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Pappy Boyington


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someone posted in the 3wo thread about this "mod" called black burned steel

i headed over there to see what they had

and i found. .. this!



the downside is the addon and site are in german

the good news is it only takes about 3 brain cells to figure out how to use it  tounge_o.gif


Feuerwerk (Vulkan) = Volcano

Feuerwerk (Rakete) = Rocket

Download Here

this is super fun smile_o.gif and super easy to use. even thou the command is in german. . .when u walk up next to it, and theres only 1 option, its obvious that you choose that tounge_o.gif

burning fuses, custom sounds, random colors, tons of fun

Readme: translated into english



Feuerwerkaddon © 2004 by [b.B.S.  Cpt.--|Snake|-- & [b.B.S.  T_D

Explanation: some full operable fireworks, it are is that here an Addon with 4 different fireworks.  (Rocket, volcano, battery, Fontäne)

for each Addon, only a handle becomes to generate necessarily around it in the editor no Scripts, no triggers only the Addon.  

Featuers: - Sound for each Addon - 4 different Addons - Zufallsscripte for color and repetition rate - rockets

start - ignition effects (ignition cords)

Installation: all *. pbo in the Resistance Addonordner copy (z. b.  To find OFP/Res/Addons/******.pbo) the Addon is under

EMPTY - [b.B.S.  Objects]

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .  

In reference, questions or stimulations send a mail or write into the forum!  

Mail: webmaster@blackburnedsteel de homepage: http://blackburnedsteel.de

Mfg [b.B.S.  Cpt.--|Snake|-- & [b.B.S.  T_D

Sunday 23.05.2004 / 20:40 clock

how to get it to work via trigger

Quote[/b] ]



Would command:

[objekt] exec "\bbs_feuerwerk\bat\batterie.sqs" <-- the battery starts immediately

[objekt] exec "\bbs_feuerwerk\font\fontaine.sqs"  <-- the Fontäne starts immediately

[objekt] exec "\bbs_feuerwerk\vul\vulkan.sqs"   <-- starts the volcano immediately

[objekt] exec "\bbs_feuerwerk\rak\rocketstart.sqs"  <-- starts the rocket (with burning ignition cord)

[objekt] exec "\bbs_feuerwerk\bat\luntebatterie.sqs"  <-- starts the battery (with burning ignition cord)

[objekt] exec "\bbs_feuerwerk\font\luntefontaine.sqs" <-- starts the Fontäne (with burning ignition cord)

[objekt] exec "\bbs_feuerwerk\vul\luntevulkan.sqs"<-- starts the volcano (with burning ignition cord)

objekt = here the name of the Addons must there, that should start

PS: i checked and this wasnt posted yet  tounge_o.gif

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LOL - Very cool addon! You guys don't stop to amaze me tounge_o.gif

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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exec via

[This] exec "fireworks.sqs"

(makes a firework display)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_work = _this select 0

?_this select 1 : goto "fuse"

_array = ["feuerwerk1","feuerwerk2","feuerwerk3","feuerwerk4"]

_count = (count _array) - 1

_maxwait = 10

_x = 0

_fuze = 2 + random 8

[_work,true,_fuze,"\bbs_feuerwerk\rak\rocketstart.sqs"] exec "fireworks.sqs"


~1 + random 1

_type = _array select random _count

?_type == "feuerwerk1" : _Fuzedir = "\bbs_feuerwerk\rak\rocketstart.sqs"

?_type == "feuerwerk2" : _Fuzedir = "\bbs_feuerwerk\bat\batterie.sqs"

?_type == "feuerwerk3" : _fuzedir = "\bbs_feuerwerk\vul\vulkan.sqs"

?_type == "feuerwerk4" : _Fuzedir = "\bbs_feuerwerk\font\fontaine.sqs"

_xx = (getpos _work select 0) + 40 - random 80

_yy = (getpos _work select 1) + 40 - random 80

_firework = _type createvehicle [_xx,_yy,0]

_firework setdir random 360

_fuze = 2 + random 8

[_firework,true,_fuze,_fuzedir] exec "fireworks.sqs"

_x = _x + 1

?_x <= _maxwait : goto "lp"



_fuze = _this select 2

_fuzedir = _this select 3


[_work] exec format ["%1",_fuzedir]


These are awesome!

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how does that help.............

It won't help you. It was simply a suggested addon in a similar category.

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still dont get how to make them start without lighing them manualy rock.gif

no problem i uploaded a mission with a special firework show for you

i wrote up the script and timing myself

it may get a lil laggy but dont worry about it. . its just for show  smile_o.gif

Download Here

this script will shoot off 20 fireworks(rockets) and 4 fountians. . .you may need to walk down toward the west a bit after the first 2 fountians go off so u can see the other ones (due to lods)


edit: avonlady how does a topic with a broken link to what apperes (from the replies) to be a story about cancer causing food help answer his question about how to launch fireworks. . ..or link to "another addon" ? rock.gif

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edit: avonlady how does a topic with a broken link to what apperes (from the replies) to be a story about cancer causing food help answer his question about how to launch fireworks. . ..or link to "another addon" ?  rock.gif

It wasn't meant to answer his question. I was referencing another addon that might go well with fireworks. Nothing more.

I wasn't aware that the link in the other thread was broken.

I AM INNOCENT!!! crazy_o.gif

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Great addon!!!

But i've got a problem sad_o.gif When ever i launch a rocket, just as it gets to the point where it explodes, OFP crashes back to windows..... someone please help!!! sad_o.gif

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Here it works fine. Can´t help you ...

Great addon, especially for me, because I like phyrophoric stuff...hehehe


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Fun addon wow_o.gif

Why wasn't this released in 30th desember 1999 smile_o.gif

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Guest [B.B.S.] T_D

This is my first post here in this forum and the first things i want to say:

-I am german so my english isnt very good, sry for that


Lets come to the Addon. I am very suprised that you like it so much and we think about to translate it into english. How would you find that?


This problem occured when you dont have version 1.96. I dont know but it does. So you have just to patch you version to 1.96

If you have other questions, ideas or you have found bugs please post it here, so we can try to solve the problem.

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the only problem i have with it

is in MP it operates clientside only

so if my buddy and i are in MP and i set off a firework. . .he doesnt see anything. . .if he launchs one i dont see anything

other then that it works fine smile_o.gif

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Guest [B.B.S.] T_D

I dont have tested it in Mp but you are right. The drop command, which creates the firework is lokal and have to run on all Computers. But i didnt thought about that. Maybe i will update the pack, so you can use it in Mp and maybe i will translate it wink_o.gif

Damn this is a very terrible english. I hate myself therefore. sad_o.gif

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T_D @ June 14 2004,17:31)]I dont have tested it in Mp but you are right. The drop command, which creates the firework is lokal and have to run on all Computers. But i didnt thought about that. Maybe i will update the pack, so you can use it in Mp and maybe i will translate it  wink_o.gif

Damn this is a very terrible english. I hate myself therefore.  sad_o.gif

ive seen worse my freind

your doin just fine. we can understand what your trying to say smile_o.gif

and an english version of the addon would be nice but if its too much trouble then dont worry about it. like i said it doesnt take much smarts to figure out the translated version smile_o.gif

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Guest [B.B.S.] T_D

Lets see.

We have planed great things.... muhahhaha biggrin_o.gif

But Top Secret  blues.gif

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Very nice addon! I'm going to try it out now. I'm back after a long absence [ I thought I was banned but it was just browser-log in trouble]. unclesam.giftounge_o.gif

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