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SASR Sabre

Australian SASR

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I am sory I have to say this but that is problery one the ugliest M4's I have seen and I don't understand, earls was usable so why change the skin??? to something like this which look like a 64x64 textures. sad_o.gif


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sorry guys. the project is going pretty good at the moment should be too long now.

@stgn- sorry.

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We're working so hard one these units, 2 man team can get it done. It shouldn't be a long wait tho. I'm currently putting final updates on the units and fixing up some minor config problems. Anyways dudes, must get back to it!

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Hey all, Its been a while i know! We are still at work on em and i promise they won't be to far away. We feel that its ok to just take it easy now coz the core work is done. But anyways we'll keep ya posted.

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Ok, Fresh news, I got a teaser to be uploaded!! Just waitin for Sasr Sabre to come on! People ya will need BAS Delta/Units, and the last of the ADF mods Infantry units. Anyways Ill keep ya all posted.

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Heads Up Guys! The units will be released in the next few days! Just doing final touches! Ill keep ya all posted! wink_o.gif

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Hey Punks! LoL, jks! Ok its been like a week, sorry dudes. Been waiting for my partner to get back from being away. Won't be long gents/ladies. Sorry again! Adios

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iimmmmm back smile_o.gif and seem to be goign on msn at the wrong time lol havent seen you on skeg man tounge_o.gif

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