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Far Cry military modding

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I dont understand how you say Far Cry has bad physics compared to OFP, Baron.

Do you speak vehicle wise? Or object?

Yes, the vehicle game phyics in Far Cry is very strange. Mostly when driving trucks, they seem to drive alot like Joint Ops vehicles which is unrealstic.

But if we are talking overal phycis, I would say Far Cry takes the lead. OFP does have some very fun physcis. I like stacking barrels ontop each other with the setpos initilization, and then slamming a tank directly into them.

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Far cry has better object physics (barrels etc) - but they are still very simple. The soldier and vehicle physics are not very good.

It's all very simplified.

Mods for the engine are still limited by the engine. Red Orchestra is very good, and about as realistic as the UT engine can get... but the UT engine is not the Far Cry engine.

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I just tried the demo and it was quite fun.



The graphics are very nice. The change of music is kind of interesting as well.

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wait till you set enviroment on high and have weed underwater...  wink_o.gif

i think that a Flashpoint mod for Farcry would be great, it's just the question about how choppers and tanks would be drivable.... sad_o.gif

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Oh there was some weed there, but the fish didn't seem to like it, and i wanted a fish picture rather then a weed picture :o)

Anyway, could an urban map work in the crytec engine? I would really like to play some kind of a mafia/Gta inspired mod. Is there any semi easy way to control cinematics when editing? Any info lads?

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Well, Far Cry hasn't got the collision-detection problems plagueing OFP, so an urban mod would work, I bet...

As for making an OFP mod for Far Cry, well, I'll be damned if I at least won't try to make a new Jungle Everon!!! (Based on Ebud's great version wink_o.gif ).

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The engine does not have as good physics as OFP, or many other games.  It's just not that good.

You must be ironic. Try pushing a barrel down a cliff or why not a set of steps, watch it hit every bump and stone, and if you are a bit lucky you might hit someone down there, they get knocked to the ground by the barrel and mangled as it rolls over them. Then try it in ofp...

And if we are talking for example helicopter physics, they helos dont use very much physics in far cry, because they are mostly scripted. Why? They are not controllable by players, so lots o' physics would not be needed. And if you want helo physics, shoot one down from the sky and watch all the bits fly around and hit people in the face. tounge_o.gif

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We have to wait until 3DS MAx 6 pluggin is up. (U may have already discussed this).

Anyway, I am into it.

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I find the vehicles to go a little too fast and furious in Far Cry. You need an open area to really drive one easily.

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Quote[/b] ]You could say its realistic, but then you'd be totally wrong.  Its not realistic at all.  Its like quake on a beach. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing; its just not realistic/ suited for making a realistic mod.  The physics are too simple, the weapon code is too simple, etc.

Fact of the matter is. A lot of stuff can be modified for Farcry, I've made my own single player mod for it which makes the game a bit more on the realistic side, in terms of physics, for players, bullets, health and armor values, passthrough values for various materials. The scripting language you use to edit farcry is somewhat akin to OFP editing and it took me a few hours to get the desired effects.

I'm not super scripter but I'd like to eventually see someone rewrite some of the ai so that enemies don't run around strafing and firing guns with pinpoint accuracy, so they use single fire and actually take time to aim. Which will make my realism mod a bit more fair, since as it stands with my mod. The ai can get hard to deal with. Which is another thing. The ai isn't all that revolutionary as it alleges in the videos. It's not -that- dynamic. To make a level with all those dynamic responses, you do actually need to work some. You can't just put a guy down in sandbox and expect him to do all that.

However once you start playing. You realise it does have all the basic AI properties -any- future game should have.

For example if you leave a vehicle unattended in a gunfight and it has a large gun mounted on it. You'd think the AI would take advantage of this. Or at least hide behind it. Which they do in Farcry. It's this basic stuff which is essential to making a good small scale squad based shooting game.

Quote[/b] ] The physics are too simple, the weapon code is too simple, etc.

I have no idea what you're talking about there. FC's physics are by many orders of magnitude more complex than OFP's.

The vehicles might be a bit arcadish, but as far as the capability to simulate a realistic vehicle, Farcry has a lot more potential. Sad but true. When driving over rocks or up hills you can gun the accelerator and actually feel the vehicle jump as if it were switching into a lower gear to climb up the hill or feel it accelerating to climb over that rock. They do however represent two extremes. OFP cars are far too stiff and rigid. Whereas Farcry cars are more the opposite. Still however it takes slightly more advanced technology to simulate the latter, which should make striking a balance between those two extremes easier with FC.

Now that the SDK is out there really isn't any limit to what you can do with Farcry. They can rewrite the actual game code so really if someone wanted to put the work into it. They could make FC the close/intermediate range squad combat game OFP should be.

Actually I can only hope that BIS makes OFP as easy to edit as FC is.

Because FC is a mainstream game. You're not going to get a lot of people really focused on realism. Most of the people I've talked to are just your typical FPS dummies.

So I've had to do all my modifications by myself.

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Well, Xezon is both active in OFP custom-stuff making as well as in Far Cry (he made a nice civvy Hummer 2 for it, if I'm not mistaken). AS for me, this little extract from Malden represents my first map, and I tell you, from the original Malden PDFs to a greyscale bmp without grids or altitude "rings", and with all objects and roads etc removed, it took me more than a day to make a workable heightmap... now I'm off to smoothing out the heightmap and redecorating it so that indeed it'll look like them small islands from Jungle Malden... I'll stick to mapmaking for now, in terms of Far Cry modding... and after I finish this little thing, I'll jump on Jungle Everon! (At least I'll try... tounge_o.gif ).

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That's a great idea, Buzzard smile_o.gif

Can you push it a little give us Nogova or even AEC?

That be very cool, but I understand it would be alot of work though.

I'll happily make missions on your terrain smile_o.gif

I tried making some terrain, but found I simply don't have the gift to make believable terrain, but missions and objects-placement except vegetation is no problem.

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I could have opted to make some islands out of my own imagination, but I thought that my first effort should also be dedicated to this community, so that something of OFP also exists in Far Cry (there are already BF1942 maps, Ghost Recon maps, heck, someone even did the Aztec map from Counterstrike for Far Cry!!!).

As I said, my next effort will be to make Everon - and that for a good reason. I first decided to make this "parcel" Malden island because of the scale - maps in Far Cry can only be done in pre-determined sets of scale. This one is made as 4096 x 4096, with a unit factor of 1, which means the map will have 4096 x 4096 meters of dimension. I took this size because I was able to approximately dimension the islands to their size in OFP, in which they are at their widest part about 3400 meters wide, and about 2700 meters long at end points.

Now, large maps in Far Cry need a lot of RAM... the larger the island, the more RAM you need... at least to create it. I've got a 2 bars of 333mhz 512mb DDRs sitting on a A7N8X Deluxe, which doubles the bandwith of those babies, but still I think it's hardly enough... I wonder if I'll be able to do Everon AND make it to scale, to mention Nogova, or the monster AEC...  crazy_o.gif Guess I'll just have to keep on going until I hit the wall!!! But whatever I'm able to accomplish, I'd be honored if it would be used by the community to make missions for!

Here's a scaled-down version (2048 x 2048) of the heightmap I imported into Sandbox, after spending more than a day with Photoshop, MS Picture Editor... but most of all, MS PAINT!!!  crazy_o.gif


image hotlink removed, too large for comfort scrolling this forum -Shads

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I'll happily make missions on any OFP-island you decide to create smile_o.gif

I bet I'm not the only OFP-addict wanting to do the same either.

We got to leave some OFP fingerprints in FarCry just to show who's boss biggrin_o.gif

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We got to leave some OFP fingerprints in FarCry just to show who's boss biggrin_o.gif

Couldn't agree more! biggrin_o.gif

Here's a work-in-progress picture... still in need of a lot of smoothing etc, and no objects have been placed so far... also I think I'll change the skybox of it, once I discover how to- have had hell with lighting so far, I've got 2 suns in the skybox, the first one and the new one! crazy_o.gif


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BUZZARD @ Aug. 21 2004,21:09)]I've got 2 suns in the skybox, the first one and the new one!  crazy_o.gif

One of them are unfortunately in the skybox-picture.

I don't understand why Crytek did it that way when the engine generates the sun anyway.

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Nice! Keep us update here Buzzard!  smile_o.gif

Roger that!

And here is another w.i.p. pic! Changed the Skybox to Carrier, which I think goes better with an open-area tropical setting wink_o.gif Unfortunately, I have both suns still there, the "fake" one being in the picture hiding behind clouds. Talking about clouds, I stinted a bit with the reflections of the water but it still has those white specled puffs of clouds reminsiscent from the first skybox! (or would that be sea-foam??) crazy_o.gif Anyway, also reduced sun intensity multiplier to 0.75 to give some better lighting ambiance. Also selected a rock layer for painting, with which I've recreated the rocks featured in the northwestern corner of the island... and now that I've got the lighting & skybox factors more to my liking, terrain smoothing can continue! biggrin_o.gif

Here's the pic!


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BUZZARD @ Aug. 23 2004,01:57)]I stinted a bit with the reflections of the water but it still has those white specled puffs of clouds reminsiscent from the first skybox!

You need to rebuild the thingymabob. I can't really remember exactly what it say but it goes something like this: regenerate terrain and water ...I think...

All water-settings are set in the environments-tab btw.

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I think this discussion would be better suited for FarCry forum. While we have no problem with a limited discussion of other games here, more detailed topics like this are definitelly not appropriate here.

Too offtopic even for offtopic forum.

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