because they suck (IMO the ones in america's army are very realistic). I don't think there are any, or any truly improved chutes-the most improved I have seen are from FDF, but that just adds a few new features.

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The Marine Assualt Pack uses weapon sounds from AA...although it dos'nt fit OFP very well (Specialy m16/m4 sounds)...but thats just IMHO.

I made some of my own sounds for diffrent guns and they fit perty well...if you would like a try them, just give me a wack (PM). But I went more for "interpratations" rather then realism.

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the marine assault pack doesn't use sounds from AA...inquistors does tho. and the marine assault pack has the m16a4 which isn't the current standard issue weapon.

as for weapons, i recommend INQ's weaponpack.

also, for airborne troops-best you could do is some airborne rangers or just use hyk's modern inf.

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I think i will use the BAS rangers with 82nd badge then. I was wondering how hard it would be to re-do the chutes, because all you need to do really is open up the BIS one, and add a new texture. if some one could find how to open it, i may have a stab at doing a texture for it.

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There should also be some new animations for chutes when you hit the ground-that was one of my fav parts of america's army.

make sure you get INQ weapon pack-just do a search on google for it. I also belive ORCs made some U.S. airborne rangers that are pretty good.

Inq's weaponpack uses america's army sights and sounds...it seems to be what you are looking for.

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Yeh they aer very good, but i am confused on how to install them a bit, anyhelp would be apprecited. Whats the config for etc.

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Tell you what, forget that above, lol. I shall post anouther parachute topic for it to be disscused in.

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Im actually working on some Airborne troops but they wont be done for awhile how soon do you need them PM me if you want

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For aircraft I would highly recommend Adammo's (aka-Capt. Moore)'s C-130v2. It's textures on the outside are not quite as nice as Hawk's C130 however Adammo's C130 flys MUCH better, the interior is very well done, and in the crew section it has a realistic layout with the navigator's "bitch seat" in between and behind the pilot's and co-pilot's seats.


As for realistic weapon sounds, the JAM M16/m4 sounds are not that unrealistic. I've fired the M16A2 many times and the sound is rather close. Not perfect, but still reasonably close....better then the default BIS sound at any rate.

The BAS Rangers use the JAM weapons by the way.

As for parachutes, the FDF chutes are NOT what the 82nd airborne normally uses. Steerable chutes are generally used more during HALO or freefall operations which generally is done by Special Forces units and not in large scale operations such as those conducted by the 82nd Airborne.

The chutes used during normal airborne operations are not terribly different then the default parachutes in OFP. Sure, the textures could be slightly better, but still they aren't terrible.

When you make your airborne mission, one thing you might want to also include is a pathfinder team inserted via MH-60 or a small special operations aircraft of some type.

More info here:


and here:



Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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There's been alot of talk in this thread about chutes and im not sure if anyones mentioned the steerable parachute addon that is out for ofp. just look on ofp.info's search box for steerable parachute.

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Again...steerable chutes are NOT used during normal airborne operations. But if he wants to use them he's certainly entitled to do so. It wouldn't be realistic however...but probably kinda fun.

Those steerable chutes are better for Special Forces missions.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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He doesn't mean steerable as in square HALO chutes, he means steerable as yanking on the strings of a round chute and shifting your weight in one direction to get it to slowly turn. Download america's army and play some of the airborne maps, you'll see what he means.

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the marine assault pack doesn't use sounds from AA...inquistors does tho. and the marine assault pack has the m16a4 which isn't the current standard issue weapon.

Uhhh yes it dose...go listen again, but what ever.

Theirs also a M16A2 in the MAP pack the code for it is "c8xm16a2" (for JAM "c8xjamm16a2").


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I think HYK modern u.s. infantry is the best addons for us airborne units.

Hawks c130 is realistic too! For the weapons i would use earls m4s because the 82. airborne doesn't use m16s anymore. they use m4s with acog-, aimpoint, or relfex-sights...

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Yes ebns72 has got it exactly there! biggrin_o.gif But then really all thats needed on them is a new texture. I will probably use ORCS Rangers. Does anyone know if their arm patches can be changed to 82nd?

I will use HAWKS C-130 because i want the lights in the back really, and it uses exactly the scripts i want, i just have to work out how to use them. smile_o.gif

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Yes ebns72 has got it exactly there! biggrin_o.gif But then really all thats needed on them is a new texture. I will probably use ORCS Rangers. Does anyone know if their arm patches can be changed to 82nd?

I will use HAWKS C-130 because i want the lights in the back really, and it uses exactly the scripts i want, i just have to work out how to use them. smile_o.gif

I play America's Army biggrin_o.gif

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