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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

Korea... next?

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So according to BBC news 24, North Korea has probably been testing WMDs and chemicals on their own citizens (political prisoners.)

Are they going to be ignored, because they might put up more of a fight than the Iraqis? Or will the US prove they really do care about human rights abuses.....

No links found as yet. Will update when I find some.

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THis was actually brought up before the Iraqi War...

I think the answer we came up with is that the US will not take unilateral action due to the fact that N. Korea DOES have WMD and can reach California, but more importantly, important allies like Japan.

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Quote[/b] ]So according to BBC news 24, North Korea has probably been testing WMDs and chemicals on their own citizens (political prisoners.)

Are they going to be ignored, because they might put up more of a fight than the Iraqis? Or will the US prove they really do care about human rights abuses.....

No links found as yet. Will update when I find some.

Just waiting for them to cross the 38th parallel....

NK fooled Clinton by telling him that they will halt their nuclear program in exchange for some aid (energy) and easing of economic sanctions... crazy_o.gif

Does not North Korea have hundreds (thousands rock.gif ) of artillery pieces in range of Souel?

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its never gonna happen, and if it does, it WILL BE WW3. North korea is too much of an enemy for the bush to handle, like bush did with afganistan and iraq. it will be a full scale war, with an actual functioning military as an enemy....

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Quote[/b] ]So even the hardcore Bush administration supporters are admitting the gash they talked about invading Iraq due to human rights violations was bullshit? Excellent.


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You guys really don't understand war do you? The magnitude of a war with Korean would be many times larger than the current action in Iraq right now. The gulf war is a skirmish compared to what a war in korea would be.  A single land "battle" in Korea would dwarf every single American war combined (including both gulf wars)from the past 25 years.

    The American people (and Europe for that matter) are weak. They waver and lose resolve when there is as little as one dead a day. Imagine over a thousand in one day and maybe you'll start to understand Korea.  Really just contemplate that will you? Maybe then you'll begin to appreciate also how miniscule and small the war in Iraq is.

    Haven't you ever been told to pick your battles?

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You guys really don't understand war do you? The magnitude of a war with Korean would be many times larger than the current action in Iraq right now. The gulf war is a skirmish compared to what a war in korea would be.  A single land "battle" in Korea would dwarf every single American war combined (including both gulf wars)from the past 25 years.

    The American people (and Europe for that matter) are weak. They waver and lose resolve when there is as little as one dead a day. Imagine over a thousand in one day and maybe you'll start to understand Korea.  Really just contemplate that will you? Maybe then you'll begin to appreciate also how miniscule and small the war in Iraq is.

    Haven't you ever been told to pick your battles?

Totally puts perspective on this issue.

We already have troops on the borders and even then it is a very, scary situation.

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one thing i do know is that china dont want a war on NK to happen, not talking about "friendship" or "alline" bababa these kind of bullshiting gay stuff, but as the fact that NK is the last lines between western power and those commy fat bastrad so far up the Central Gov. , lossing it, they will come face to face to each other, and i think you are clear what will happen after that......

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im in the british reserves so i do keep an eye on these things, and all i can say is we went to war with korea , theres a good 75% i would not come back alive sad_o.gif , would seem kinda stupid since north korea already got nukes and if we invaded and they were on the brink of defeat they'd nuke us anyway crazy_o.gif

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A war with North Korea is way out of Bush crusades league.Unlike Iraq the country has an army numbering 1,2 million extremly devoted soldiers of which 60,000 are special operation,an air force that would up a fairly good fight and of course a capable weapons of mass destruction program which includes a nuclear arsenal.

Another issue is moral.A war against N Korea is every soldiers worst nightmare,something among the lines of what USSR was back in it`s times.

I myself am not worried very much.It`s obvious that Kim Jo Young is using his WMD arsenal as barganing chips,blackmail and to assure his regime survival because unlike what Bush claims the sad truth is that a WMD aresnal will actually keep your regime safe form crumbling regardless of how brutal and defiant it is.

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I reckon the deciding factor in whether the U.S. will go to war with North Korea or not will be who wins the Presidential Election.

If Bush gets in for another term id strongly beleive he'd have a swipe at them.


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I dont reckon he would go for em, he'd need to bring in conscription for a start, and it would be a fucking devasting war, i think the North Korean military would be relying on human waves to get through the demilitarized zone, and Kim il Jong II is probably mental enough to use whatever hes got if it looked like he was about to be unseated.

South Korea and Japan didnt like the tough talk Bush was giving before so i dont think they would be to happy to see a new Korean war.

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I would support a war against North Korea. They're enough of a threat to humanity that their removal would be worth the costs. Hell, I'd re-enlist to fight that war.

Of course, I'd prefer waiting them out and letting them collapse, but I wonder who would take over for the Great Leader (or is KJI the "Dear" leader?)

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Of course, I'd prefer waiting them out and letting them collapse, but I wonder who would take over for the Great Leader (or is KJI the "Dear" leader?)

There won't be anyone to take it over, there is almost no support anymore for Kim Jong Il. The only reason they listen to Kim Jong Il is because he is the son of the "father of the country" (Kim Il Sung). I have a very interresting article about it in a magazine, too bad it is only Dutch  wink_o.gif

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I think that we in the west are a bigger threat to humanity than NK will ever be and by attacking them we just proove my point.

Sure thousands of North Koreans dies every year because we do not act but many more people dies in Africa because of our ignorance. Spend the money on a serious and honest project for the development of Africa instead.

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it may just be a rumor, but i remember reading a couple of years ago that hes a total recluse and spends most of his time watching porn and dosent actually do that much in terms of running the country.

Gotta hand it to his old man though, he was smart, he never sent his kid overses to be educated like most dictators do, he's probably more or less detatched from reality.

I dont think the war would be worth it unless there was literally an immediate threat from north korea, the potential for civilian casualites in south korea, as well as possibly Japan and the U.S is to high.

If your an optimist you could hope that mabye North Korean troops would just desert or refuse to fight once they realised there just expected to run across the DMZ.

Also if the U.S went into North Korea, while still being tied up in Iraq, it would probably be a good time for China to attack Taiwan.

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Didn't NK say they'd use nukes if they were attacked? They'd just nuke the DMZ to clear the mines and break through, or use fuel-air-bombs which would have a similar effect minus the radiation.

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Hi all

Go back to sleep George Bush Jnr. and TBA would never attack NK there is No Oil!

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]Hi all

Go back to sleep George Bush Jnr. and TBA would never attack NK there is No Oil!

Kind Regards Walker


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yeah but theres been plans for a big-ass oil pipeline running through the country for years, and a deal got signed in Turkmenistan iin December 2002, thats why TBA was willing to do business with the Taliban prior to 9/11.

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Attacking NK is a NO-GO..bush jr is a f-ing idiot but even he isn't that dumb. We have less than 30,000 troops there this is a known fact to us and them, they have artillery that is in range of the SK capital and enough tunnels already into south korea to put the vietnamese to shame. Anyone who thinks different is simply fooling themselves. There is a reason NO U.S. president is willing to launch airstrikes to take out the nuclear threat posed by NK..especially now when we don't have enough troops to fight off a NK invasion which would most likely happen if we hit those sites suspected of producing nukes. Up until a few years ago my army buds thought being deployed to SK was a great way to see the world...what do they say now...HELL NO..but then again I'll all for sending any Bush hawks over there tounge_o.gif

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