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What shall I do

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Hi all, I was wondering if anyone would want any of the models I made to expand on and improve upon. I've realised I can't compete with addon and makers already out there and it would be too much effort for me to try so I am seeing if anyone would want the untextured models as a starting point or whatever?

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stop being such a pu**y, of course if theyve been doing it for years longer than you theyll be much better than you, but that should insppire you, not discourage you.

Keep at it, one day maybe theyll look up to you.


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Yeah but I can't be bothered to get better.

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Hi edejl,

I am sorry that you have decided to stop but as i said it is your call. I have had a change of mind and if you send me the models (without textures) then when i return from Germany i shall have a go at texturing them etc.


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Out of interest i looked at when my O2 was installed the other day.

August 22nd 2002.

You cannot expect to match experienced modellers in such a short time. Stick with it and you will get alot better. Thats a promise smile_o.gif

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Pathy, yeah I know but I honestly just can't be bothered. I know it's like I;m giving up but oh well lol. Sure Parker I'll send you the files now.

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Hi edejl,

Thanks mate and if i do get them sorted and maybe put a few on release in the future then you will of course get full credit for the modelling.

Maybe you will change your mind at some time and they will be returned in full to you.


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Parker, no need for full credit, after all without you expanding on them and improving them there wouldn't be a release!

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That's all fu.... wrong. That's bullshit. Don't assume you'll never be as good as others. Just be yourself and do best u can.

I am a modest person and I've seen a mind-blowing models that look like the real things. I know I can do better. So can u. Just put some work and passion in it.

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Gordy, my last comment i posted was mearly a joke biggrin_o.gif

If a person makes up their mind to not make any more addons then it is their decision and right.

I feel sad by the decision but i respect them.


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I also respect that. But I suppose it's taken for wrong reasons.

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I know but there I don't have as much passion for it anymore unfortunately.

Parker, would like to see all the progress you are making, unless it's secret.

Anyways I'm always here to lend a hand to anyone who needs it, doubt if they ever will though lol.

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That was mean.

i dont think so,

for someone who "just cant be bothered", i shouldnt have bothered wasting my breath, let alone disecting my words to ensure their politeness...

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What? Me not being bothered to make add ons is not harming or really affecting anyone else, but you didn't have to say anything so what you juts said is a load of rubbish.

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edejl, i'm pretty experienced with models and other things, even though i started october of 2003 building shiiet, i'm really good with weapons and some what with buildings. I'm also experimenting now with textures. If you need help with anything just pm me.


Combat Ready Moderator

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Hey, I'll still have a go at stuff to help people out and stuff but to make a full on pack isn't where my heart is, neither is my time.

But thanks

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