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Hand & Eye - Coordination test

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Not to complain as I have a relatively strong heart but this can actually be damagaing to ones health.

As a practical joke I showed a similar "test" to a friend a while ago and she literally fell off the chair and told me she felt like her heart was being stabbed.Hours later she continued to tell me on a very serious tone that she couldn`t get the picture out of her mind and was very mad at me.

I am an advocate for good jokes but this can be harmful for more sensibal persons.

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Seems like it was revealed already. I love these biggrin_o.gif The adrenaline spike is always so fun biggrin_o.gif Though like quicKsanD said these ain't funny at all to some people.

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Not to complain as I have a relatively strong heart but this can actually be damagaing to ones health.

As a practical joke I showed a similar "test" to a friend a while ago and she literally fell off the chair and told me she felt like her heart was being stabbed.Hours later she continued to tell me on a very serious tone that she couldn`t get the picture out of her mind and was very mad at me.

I am an advocate for good jokes but this can be harmful for more sensibal persons.

Here here. These stopped being funny a long time ago if you ask me. About when my girlfriend literally wet herself and refused to speak to me for three days because I made her do one  crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Seems like it was revealed already. I love these  The adrenaline spike is always so fun  Though like quicKsanD said these ain't funny at all to some people.

I know I know.. I will be wearing those "old-people-diapers" When watching flash movies from now on.

Or maybe not..

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Forget the slashdot effect: Flashpoint forums gonna nuke your site...


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same error here bastler,and when in the fuck is his local time?

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same error here bastler,and when in the fuck is his local time?

i guess its dutch (.nl) and its 23.33 right now  wink_o.gif  


EDIT: so u just need to wait 27 minutes tounge_o.gif

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OMG! crazy_o.gif

A friend that just stood next to me just got unconsious!

OMG crazy_o.gif

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I thought that was funny as hell!


More like some funny sound to use in MP than something to scare people. rock.giftounge_o.gif

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Ok, I havn't checked out the link yet.

But I was suspicious the second I read the title of this thread.

After remembering that "Color vision" test, I am NOT going to do this one.

I don't know what happens to this one, but I really want to know.

Can someone explain it to me?

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Bleeding eye pops up with some shitty sound

(turn off your speakers, you wont get scared) wink_o.gif

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i've seen better smile_o.gif

actually when i saw it i was just.... "not this again!" , it barely hit me what it was! biggrin_o.gif

the one i got scared of was some relaxing love song until.... well... that wasn't a screech bot a ROAR! with those eyes really up... showed it to a friend my me... suddenly she was "offline" for the rest of the evening rock.gif

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Bah, that was terrible! Ohh an eye!

I suppose if you have 100% of your concentration on the flash program its worse, but as long as you have a small portion of 'awareness', its not a problem.

People wetting themselves and having heart attacks? Ha! These must be the same people who think a bomb has gone off when a door slams shut! This will thin out the numbers a bit.

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This shit is getting so old.

They're funny first time and maybe twice if you're retarded but after millionth time someone posts same joke it's just annoying.

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These things get so old.

If something like this is a .SWF file I know off the bat when there is a part I need to concentrate some freak is going to scream with a dumb looking zombie or something on it.

and as for that coppy that floppy video, whatever idiot made that video as no idea what he's talking about.

"welcome to the end of the computer age"

my ass

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