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Does OFP need an LCAC?

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BUZZARD @ Aug. 10 2004,13:44)]
..... this is an absolutely mayhem free addon, right?  I mean, after all, it's JUST a cargo carrier. tounge_o.gif

Sure Scrub ..... but it BRINGS the MAYHEM !!!! Mmmmhhhahhahahahahaa ...... *cough* *splutter* ... arh .. hmmmm .. sorry smile_o.gif

The "project"? .... with out saying too much ... picture a large 25km map ..... mostly water .... containing ~12 smallish islands, less than half with airstrips .... and we have the makings of a "Water World CTI" ® ....

So ... now you see where a LCAC comes in biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ][APS]Gnat Posted on Aug. 10 2004,08:01


Sure Scrub ..... but it BRINGS the MAYHEM !!!!  Mmmmhhhahhahahahahaa ...... *cough* *splutter* ... arh .. hmmmm .. sorry

LOL. My thoughts exactly... including the maniacal laughter/ coughing/ sputtering.

That was supposed to read: "Carriers don't kill people, the many TANKS CARRIED by the carrier kill people)

@ [ZG]Buzzard:  I don't believe we'll be arming the beast yet... but that's really up to Romolus and Asmodeus.  I said I'll support any modelling for this testbed, but would not want to put anything on anybody (beyond the basic function)  biggrin_o.gif

And, I have not seen any images on the mountings of weapons ( I assume they are just pintle mounted in the forward corners behind the safety rails)

Let's see where this goes..

p.s. Gnat have you recieved a PM??

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Hi all,

 As a project update, Asmodeus has the model for texturing.  However, I haven't had a reply from Romolus in about 3 weeks. sad_o.gif   At the time he was going strong, and had made much progress on the LCAC.  I hope all is well with him.

 For the project's sake, I've contacted Col. Klink to see if he would like to pick up the scripting if Romolus is unable.  

If anybody has info, or contact with Romolus, please let us know how he is doing.  Thanks.


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Keep forgetting to update the thread. crazy_o.gif

Heard from Rom the other day. His life seems to be a bit hectic ATM, but is still on the job. He's come up against a few engine limitations and is looking at work-arounds. I'm busy working on functional ship models for the community, and Asmodeus has the LCAC model for texturing. So progress is ongoing!

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Are there any plans for smaller version of the hovercraft, y'know like the ones used by the RM or Bond in die another day?

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Well, I could model one up, but the LCAC seems to be quite a challenge to finish. If someone would like to take the model, I'd make it for them.

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Hi all,

Just PM'ed the crew to see what's up. Hope to hear back soon. Will keep you posted if I hear something.


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Sorry Guys,

No word back from Asmo or Rom. I'm buried at work. However, after Oyman confirmed for me that 3ds textures move to O2, I'm still plugging away at getting the beast skinned. There's always hope!! tounge_o.gif

Again, Rom found several limitations that I'd like to say can be overcome with some heavy-duty creative thought.

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Most seriously

If you cant make it carry up to 4 tanks and drive on clear land aswell, then no.

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Are there any plans for smaller version of the hovercraft, y'know like the ones used by the RM or Bond in die another day?

The Griffon 2000 TDX(M) wink_o.gif

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Most seriously

If you cant make it carry up to 4 tanks and drive on clear land aswell, then no.

Huh? Didn't get that... Vehicle loading scripts have been put to good work on helis and airplanes sofar... as for ships being able to go on water... hmmm... one could probably put them as amphibs... anyway I've been able to maneuver (slowly) on land with boats...

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Romolus has proven the F1 raceboat config did an admirable job of 'allowing' the AI to go ashore quite well (~100M) , but they desire to travel in the water. Seemed perfect. Now if any of us get some time to WORK on it. crazy_o.gif

Textures going on slowly. but they're happening. getting into using surfaces to replace some of the 3d solids and therefore reduce the polys and add details - like the cabin interiors.

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Scrub old chum ....... whats happening with the beast ? ....... I'd hate to see the work lost.

If work has definitely come to a holt then maybe the community could pick up from there ..... I know I love to have a go.


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This pic was taken by the driver of a new full featured typical of my kind of ships USN Tarawa, who unloaded the cargo of tanks, m113s and driving off with this LCAC away from the ship.

After waiting 2 years and fans demand, i decided to do it and will be completing it after 2 weeks. Stay tuned, will be releasing it in the next few days. smile_o.gif

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ok there is another name writen on my "which come first" list of the almighty OFP

(the model and texture look "simple" to me, but its OK i guess)

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Hey, great work!

Seems the US Navy is getting reinforcements... smile_o.gif

Sounds good.

But I didn't really get it: Will you release both Tarawa and the LCAC?

And if so, is the LCAC fully working (especially the movement on land)?

If not, I got an idea: how about using the floating script Martin used on his Bell206 and defining the LCAC as a car? Then you could drive both on land and water...

Well, just an idea. Don't blame me if I explained it wrong, I actually have no idea of scripting biggrin_o.gif

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ok there is another name writen on my "which come first" list of the almighty OFP

(the model and texture look "simple" to me, but its OK i guess)

You crazy rock.gif

In my opinion they look great and they are pure unedited pictures and still look great to me wink_o.gif

Also they LCAC will be if I am not wrong be able to carry vehicles wink_o.gif

And the Tarawa will be able to land and walk on it  wink_o.gif

Also you say the model and textures look simple please show me some of your work rock.gif

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Dont blame me if the textures arent that great, unless someone can get about 300 usuable pics of the tarawa, no angle shots, only the top, front and sides - clear qualities types.

Tarawa and LCAC released together, its all navy stuff. You can carry cargo on the ship, both human and vehicles and once reach your destination, you can drive away any vehicle from ship or you can leave it empty if u want. All vehicles and humans can drive and move around onboard ship. 2 levels of bridge deck, 1 main deck for choppers/harriers and one big long cargo deck - all with no problems on LOD.

LCAC can move both on land and water, unlike M113 where on land they can move fast but on water, sluggishly. This LCAC moves on both land and water fast or slow as u wish.

Slated for release before end of next week - now undergoing beta tests and minor touchups.

Can someone tell me whats the VBS LCAC like? I havent a copy.

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